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Sterling Member
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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie


    Can you engrave something on it if I win please?
  2. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes it gives a whole new meaning to "Ebay laughs" doesn't it. If only it were funnier....
  3. Debbie

    engraved coins

    It was engraved on an American 1870 dime Rob. At least you are at home most of the time for this hobby - you could be out all day fishing or motor cycling and at least its not gambling! Mmmm… perhaps you should commission a special love token for her Richard
  4. Debbie

    engraved coins

    I've cracked it!! No one was correct - its U R
  5. Debbie

    engraved coins

    You know I am beginning to see the virtues of Times New Roman... Thanks for all your contributions chaps, you are right John it is a bit like one of those blobs of ink interpretation tests. Can't think of anything to say to Peter If and when I do find out the actual letters I'll let you know who is the winner!
  6. Debbie

    engraved coins

    LOL.... I thought it was AB and then I thought it could be CALR. I've looked at it too much and I can't tell any more!
  7. 1763 accoring to Wikpedia. Are there any coins with 000's (hugs) on?
  8. Debbie

    engraved coins

    You know talking of script, I really like some of the old English fonts for example :blink:a picture here. Sometimes however, they can be quite complicated and a little confusing. What do you think the letters are on the second coin?
  9. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You know I think you could be right!
  10. Here's one on ebay Stuart here Do they always appear on the obverse?
  11. Hi I have just tried but it says you cannot recieve any messages? If you PM me your email I'll email you.
  12. Me too! I especially enjoyed reading about the error coins. Hope you don't mind but there were a few typos I noticed. A few missing commas, missing words and spelling mistakes etc especially in the Brockage coins section.
  13. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Am I missing something here? My link
  14. Debbie

    U.S Quarters

    Don't know if this is of any interest? here I found it when researching the odd love token.
  15. Love tokens for those that couldn't read or write?
  16. Or even a blackberry .....or an Apple, or an Orange,
  17. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Thanks guys. Mum is a bit worse for wear this morning and looks like she has done a few rounds with Mike Tyson, but other than that is OK. At least she is now at home where I can keep an eye on her. Yes please John that would be great if you could ask. If he's willing I can PM you my email. Much apreshiated. D.
  18. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Sorry Stuart, am not ignoring you but have just returned from a dramatic weekend at my cousins wedding in Basingstoke. My mother tripped and fell and we think broke her nose and we ended up call out an ambulance and spending some time at Newbury hospital. What is it about this weekend? - Have just read Peters post - must be some inauspicious date in the Feng Shui calander! Anyway John seems to have quite a few engraved tokens on the Bay of late. Were these all from one collection John? Is the collector still alive?! Would love to make contact with someone who has been collecting engraved coins for many years.
  19. Hi Hammers – nice engraved coin you have there. Personally I think it may be worth a little more as it refers to an actual historical event which happened on the same year as the coin itself. here If you can find out how your grandfather came by the coin and discover the story behind the coin this will add more value,1916 in the scheme of things is not that far back. Engraved coins are becoming more popular and I would imagine if you put that on ebay today you might get around £100 – more you can provide a history and if someone was particularly interested in Maritime history. However as anything fashionable, do this in 5 years time you may get substantially more or less.
  20. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Thank you Richard, I've just emailed the link over to my hubby as its our anniversary coming up next month!
  21. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Only £130! Is it this one? here
  22. Debbie

    square coins

    This is a square one you might find interesting? Although I don't like the look of the green bit in the corner! here
  23. Just to prove that I am still collecting shillings, here is a 1912 I bought from the coin fair. It’s only the second shilling I have bought this year! I bought it as “mint state†which I presume is the same as UNC? When is a coin classed as BU? Does it refer to brilliant uncirculated or better than uncirculated? Derek, I don't think that you mention BU at all in your book? BTW it has a lovely slight golden tone which you can't see in the photo.
  24. Debbie

    mint state?

    Thank you chaps for your comments and explainations. Nick - better reverse? (says she rushing to dig out her Davis ) Beginners luck!