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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Christmas Sixpence 2017

    I think this is one of the better of the 'novelty' offerings from the RM I quite like it really! ?
  2. Coinery


    They just need to lob off two-thirds of the legend, THEN it would look authentic!
  3. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.galata.co.uk/store.asp?storeAction=showDetail&stockID=6511&stockMasterCategoriesID=8 enjoy! It's a wonderful record of Elizabethan coins!
  4. Coinery

    Edward Silver Penny

    Brilliant! Great work following this through! Dave's extremely passionate about coins, a great contact! ?
  5. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The biggest joke about this Elizabeth replica is that it's mostly called a sixpence! And I might be feeling a little bit unsympathetic tonight (OK, maybe a lot), but anyone that wants to buy an Elizabeth sixpence with that bust stamped upon what is a so-called sixpence coin, that looks like a plastic/pewter threepence, really needs to get their act together. make sure your first £30-£50 spent on Elizabethan Coinage is on BCW's Elizabethan Silver Coinage book. Once you own and read this book, the pewter coins we see everyday on eBay will trouble you no more! WARNING - if you buy this book, you'll be hooked...enjoy!
  6. Coinery

    Few recent finds

    WHAT a breadth of material too! Coins I could never sell!
  7. Coinery

    Fake Edward Farthing

    As part of a search for Edward I copies, I came across this...Caught my eye because I've seen these online and not identified them as copies! http://hammered_farthings.tripod.com/counterfeit/index.htm
  8. Coinery

    Fake Edward Farthing

    Blimey, that's a spectacular coin!
  9. Coinery

    Edward Silver Penny

    Something to consider when thinking that something is worn is that sometimes (often/mostly) the metal doesn't always fill the design on the dies, leaving details that can sometimes look worn, when you could in fact be looking at an as-struck hammered coin.
  10. Coinery

    Edward Silver Penny

  11. Coinery

    Edward Silver Penny

    I've got one here with Clive's Historic Coinage (.com) as the reverse legend, very well made! ?
  12. Coinery

    Edward Silver Penny

    That would be the first place I'd be looking! It's not contemporary with the Plantagenets.
  13. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    We'll make 'em, you list 'em! 50/50 ?
  14. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    Christ, dying his hair at 8...poor you, John! My boy's 9 and fortunately things are still agreeable at home, so it's a lot easier to guide him. He went to a 'big school' open day the other day and came back with a 2p he'd electroplated 'gold!' Got me proper thinkin' it did! ?
  15. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Thinking about it, with an ID like that it could be an alibaba coin, hence the dodgy images too????
  16. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    People make millions even talking about blogging! Quite a good site, actually! https://problogger.com/ You also talked about limited interest in coins (at least I think you did, can't quite remember), but you only have to look at the number of coins for sale on eBay to see there's enough people out there. Even the people selling rubbish that they've gathered from old uncle Jim's estate have probably tried to look something up on Google! Anyway, apologies, John, didn't mean to crash your thread (probably done your video hits some good, ironically)
  17. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    That's hit the nail on the head rob! People create pages on blogs that might only generate 50 hits a year, but it's only taken them a 200-500 word article to create. Those pages might (should) have leading links of other points of interest, then the site gets 2 page hits from its visitor, and so on. basically, these guys write thousands of pages for their sites, and you can do the maths! I think I've said to you before on here about the material you've contributed on here (just look at the views). The sweet spot in blogging or vlogging is to generate specialist niche pages of interest so they can generate regular visitors (this is what the 'give us your email' is all about). Equally, generating viral pages through social media links is also the way to go. The ads on web pages are no different to YouTube, you simply insert a little bit of code or a widget to automatically appear on your pages, and then you forget about it and get down to writing, Google (as one example) serves the ads and does the rest, namely they then transfer the money into your bank account! People make millions at it!
  18. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The photos are shocking, giving it a sheen that makes it look potentially polished? Great edge, though, and from what little of the detail I could make out, I'd say it was better that VF to be honest. Nothing you'd want to shell out nearly £700 for though, certainly not based upon those images!
  19. Coinery

    Half groat ID

    Sept 23rd was the date of my 50th...and fortunately I don't remember anything that occurred on that day! 50 just doesn't sit right with me! ?
  20. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    Check out these guys! I've followed their blog for years, out of sheer amazement if nothing else. I know it's not coins, but they're doing alright, and I really like them. Have a look a the stats, and then just browse their site from their homepage...nothing fancy, but it works, and serves to demonstrate a point! https://pinchofyum.com/category/making-money-from-a-food-blog
  21. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    Nothing wrong with any medium that aids to convey one's point, I 100% agree. However, I'd say your motives would be different if you uploaded a video? john used a number of terms in his video that made me feel he wasn't new to numismatics, and that made me wonder what on earth he thought someone who had some basic insight into coins would get from it?
  22. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    Lots of people make lots of money from monitizing platforms like you-tube and others! Building a following in niche markets is extremely profitable when hits start reaching the 100's of thousand mark. This is precisely why we can google how-to's for anything nowadays, from changing a bulb in a 20 year old caravan fridge, to building a space rocket in 10,000 easy steps. The sites and how-to videos that are genuinely useful get a lot of traffic, and traffic is money! Vloggers are the new cash superstars!
  23. Coinery

    New Member -- 1887 Coin Collector

    Blogger! Fair play, but a blogger nonetheless. Wishing you well, John, but it's not for me! ?