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Everything posted by Coinery

  1. Yes, I do think TG should change his name to 'crease me up' or maybe even 'been snipped'?
  2. Well lookie here, Monsieur le Paulus, taking another leapt up the old folk tree! Happy birthday, good sir, and many more of them to come! Edit: I love cale, or at least I love Kale, would make a great cake!
  3. Coinery

    CGS Grading again

    Do you know, what I find especially interesting about the pro-slabbers, and a few others come to mind, is the length to which they go to to justify and defend it as a practice! There never seems to be an 'each to their own' approach from the pro lobby, more a full-on 'thou shalt not go raw' and 'feel the fear', you need an expert here approach! You seem like an articulate and intelligent man, Marvin, so I'm hoping you can read this without feeling offended but, in sixty years of collecting, I would like to think I'd come to know the subject well enough to consider myself an expert? Some people need doctors to tell them they have a cold, whilst others come to know what a cold is and get it sorted, hey ho!
  4. And a jolly good name it is too, CT!
  5. Nor did he tell you what was his favourite pizza. What kind of a man is he? Likes dates on his, apparently? Very strange!
  6. Coinery

    CGS Grading again

    I'm guessing you're a fan of slabs, Marvin? Ah, well, to each their own! We've had endless debates about the pros and cons of it all, and end up getting absolutely nowhere! This would follow exactly the same path if I, or anyone else, responded to it! Viva la difference!
  7. Brilliant, has the same reverse as this one 301367223685 sold earlier...the obverse is too messy to compare! But definite copies! Edit: it shares the same obverse too, which means they are hammered from dies in this case!
  8. Just been looking over his stock and past sales! Here's another holed shilling he recently sold! 301367106048 Plus, he is selling another Lis shilling I haven't seen before, which he's sold repeated copies of, PLUS he's got an PM A shilling which also is suspect, I just haven't managed to cross-reference them against his other many shillings! I'm on the phone at the moment, but can anyone pinch the images before he removes them? I'd really like copies!
  9. Love that crime reference number response to his feedback moan!
  10. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What's interesting is the slabbed coin has detail missing that is present on the other coins...extra hair, crown arch break, eye detail, etc.? Either the resultant cast's dies were very neatly tooled, particularly in the region of the eye, or the slabbed coin is a later casting, after things have started to wear and block? Anyone got a good quality example of the H7 bust? I'm presuming there was only the one punch?
  11. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just realised the bottom right image is exactly the same photo, we've obviously looked at this one before! Edit: I can't find the thread, now, but I think we concluded it was either fake, or the mother coin of all the fakes out there? It looks iffy to me, however!
  12. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The coin with the hole in it was mine and made of pewter!
  13. Coinery

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Time to dig out my known fake image!
  14. Coinery

    NGC stabbing process?

    Yes, he loves correcting speling erors!
  15. Coinery

    CGS Grading again

    Protection from environmental damage is also debatable! We've had numerous discussion about locking away acidic fingerprint et al. on many occasions. You have to remember that encapsulation is still in its infancy...imagine all those poor people who, twenty years from now, are looking into their 'scratched cases' at etched prints and other ailments! I add scratched cases to make a point, that if you can keep the windows to your tombs all bright and clear, then I argue you can also keep and store a raw coin without damaging it!
  16. Ah, no, Rob, not you, you're barking! I was referring to your part in adding a balanced child to the pot! I've done worse than that, I've added 4 (relatively) balanced people. Mind you, one's an anarchist - still good for an argument though.
  17. Ah, no, Rob, not you, you're barking! I was referring to your part in adding a balanced child to the pot!
  18. In the words my daughter at the age of 4, 'Hello friends, I am here!'Never the modest one and always melodramatic, she has turned out to be a balanced, well mannered and sensible member of society. Who would have thought that? Sorry Stuart, don't do take away pizzas. Coffee is another matter. I can take the knock on the Pizza call, just from knowing there's another balanced individual added to the ranks! If that's the best we can achieve in life, we have lived it well! Apologies to you penny chaps...carry on!
  19. Coinery

    Ebay Global shite programme

    Can you opt out at any time without penalty?
  20. Coinery

    Ebay Global shite programme

    This all really stinks! I think eBay have finally got too big for their boots! People will revolt when the options arrive (not that it will come as a single organisation)! As with governments, people rarely forget being screwed up the arse! It's ridiculous to have secondary posting, how can that ever be cheaper in the long run? This is a classic case of soaking up the costs until the competition goes bust! We all know from the piss-taking restructure of the PO to capitalise on the eBay model that parcel postage is the mainstay of the Royal Mail. How they have played into the hands of eBay (watch your PO shares, unless the government steps in) because, if eBay pull this off, the PO are out of here, screwed by emails, and then eBay's world domination postal strategy! Very sad, as the prices will climb!
  21. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    When are you getting your 1933 penny washer, scott? If such a thing exists, I would back Scott as the man to fish it out! However, William Hill would only offer small odds against Scott...So, maybe he should find it, give it to me, we all place a bet on me as an outsider, share the pot, and go buy coins! Edit: very spooky, MR! Double edit: that's a shame, the new posting time is updated with the edit, when we actually posted in the same minute! Pah!
  22. Could be a few minutes before Rob gets back, he's just popped out to buy 2kgs of coffee and order a pizza for midnight!
  23. Coinery

    CGS Grading again

    On a similar note of seriousness, and I'm not being flippant, just select a couple of coins and send them off, it'll be peanuts in the grand scheme of things! The experience will answer most of your questions...it will solve experience, your own perception of quality, AND the CGS criteria! It's a small price to pay! The upside is you can then bark (maybe) on the forum, as slabbing is highly emotive, as you have probably guessed!
  24. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    We love you, Scott, the forum would genuinely be a lesser place without you!You have everything!
  25. Coinery

    Interesting Read

    What, Stolen by Rob? In every sense, YES!