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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. The tartan is only a duvet cover for the same sinister skin beneath (at least with the traditional top-end pipes)!
  2. When no one is looking, l drink it from the bottle!
  3. What's his uncertain mark?
  4. I wish, Rob! Would really enjoy your company, I'm certain! I'm convinced our paths will cross at some point soon, and I very much look forward to it! With fair warning I can stock up on a couple of nice varietal local ciders and take you up the Sharpness canal for Sunday lunch at Slimbridge or Hardwicke (new refurb going on there at the moment by a very good local businessman) to shake it all off!
  5. It's not the end of the world! Someone from the school has given me a small (2.5ltr )local 'sample' to try!
  6. I've just poured the last of my Frampton Farm Cider down the sink, I'm getting too carried away!
  7. Oh, God, do I? Feel like I'm facebooking now?
  8. Old Rosie is the best of the supermarket standard stock! I'm extremely sad to confess it blows Thatchers supermarket pop out of the water, on account of the fact I grew up with Thatchers when it was GREAT!We get lucky down here and, every now and then, get to have Old Rosie poured through a wooden tap at the back of the bar! I still prefer the home brew of the farms around here! They'll make up a thousand or so gallons a season and that's it! Around September it tastes lively and, dare I say, virginal? By February it's a very mature and unpredictable bitch of a drink, but divine! It's absolutely wonderful in its heritage, history, and creative potential. I do believe Thomas Hardy was rather fond of a hot toddy!
  9. Me too. Available in Switzerland the other day too. Always a good bet.Rhetorical question, but why do they make cars so small? Brought back 150 litres of wine and loads of sausage when visiting last August - and it's nearly all gone
  10. Coinery

    new 2015 coins

    Yes, I do think the sky scene is that of the Luftwaffe, representing the 'so few against so many'? It would explain all the wing and engine configurations! Still an appalling bit of craftsmanship or cost-costing at the minting stage if you ask me?
  11. Coinery

    new 2015 coins

    The general configuration is what made me initially think Dornier? http://battleofbritain.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/x003-2674-943-dornier-do17-hendon.jpg
  12. Coinery

    new 2015 coins

    Lancasters are 4-propped planes! I was curious about the flying single-engined fighter planes, perhaps they were ME109s? They're definitely not Spitfires, but could be hurricanes at a very imaginative push?I think the sky scene is meant to represent the Luftwaffe? Not sure though? Def two spits on the ground though!
  13. Coinery

    new 2015 coins

    Lancasters are 4-propped planes! I was curious about the flying fighter planes, perhaps they were ME109s? They're definitely not Spitfires, but could be hurricanes at a very imaginative push?I think the sky scene are meant to represent the Luftwaffe? Not sure though? Def two spits on the ground though!
  14. Weird. The interference at 1:22 had potential. A lovely bit of flower power in an otherwise testosterone packed performance!
  15. Hefeweizen for me please! That's my long drink of choice in Germany! Quality cider at home!
  16. The bagpipes are a singularly spine-chilling instrument! There's a piper who busks in Bath and Thornbury (Bristol), and I can barely walk by, such is the trance it sets me in! I love them!
  17. Always a series of texts back and forth across Europe when that occasion happens!
  18. The label "Made in Germany" was introduced by Britons Yes, I remember that from my interest in mantle clocks!
  19. You got away lightly - I married one.Mind you, from the organisational/household's point of view it was probably a blessing in disguise. It's difficult to argue that German engineering isn't better, I have to say!
  20. English... German.... joint ancestors, same cultural origin. A pity and tragedy that these two people fought two disastrous wars against each other. Britain is very popular in current Germany. My girlfriend is very anglophile, you should have a look into our flat... Union Jack, Tower Bridge, Twinings Tea, shortbread, scones & clotted cream, Take That... Only the Queens bust has to stay within the coin album good reply! I might just draw the line at Take That, though!
  21. Coinery

    coin dealers

    Out the dealer Might we see the images that sold the coins in the first place, before we hang the dealer?
  22. And there's me thinking that the English were the German favourites? I say this with smiles, having step nephews and nieces, and attending 2 German weddings!
  23. The city of York is an amazing place for a visit!
  24. Coinery

    unknown coin

    Not my area, but the quality of it would suggest some fun kind of museum souvenir or similar?