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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Yes, you get a much better sense of the tonal quality in the images taken with the E2 penny! I think it's come up really well!
  2. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Given they can't even give a reign, where did they pluck that figure from! Hopeful? Gotta love eBay! 252028974667
  3. http://www.sherv.net/chef-emoticon-1243.html
  4. Coinery

    Proof sets 2000 - 2007

    Sorry, Nuts, not my area, but hopefully someone will know?
  5. Tee Hee...never a dull moment on here! Where you been, Rooney?
  6. Coinery

    more FAKES

    We must have posted at the same time...will have a proper look at this later!
  7. Coinery

    more FAKES

    Oh, dear! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/William-111-crown-coin-1695-/321803575891?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4aecfce253
  8. Learning new things about it all is what keeps us going on here, we're learning every day! All the very best to you, Stuart
  9. I have an other lot of those 1820 sovereigns , but i may hold on to them for abitDealer paid a very good price for them , received some good advise from a few on here , but when it comes to selling i think il look into properly as i did with 3 i sold , good job i didnt jump straight in and sell to those who made offers , id have been a good 400 light In some respects your statement is not fair, as we all had some poor pictures to work from, some which were just taken from the net! £400 over three coins is not a lot, especially if the person you sold them to had the privilege of seeing them in hand?This is the old problem of trying to make a financial judgement on images alone! You have to cover yourself by a small margin to allow for the details you can't see in an image, that could easily drag the resale value down by £600...what would you do if you were speculating on a grainy picture of a replacement car, which was due an MOT? Glad you got a result though!
  10. Spot on! My instinct is you shouldn't worry, there's nothing about it that jumps out! And with that weight, we'd all be in trouble if that's a copy!
  11. Nice one! Hope you got something out of coming on here? Don't forget us the next time something nice comes your way!
  12. It's also got that spurred edge on the reverse from 12-4 O'Clock, I always like to see that pressing through my coin flips!
  13. I'm not certain the G5 acorn reverse 6ds are quite so easy in UNC as we might imagine? Not so easy to find them ticking all the boxes! I only ever had ONE that I thought to be a prize, and that came from Manchester!
  14. I doubt there are very many on here who could advise on the notes? Peter dabbles I believe? Mostly the two don't go together, strangely?
  15. The first looks nice! Around AU for me! Leave the other...no point in having that! Edit: just as a disclaimer, I'd certainly buy it at GEF any day of the week!
  16. I think he spends some time in Durham still? Not sure of the exact details???
  17. And thinking about it there's Clive in Durham? http://www.historiccoinage.com And John here: http://www.argentumandcoins.co.uk
  18. I think any dealer/collector on here would likely want to do that too?Thanks for bringing it to the table, though...interesting coins!
  19. I'm not buying coins myself at the moment, but you might tempt a couple on here to contact you directly? Good luck with it all! Not sure who's up Newcastle way?
  20. Aren't these all repeated links to the same pictures? The gold looks quite good from what I can see on my phone?
  21. Some of the gold doesn't look too bad to be fair! I think you will still need to do better with the images to get the best price from an online transaction. It might be worth meeting up with someone? What part of the country are you in?
  22. Beautiful coin! Why is it an LC image?Cause I couldn't get iPad to uploaded keeps saying to big , the 1820 says on paperwork n unc lus and mine looks as its new better than photo from London coin , I have bank notes etc tooNot a good strategy! It's pictures of the original coins that people will need to see to make a judgement!Are the other images of the Matt sovs taken of the actual coins?
  23. Beautiful coin! Why is it an LC image?