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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. John Stephenson always seemed to have his finger on the pulse with modern silver, I'd definitely buzz him about it if it's a possible genuine? I'm guessing you wouldn't be flagging it up here unless you had an 'odd' feeling about it? VS and Nick are also pretty on the ball with silver! Peck also has a pretty big resource and insight into G5! Keep us posted...I'm always interested in the material that sits on the fake fringe!
  2. How manipulative of them! 100, my arse, what a pointless 'circulation' mintage, when they are offering coins which they argue 'hypothethically' WON'T be circulation coins on account of their purchase price to the general public! So, general public go Oooooo, one of those, how much is it worth? Hmmm, you can buy a brand new one at the mint! Further edit: so bugger all! Further, further, edit: I'm tired of all this 'intelligent' marketing! My circulation collection will now end at 2014...like that ain't crazy anyways! Bye, bye, RM, from stuart!
  3. Coinery

    PCGS vid on coin grading

    Now we're getting somewhere on the big slab debate! Give it another few decades and the truth will out! Get your shares in pliers and acetone while you still can!
  4. Coinery

    PCGS vid on coin grading

    Bugger! I'd all but written a dissertation then, and my phone battery went flat! Probably a good thing? Anyway (briefly, now), I think point 4 is nothing without points 1,2 and 3! So, I was just about to break down my own values, based upon the remaining 3 points, when I realised that surface preservation was my most important feature of a coin, and deserved at least 60%...but then there was lustre? Well, that's surface preservation, in my humble opinion??? I gave up, then!
  5. Double struck edge lettering! Too many howlers for one coin! Also, a couple of features that highlight it...for example the stop after D of England wouldn't have been entered into the arch of the letter itself! Edit: sorry, the 'upright' of the D
  6. I think there's a tendency to think that you devalue the coin by being brutally honest? However, the types of collectors that buy at this level are hardly going to miss such a significant problem...why don't they just say it as it is!
  7. Coinery

    New member introduction

    And Davies!
  8. Coinery

    New member introduction

    Dave Groom's a member of this forum, and I know he openly offers a discount for members here. It would be worth sending him a message. CCGB belongs to Chris, the owner of this site and forum, as you probably know, so you can also get that direct from his homepage. Happy hunting!
  9. Coinery

    New member introduction

    Welcome aboard, Kev! My own personal preference between Raynor and Davies is Davies! Davies only goes back to 1816, however, but I do find it a gem from that period on. Groom has added a few extra varieties to the pot from 1900 onwards. Either way, get some pictures up as soon as you see anything interesting, as that's where it all begins! Nothwistanding the fact that these forum pages are probably the best education you will get in coins! Staggering amount of information!
  10. 4! The squiggles between the front legs are an eagle if you look closelyAh, an eagle! Yes, of course! Lovely to find ANY medieval copper in an uncorroded state! Very nice!
  11. I was just revisiting the sold lots on eBay and noticed this rare-mark CARO over IACO! A raggy edge, but worth a look, just for the subtlety of the reworked legend! 371179052232
  12. Coinery

    Hammered Copper Farthings!

    I'm surprised you didn't value it higher than the other one? I thought it was infinitely better.
  13. Coinery

    Hammered Copper Farthings!

    With all that tin on it, I didn't think it to be a detector find? Least not a traditional soil-found coin?
  14. Just thought I'd share this! The B in Britannia has either been repaired on the die (top and bottom), or a blocked die has been dug out as a quick fix? Either way, it would be easy to see how some of the worn examples of this die could start to look a little like a RRITANNIA coin? Might be worth saving the image, if you're a variety collector, just as a rule-out coin? 381141242626
  15. I'm not sure if my post was either written correctly, or read correctly? My point was this ISN'T a RR coin, it's nothing more impressive than a B with either broken top and bottom loops, or a filled die chiselled out. The reason for flagging it was that someday someone's going to come on here with a worn farthing, claiming a new variety of RR! It was my thinking that a record of this very clear repair could be useful to someone as a die record for any future comparisons/negations, etc.?
  16. Coinery

    Hammered Copper Farthings!

    Oooooooh, someone got that cheap! Colin? 191497832231 Original tinning too! £180 the other week, £80 this! Goodness knows how cheap it would've gone for if I wasn't the underbidder?
  17. Coinery

    1874 HPenny

    I love these big young-Vicky coins!
  18. Coinery

    1874 HPenny

    Just out of interest, was this an LC purchase? It's a lovely coin, but It's been very much contrasted out (if that's the right term) on the reverse right field! Only of relevance if it's an LC coin and we are maybe beginning to see a photographic bias on their part? Yet another conspiracy!
  19. Coinery

    Cleaned 1887 crown.

    Get rid, Goom! Too much money! That isn't the coin we see in the sellers photos, which, I may add, was probably not meant to deceive, just how photography works sometimes...just not a class coin by your images! Sorry!
  20. Coinery

    Spink book sale

    Cheers, Peck, I'll make that my first Roman purchase!
  21. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    If you cracked it out of the slab, you'd probably get £1.00 for it on eBay. If you recycled the plastic at your local tip, you might even cover the eBay fees?
  22. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This is special! Misattributed NGC slab! Cheap, though! On the obverse, am I seeing the pointed crown of a Type 3 Rose farthing, rather than the rarer Type 1 (S3201). Crown and rose proportions are all wrong for Type 1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/1636-44-England-1-4P-Farthing-Copper-Coin-S-3201-Charles-I-Fine-Dtls-Env-Dmg-AKR-/191173161427?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c82cef1d3
  23. Coinery

    Cleaned 1887 crown.

    I think the most important feature of goom's coin (regardless of how it's came about) is that there 'appears' to be no significant lustre in the fields! You can see some toned-lustre around the devices but, the tone that can be seen in the central fields, is not the luminous-looking tone you'd expect to see over big lustre, which a coin of this grade should be showing bags of! Then the question comes regarding how that could've come about and, most importantly, can you live with it? I don't know how much Dave paid for his, but I'd rather add whatever I had to to your £107 to have one like that instead? I'm thinking you probably would too?