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Everything posted by Chingford

  1. Chingford

    More Pennies

    Glad you like them, an interesting part of the model/Toy coin learning series, still in use at Schools today but in plastic and decimal denominations. David Evans produced a catalogue British Cardboard Coins from 1860 (Galata) back in 2004 documenting Cardboard coins he had found and collected over many years, due mainly to the composition, and the fact children were involved, most of the earlier issues haven't stood the test of time and are now quite rare, Partial sets dating from the 1930s up until to 1964, during which the number and types seem to peak, still turn up on fairly frequently on Ebay for a couple of pounds each, but the earliest (embossed) issues circa 1860 to the early 1900s have become increasingly difficult to find in any condition and can fetch between £10 to £15 pounds each, dependent of date/type and condition. I am always interested should anyone have a few tucked away John
  2. Chingford

    More Pennies

    I always answer honestly and openly any questions on Coppers, but with varieties I like to be sure before I say anything as many we see either garden shed projects or just die deterioration. I will be sending a couple of GeoIV Pennies varieties I am now sure of to Richard for inclusion on his site
  3. Chingford

    More Pennies

    I overlaid several letters, best fit below, Ian Fall has a similar overlay coloured that are probably a little clearer. The B also is the First letter of the next part of the legend, which would fit with the error.
  4. That is my listing, but there are a couple more currently listed to choose from, one at £1,995 BIN, another at £3,000 BIN
  5. Thank you, hopefully they will or straight into LCA June along with the remnants of the storage boxes, cant be humping them about, just got my Garage back
  6. Not Robs, but I think he has collared me I have recently cleared my Garage and have half dozen storage boxes of lots acquired at auctions over the last few years, basically I have bought job lots to get something I have wanted, with an impending House move, I am selling off rather than hump them all around with me. Most of the coinage is RM Base metal and silver, along with the equivalent in Commonwealth coinage, Banknotes, stamps and covers, most of the smaller Auction Houses do not sort through these types of lots so there has been a few gems in there, Seeing the current prices achieved for the 1983 rare set and Aquatic 50p 1st Ed. both at Auction and on Ebay I thought I would put them out there whilst I type out and image all the other bits. John
  7. Chingford

    More Pennies

    The British Bronze Coinage 1860-1869 by M Gouby has a chapter on numbered coinage, Michael researched some of the book at Kew from Mint records/correspondence and there is a table of known coinage and numbers used
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all
  9. Chingford

    1601 Pledge Penny

    It didn't sell at that auction, Neil Paisley sometimes reads the boards and maybe able to let you have some of the details of any subsequent sale
  10. Chingford

    1601 Pledge Penny

    One sold by Colin Cooke in the Alderley collection, It is online at the website
  11. Both on large date Obv, smaller dot has a PT Rev and larger an OT Rev
  12. It is sought after, but is not recorded as a variety, In all probability just an indication that the die is starting to fail, other examples have the dot larger and irregular in shape
  13. Chingford

    Set Wanted

    24Carat might have one
  14. Chingford

    1863 penny.....

    Hockings may have the answer you are looking for, His records from the Royal Mint indicate Matrices with the date 18__ for the Copper coinage, punches and dies thereafter had the required numbers added.
  15. Chingford

    Wanted: CURRENCY 1853 3d and groat

    I have a run of Vicky three pence, I picked up a box of silver coins at a German auction a couple of years ago for someone but got left with them, some have reflective fields, all are toned, some a lot better than others, but being a Copper collector, grading silver and separating Maundy/Currency is somewhere I am not sure I want to go just now, so they remain relatively unsorted, the other dates in there are 1762, 53, 95 and 1800 Dates missing, I assume are the key dates, are 1840, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 63, 64, 67, 69, 72, 80. Looked for the R/B and other recorded varieties but found none, but if there are specific dates within please do sent me a PM and I'll take some photos
  16. Chingford

    More Pennies

    I have never seen reference to CP1860/59 proof, there is a record in Mangahas of an example in Lead, a Bronzed currency piece recorded by Peck was described as with WW on truncation and therefore suggests an altered earlier date The same record suggests CHP1860 proof and currency in the BM, the latter was recorded by Peck as a later Mint strike Ex-Fremantle
  17. Some of the UK patterns and models are listed in the Krause Unusual world coins, which is a separate volume to the other catalogues produced by them
  18. Krause Unusual world coins page 188 ref X# 10
  19. Heritage use FedEx for more expensive purchases, FedEx invoice the charges separately, whether they pass it on is another question
  20. Chingford

    Mrs Peter

    Peter, Condolences to you and your family
  21. There is a book, self published by Tony Barter, link below http://www.blurb.co.uk/b/2204095-bimetallic-model-penny-and-halfpenny-by-anthony-ke Model coins are a fascinating series and were produced worldwide, not just in the UK, as learning tools, Play money and as with your coin and tokens, alternatives to everyday currency, some official others not Value wise is variable, I sold one in Auction for £700 in 2013, yet another sold at the same auction house in 2014 for £300, http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/ numbers quoted are less than 10 known, of which only one in a reverse error, the error predominately on the Obverse Regards John
  22. Chingford

    Tarnished Isle of Man & British Crowns

    Pobjoy mint produce all IoM commemorative coinage, usual mintage is 30k but smaller numbers for precious metals, some are Platinum, Gold and Silver but the majority are CuNi, 24Carat list most of the collectables crown sized pieces, also Ebay will give you an idea of market price
  23. Chingford

    More Pennies

    Pete, The usual feature for the ground level to the left hand side of the shield is a triangular feature on the PT reverse, on the OT reverse it is flatter, similar to this coin, this however has probably been distorted by the obvious fault, not a die clash in my opinion, nothing on the Obverse die corresponds to this feature in shape, size or position, if something had fallen and attached to the die the feature would be incuse not raised. The 'belly button' is more apparent on OT reverses