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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hah, yes, I was going to agree with Steve's post, but thought it would seem egoistic and cancelled, not completely it seems!
  2. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The seller is Martin Platt so take his grade with a pinch of salt. He generally ups ALL grades by at least 1 full grade if he can get away with it. He also uses acetone quite frequently on copper. He's recently changed his ebay name from *country*cottage*interiors* which is actually his wifes ebay id, his was *classic*british*coins* Only EF and showing the suspicious uniform, light 'caramel' colour which suggests possible dipping.
  3. Your E1 HC was/is beautiful, I wanted it, but definitely the next level! Thank you....its currently in auction next week Good luck! I hope it all goes well for you!
  4. Just out of interest, does anyone know where the Sixpence ended up?
  5. and C1 HC are also more affordable too... Agreed, I love mine, it isn't perfect by any means but clear enough and I find myself transported back when I hold it, since I have read that they would be a typical weekly wage for a soldier at the time During the Civil War, a halfcrown was the daily rate for a cavalryman who had to keep his horse as well as himself. A foot soldier was paid less, but variable depending on the weapons supplied. At the beginning of the war he might have been paid more than a shilling (Byron is noted as paying 1s3d in the early days), but as time progressed that rate came down to either 8d or 9d. It was always a case of supply and demand and business-like once the initial euphoria of raising troops to fight for the just cause had subsided. The troops were not however paid on a regular basis as shown by the troops returning from Ireland in the winter of 1643 who had not been paid for two years. Pay arrived when you found a suitable opposition supporter's house to plunder, or the local population acquiesced to the levy imposed - never a foregone conclusion.Once the land was in turmoil, the fee could have easily been reduced without opposition, on account of 'what can you do and where do you go' in such a country and, what a great war policy too that 'you get paid boys' once we take this target! Horrendous times, the poor old commoner!
  6. Coinery

    Noble Sale 104

    Honestly, Garrett, I have asked this question so many times! What other industry has a license to print money like this? Their income depends upon big hammers...they are human! I truly hate leaving top bids! Edit: I wonder whether the transparency??? of live online bidding would actually suit some houses? We all go on about those auctions rooms who have yet to join the digital age...I wonder if they've calculated that they are better off just as they are, thank-you very much?
  7. Your E1 HC was/is beautiful, I wanted it, but definitely the next level!
  8. That's when hammered coins have the magic for me, Paulus, when you think of a Royalist Soldier walking our counties, all those year's ago, just for one of those coins! Amazing stuff!
  9. Would make a fine collection!
  10. Good strategy Sword. Take time to learn what's average condition and what's not. Then when you spot something particularly pleasing .. go for it. Unless it's a Chas I shilling of course! I have a feeling that my first hammered will (eventually) be an Edward VI shilling or Chas I halfcrown. Hopefully, VF, full flan, nice portrait and well struck A C1 HC is a proper chunk of silver, something to hold, a lovely series of coins! The E6 shillings are certainly pretty, but ordinary by comparison!
  11. Most of the things I want range from £50-£1000, with £100-£500 being the normal range for me! There is a clear 'next level' above the £1k spend, at least in my area of interest! I can mostly buy up to the shilling range of E1, and could sometimes stretch to a low-grade halfcrown/crown! However, I'm saving the larger denominations and Elizabeth gold for a future better time, as a fine HC does not really interest me...I'd prefer a staggering shilling or threefarthings instead!
  12. Coinery

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Oh, no, curry surely?
  13. Coinery

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Yes, indeed! Feast well and be happy!
  14. I think collectors AND dealers have a vested interest in price guides remaining vague! A case in point would be say the hammered coinage! It wouldn't be too hard for a price guide like Spink's to add footnotes to each number. Example: the 6th issue sixpence of E1 covers 18 years and 10 mintmarks and, as we have recently seen, a 1599, AND other dates/mintmarks beside, can fetch some silly money compared to their kin classified within the same Spink number! If a numerical grade was possible (which it isn't IMHO) and a catalogue was in existence that said S2578 F65 VF240 with footnote 1599 Anchor X multiples thereof, etc. etc., where would the experience and knowledge of those who have discovered this information through many hours and great endeavour, stand? How could say someone like me progress through a particular series and discover the rarities and hard dates, and still manage to acquire them through wit and knowledge (when fortune favours), if joe down the road can tell me the rarity of any given date for the Elizabeth series, and put pressure on the market for them? It must be the same for every specialist interest anywhere! If you remove the incentive to become expert in a field, by replacing them with a finite catalogue, with it would go the opportunity to afford that which interests the expert and true collector in the first place. Edit: just read your posts mhcoins...welcome aboard!
  15. Coinery

    Noble Sale 104

    Browsing over auction lots is one of life's greatest pleasures, especially when the final price still remains uncertain!
  16. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think he meant to say UNCertain! Not a pretty coin, really!
  17. Coinery


    Billy Conolly, was surely the better version?
  18. Coinery

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    Taking into account we are all human beings, I think sensitivity in our communications with others is needed! You wouldn't meet your girlfriend's parents for the first time, or attend an interview, in muddy clothes, and there's a very good reason for this! I hope Dave takes your peace offering, as it would be a shame to see him jump ship on account of a silly couple of weeks!
  19. Coinery

    Any Ideas?

    It's silver, Rob!
  20. Coinery

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    That's very insightful of you mynki! Whilst BRG clearly has a very good eye for coins, and I would've enjoyed his positive contributions a great deal, I do feel that the forum's a lesser place for the tensions created by his personal vendettas against Dave! I'm confident all the regular readers (and I read everything, refreshing many times daily, always have) and contributors (new included), will have picked up on the truth of the matter! Don't leave, Dave, it would be seen a defeat! I hope you do have a happy thanks-giving, BRG, you have superb coins, as I've repeatedly said, but you'll need to change tack, as your posts have strained what is a great forum!
  21. Coinery

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    For what it's worth I also got the impression there was an agenda, and a prolonged period of childish goading, no matter how politely done!!
  22. Coinery

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    An' me avatar is wee better lookin' 'han yours twa. Hah, indeed! Ole Liz does at times look like she could take your arms off I do confess!
  23. If you say so!!Do we need to continue this in members only, Paulus? lol, can we avoid being moderated in there? Doesn't look like it! I wondered what was going on!
  24. If you say so!!Do we need to continue this in members only, Paulus?
  25. You can see how it would be easy to get into trouble with such a woman! http://www.morninggloryantiques.com/imagesJC/PhotoLadies/VctJa.jpg