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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    Mr R Sleeker? How long has that been there? You crack me up!
  2. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    My problem, Peter, is I'm only regurgitating what's already been discovered, I haven't got a jot to add to the numismatic world! Ok, so I've found a couple of unrecorded dies, a few unrecorded die-pairings, etc, but that's to be expected from any primary study. Truth is I've found nothing that comes close to blowing the establishment, just a couple of updates for BCW and Everson, all pretty tame really.
  3. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    Not good at all, Peter! Glad you're back home and returning to the comfort of this good ole pre-decimal forum! Just a medical hic-up, you'll be fine. Get your girls running around you like they've got greyhound moccasins on! A nice bit of fly-fishing on the lochs, now that'll bring your BP down nicely! ;-)
  4. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    And at what point does an article BECOME a book, Rob?
  5. Just out of interest, what's your cut on this, that would make your project more attractive to sellers than the conventional route?
  6. Just revisiting the new design from an artistic/composition perspective...I think the thistle should've been placed a couple more mm to the right, just for balance of the overall design!
  7. I think the minting of millions is far more cost effective than that of a small-scale counterfeiter, who'd also have to pay-off/involve a lot of other individuals in order to keep the operation secret! I'd be surprised, especially with the 'tricky' legend, if we ever see any convincing counterfeits of this coin? I can see the next step...advice coming out that makes it clear and easy for the general public to spot a counterfeit...followed by a couple of high-profile bank cases where the CF coins are neither accepted or replaced. I reckon we're all going to be surprised at how effective this new design will be in foiling the counterfeiters! Get your regular pounds stashed away now, they'll be recalled very soon I reckon?
  8. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    Cor, you ARE da man, Mr Pearce!
  9. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    Wow, that's an amazing freak of a coin! Blimey, you don't get many of those to the pound! That'll shake Peter out of his bed!
  10. It'll be the first bit to wear off!
  11. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    I've had a persistent cough since Boxing Day! Went to the GP a fortnight ago, had blood tests and an X-ray the following morning...now here's the excellent bit, I had a text confirming my chest x-Ray was clear that same afternoon, less than 5 hours after I left the hospital! That's what I call an awesome service! We do have to remember though that the private work of a lot of the consultants does bring in revenue to the NHS hospitals as well!
  12. I like it too. Got to pacify the Scots somehow, even it that means giving them a micron higher relief thistle!
  13. That's the big problem though isn't it? Ultimately, you have to dip your toe in the water!No-one could ever describe the colours red or blue to someone who's blind!
  14. Understood! Nothing's easy in coins! It would be no fun at all if it was too easy...he says, not quite sure about the truth of it?
  15. Coinery

    Felt unwell

    Crickey, hope you're OK Peter? That all sounds very strange, surely not connected to your diabetes, not diet-managed type 2 at least? Your chemistry must've been all over the place if they were testing you that regularly? Any further tests, or are you sorted now? Stay safe, Stuart
  16. I'm stumped then! Have you done a big Internet trawl for further images? I'll have a surf around later this week, it's interesting...AND hammered, so must be worth a couple hours of browsing!
  17. Looks the same on the laptop! I'd feel reasonably confident (?photographs) in saying that the lustre has long since gone on this one, just some residual stuff around the devices? I can dig the Peck out tomorrow, but I'm sure you'll get a full attribution well ahead of then. They are lovely coins, I prefer them to the bronze issue.
  18. I'm going to have to get the laptop on!
  19. Gosh, you'll have to forgive me for this, Paul, but that looks like it couldn't possibly have a smidge of lustre left? Is that a really bad photo, or are the surfaces as abraided as they appear in the image? I hope you don't mind me being frank?
  20. Another point, isn't that little drop-tail off the end of the proposed C part of the additional punched in shape? It certainly looks as though it could be, which would negate a C?
  21. OK, so sharp/angled or flat, they tend not to be knobbly, if it's a punch intended to be a letter?Something is definitely, and consistently, going on with this punch, and the findings will be interesting, whatever they are? I guess there's little point in me trawling the net for new images, as I'm sure you've already covered that one off?
  22. My main concern re it being an intended letter, is that it doesn't have a flat top, at least not before it wears flat? In the top row (no. 1), the beginnings of the shape is clearly knobbly in appearance, with the C only looking progressively C-like, as it wears flat in pictures 4 and 6. Definitely high-grade examples will be needed to be found! Is it a possibility that a second punch was cut to repair the broken pomegranate punch, and maybe refresh old dies?