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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    'illustration purpose only'? Why? I hate that! With the effort put into the multi-image photo he posted, he could've got a half-decent photo of his ACTUAL coin!
  2. Dave'll be straight into the ovals and CARA pieces! Alas, I was hoping to snipe a few more nice pieces before there was too much competition! ME???? Re-arrange the following words to make a sentence : "bolted" "horse" "after" "it's" "good" "door" "no" "shutting" "stable" "the" "has" "the" :lol: I've come over all strange at the recent interest in hammered farthings. So much so, that I darn got confused about the perpetrators (?spelling) of the gold rush. It wasn't YOUR fault at all Peck (nor mine, ahem), but that dang gourmet Peter and his sidekick, Paulus! Without which, Dave would still be pondering the 127 varieties of sausage he might have with his dinner!
  3. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Does anyone really pay for a coin that's titled 'unknown and yellow'? Dave's probably won it with that fancy, zero-feedback, Swiss eBay account he's got!
  4. Oh, FCUK! Now look what you've gone and done Peck! You had to go and tell Dave about it, didn't you! You'll enjoy it, it's the farthing series laid bare and easy!
  5. Tim mentioned his addenda to me previously and as a result I tried to obtain a copy from Galata but alas got no response...would you willing to do me a copy and I will cover your postage costs and a pint? Hi Colin, PM me your address and I'll get the 2010 update over to you. I'll put it in with your Christmas card, so no charge for postage! There's also a 2012 addenda, not yet integrated into the 2010 document, though Galata are due to do this sometime soon. I have this as a word document if you want that one too? Nice compliment earlier in the thread...thank-you!
  6. Coinery


    I've also just ordered a book and a new digital caliper. Does anyone have a copy of Challis 'Tudor Coinage' ? And well done for posting at 12:12, even if it was on the 13th! Ahh, yes, at 12.12 on the 12th month of 2012. I'm a genious I am, an absolute genesis!
  7. Dave'll be straight into the ovals and CARA pieces! Alas, I was hoping to snipe a few more nice pieces before there was too much competition!
  8. Hah, just noticed...happy 2nd birthday, Ski!
  9. Does it still have 'no stop after DEI' in S3516? Yes. The items within 3516 are unchanged, albeit the prices a little higher. Thanks, Nick. Doesn't quite tally with an email I had from spink's a couple of months back, but hey ho!
  10. The genuine one has the 180 degree! We'll get it sorted eventually!
  11. Coinery


    I've also just ordered a book and a new digital caliper. Does anyone have a copy of Challis 'Tudor Coinage' ?
  12. What's going on, Paulus, no competition please! Lion RAMPANT Lennox type 4 S2680 [c] I had this one in my watch list as I thought it might be counterfeit...I never had time to sort it out, so it went by! Tim Everson in his latest adenda to his 2007 book has a newly discovered example listed of a Lennox 4 'lion rampant' counterfeit [EXR] Will get the PC out later and have a look! Brilliant, thanks Stuart! I see it in my Spink copy now ... be nice to know if it is counterfeit, half hope that it is! It just caught my eye, glad you weren't bidding too! I like to have a smattering of other examples to go with my milled silver! Alas, it's certainly not a 'known' counterfeit! The counterfeit had missing colon stop after HIB (no space for it apparently)! So, Lennox Type 4 (1622/3-1625) obverse 2, reverse 2 - Everson 48b, BMC (Peck) 103. Importantly, it should have a die axis of 180 degrees. Welcome to the world of hammered copper! A very common type by the looks of it, I'll confirm the die axis when it arrives ... thanks again! Actually, I've just noticed from the images that it IS 180 degrees! Bet you never thought you'd get excited about a coin being a possible counterfeit? For ease of use, and as a great catalogue all round, I can heartily recommend Everson's book...especially if you are going to start scouring the 'bay for the rarities! Not sure if any of the dealers on here have one but, if not, you can get a copy here if you're interested? http://www.galata.co.uk/store.asp?storeAction=showDetail&stockID=1136&stockMasterCategoriesID=8
  13. What's going on, Paulus, no competition please! Lion RAMPANT Lennox type 4 S2680 [c] I had this one in my watch list as I thought it might be counterfeit...I never had time to sort it out, so it went by! Tim Everson in his latest adenda to his 2007 book has a newly discovered example listed of a Lennox 4 'lion rampant' counterfeit [EXR] Will get the PC out later and have a look! Brilliant, thanks Stuart! I see it in my Spink copy now ... be nice to know if it is counterfeit, half hope that it is! It just caught my eye, glad you weren't bidding too! I like to have a smattering of other examples to go with my milled silver! Alas, it's certainly not a 'known' counterfeit! The counterfeit had missing colon stop after HIB (no space for it apparently)! So, Lennox Type 4 (1622/3-1625) obverse 2, reverse 2 - Everson 48b, BMC (Peck) 103. Importantly, it should have a die axis of 180 degrees. Welcome to the world of hammered copper!
  14. What's going on, Paulus, no competition please! Lion RAMPANT Lennox type 4 S2680 [c] I had this one in my watch list as I thought it might be counterfeit...I never had time to sort it out, so it went by! Tim Everson in his latest adenda to his 2007 book has a newly discovered example listed of a Lennox 4 'lion rampant' counterfeit [EXR] Will get the PC out later and have a look!
  15. Let's find out, then! Hope I'm not too late - but that looks like an obvious cast replica. I think you're 99% right, I'll let you know 100% very soon! This would be the first hammered sixpence I've seen, so worth having, if only to mark on my die template, against it's original, that 'crude copies are known to exist of this die'! I will be discussing a partial reimbursement in the likely event of a forgery exposure, or a return with full-reimbursement! After I've got it's vital stats and a nice picture, of course! So, there it is...a 1566 portcullis sixpence of Elizabeth is also 100% on the counterfeit list! I'd prefer to keep it, as long as I can renegotiate a price, otherwise back it goes! Camera's coming out tomorrow, so will put a few pictures up. Nothing to worry about for the hammered boys, this one is not going to catch anyone out! Nowhere near as convincing as the Mary groat. Next coin of interest is that Elizabeth milled sixpence, that one could stir it up a bit, though the obverse on it is a little corroded/pitted!
  16. Does it still have 'no stop after DEI' in S3516?
  17. That will be interesting for Rob (unless he is involved) And when they split the hammered away we will be getting somewhere. As long as they don't sub-divide the hammered section further! We don't want everyone knowing which of the coins within a Spink number cataloging are the rare ones! Heaven forbid!
  18. I know this one's a little more corroded/pitted, but it would probably have been good in its day I reckon.
  19. It doesn't really leap out at me, but I agree the reverse devices look soft/mushy. There do appear to be a few pin-pricks, but they can also exist on the genuine article, so not conclusive. Also, I've had a couple of these earlier crowns, where the ends of the legends have faded/disappeared towards the rim. The edge looks weird (seam-like), however, though I'm assuming this is the cut-out software, rather than the coin itself. For me, just to put some reverse psychology on it, if I was wanting to buy it as a good-quality counterfeit, I wouldn't get too excited about it until I had it in hand!
  20. It's not all £4 rose farthings! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JAMES-1-COPPER-FARTHING-SPINK-2681-IRISH-OVAL-RARE-/150962335881?pt=UK_Coins_BritishHammered_RL&hash=item23260e7089
  21. I've just got hold of a copy of the Everson book, can anyone suggest any extra reading to supplement this book and series? Apart from sniping the 'bay, where else would you look for these coins? I realise that for the most part they are too low in value to get single-lot recognition at the major auctions, so maybe coin fairs? Any thoughts?
  22. http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/img.php?a=129&l=1759&f=r&s=l here's the small garter star!
  23. Coinery


    It annoys me above all things! I had absolutely no graphic/photography knowledge until I bought a camera and a piece of software at the start if this year. I'm absolutely no expert at all, I don't understand the functions on the camera, and I can do nothing other than pull my hair out if a computer does anything remotely unusual, yet, multi-million pound organisations can't even get their excrement together enoug to turn out a half-decent image for their customers! I go on about it all the time...what's the point of a TPGS image that doesn't even allow you to ID the coin in hand! Absolutely rubbish, shocking service! Hmmmmph! There! Got that off my chest!
  24. Coinery


    no certainly not....as i said, pics dont reveal the finish. I think that CGS should try harder with their photography. In most cases their photographs don't allow the viewer to verify the grade or the variety, which given the nature of their business is a bit of a faux pas. Couldn't agree more!