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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    engraved coins

    I think the seller thinks its Scottish in origin because the word "Hen" I think is a Scottish term of endearment meaning something like darling. I do like the script on the reverse - probably more then the actual coin itself. Shall be watching with interest!
  2. I was always under the impression that each time a new king or queen took over the direction they faced on the coinage changed. I noticed that George V, Edward VIII and George VI all face the same way. ?
  3. Happy anniversary Stuart We ladies are always impressed with men that remember anniversaries!
  4. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Having spent all that time working it out that I feel compelled to point out the "bird" to you all! But I can also see how it could be a dead flamingo too Peck!
  5. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I stared at this for ages until I could work out the shape of the bird. Even so that's ridiculous!!
  6. Thanks for that interesting info chaps, that's something else I didn't know.I don't think I would be able to tell the difference between the two portraits of EdVIII and George V1 - apart from that Edwards nose looks slightly more dipped. I'm sure Charles will keep to the tradition and definately in profile!
  7. Debbie

    engraved coins

    LOL - Now that would be good, who knows eh? Unfortunately its a comemorative 25 pesos, but it is silver and in a high grade so worth the tenner I paid. Whilst on the subject I came accross this - would you sell it if it was yours?! here
  8. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Like the Buttercup one - although it looks like it has been newly engraved? I know this won’t float many boats, but here’s one have which I thought rather topical! Probably the latest love token I have so far.
  9. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I'm back on a proper computer! After a week away in Devon with no mobile signal, no wifi and an out of order pay phone. Anyway heres the link link
  10. Hi Toshgirl, sorry to hear about your father. Do you have any children or younger members of your family who might like to help you with your task? Unless you are quickly hoping to release some potential funds from the collection I wouldn’t rush, take your time and just sort a few coins when you feel in the mood. Perhaps you will come to enjoy sorting through his collection and even keep a few coins yourself – (more lady collectors are always welcome here ). If you do decide to dispose of your fathers coins perhaps you could consider having one or two of the silver commemorative ones blanked and engraved on one side as a memorial token to him and to pass down your family? Good luck.
  11. Hi all. I saw this which looked interesting and wondered if anyone could explain what it meant by H/H Q/Q stops in both O'S ? I can see one H which looks like the cross bar could be missing and the two Q's look a bit different but other than that.... "unrecorded shilling"
  12. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    That's interestin Peter, thanks for that. I have seen some Chinese coins made from other materials such as mother of pearl and wood - obviously much later - too.
  13. Perhaps the auction house prices are never realised because the only buyers that are prepared to spend three figures plus on the bay are mostly dealers and therefore want to make a decent profit when they sell on?
  14. I'm sure that they are not lost forever, as you say most likely moved somewhere.These things have a way of turning up - just ask my two sons At least you won't be able to sell it now!
  15. Hi Tim and welcome. I may be wrong, but that looks like Victorian toy money to me.
  16. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Here's one for you then Stuart..... here
  17. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Afraid my boys are a bit too old for Thomas now Rob....perhaps if there were a minecraft or a Warhammer coin imprint
  18. Debbie

    engraved coins

    You know Dave I did see that one but didn't really look closely and realise they were birds. Thank you for pointing it out! If it was some sort of stamping machine Stuart then that might mean that there are other coins out there with the same stamping, must watch out. I've seen those machines around which stamp, flatten and stretch coins but I've always thought them too expensive to let my boys have a go - maybe I should as they might be the collectables of the future
  19. What a nasty little man! There was no need for that PS..... I notice that HE doesn't sell to the UK!
  20. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Surely this isn't real is it? here
  21. Hi David, welcome to the forum. Whilst I am by no means an "experienced" collector, I can second that you have definately come to the right place for expert and friendly information. Just one observation, you say you wanted the chance to own something that has been in "the hands of our ancestors" - I'm not sure how literal you were wanting to take that, but for me personally a coin that has eye appeal and shows some signs of being in circulation (ie had more chance of actually being in our ancestors' pockets) would be far more appealing than a run of UNC ooins. Just a thought.
  22. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes you are probably right there David, hadn't thought about it like that. Rob remind me never to eat any of your home cooking!
  23. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    counterfeit shilling Why would anyone want to forge this?