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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    One for the boys

    Bagerap, you are a gentleman but really "All's fair in love and coins" I nothing is taken personally I promise!
  2. Debbie

    One for the boys

    Yes I am watching that!
  3. Debbie

    engraved coins

    And may I say looks better for it! Stuart always happy to hear I've made someone smile. Peck if only there were enough hours in the day, its bad enough trying to limit time on here as it is when I should be working and making more money to spend on coins .... Actually I do believe there is a book, the last time I looked it was on Amazon for about £300.
  4. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Here's some of those engraved coins I got from the coin fair yesterday. The phots aren't brilliant but you get the gist! I won't post the obverses as they are all about fine (and not particuarly exciting) The first has been gold plated at one time but has worn off, I think it may have been a pin at some point. The second is really interesting (to me) as what I thought was a random design, with a little reseach has proven to be the logo and moto of the South African 24th Squadron here The final one is that Lizzie love token - very worn and I hope at sometime cherished!
  5. Debbie

    Breaking up coin sets... a bad move?

    Happy birthday Gary - just noticed!
  6. Debbie

    square coins

    Mmmm see what you mean Colin, some nice examples out there and could be a nice basis for a collection ......oh gawd!!
  7. Debbie

    One for the boys

    Can I just point out that that object is in the distance and therefore represents something the size of a light house ! Men! Never any good with sizes....
  8. Debbie

    One for the boys

    Actually I quite like that one too! Are you going to sell it?
  9. OK so this is the US - but we are not far behind. Warning its a little long winded but I liked the analogy. here
  10. And don't forget all the British Empire coins...... Welcome to the forum Mongo, you'll learn loads here but do be warned it can be very addictive!
  11. Debbie

    Snake buckle / fastener

    Mmm I see what you mean - it is a tad on the large side! Are there any local open art exhibtions / gallery craft shops that you could submit it and/or see if they would take some of your peices on a sale or return basis? I used to paint and sold a few bits that way.
  12. I think I will be sticking to just the one hammered coin for the moment - but thank you for the information !
  13. Debbie

    Snake buckle / fastener

    Well then maybey you should try and sell the actual assemblage!!
  14. Very informative - thanks both. What was the percentage of silver used in hammered coins then?
  15. Still its good to see anyway, thanks Stuart. Is pitting quite common then? As a novice I may have mistaken that for casting bubbles. Anyway now you have the perfect coin for experimenting with your engraving kit....never come accross an engraved hammered
  16. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ooooo.......an engraved 1933 penny?
  17. Debbie

    Snake buckle / fastener

    If it doesn't sell you will just have to use it in one of your assemblages!
  18. Peter I am surprised that you haven't managed to get the word "bust" in there somewhere yet!
  19. Thank you Richard. Always nice to get approval from someone who knows what he's talking about!
  20. So patience is not a virtue of mine. I bought this common type Venetian Soldino from the 1400’s, simply because I liked the look of it and it has an interesting history. it wasn’t expensive (£14) and I wanted to see a hammered coin. It came today and I can’t believe how small and thin it is! No wonder you could drop them – they would float to the ground!
  21. Wouldn't mind seeing that Stuart.
  22. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    Sorry I'm not much help, but I do sympathise. I find it so frustrating when I am unable to date a coin never mind identify it.
  23. Thanks for your replies chaps. It's still amazing that something so old can be bought for such a small sum, but then again I suppose one can dig up a fossil for free. I think I will wait until I get to a coin fair to see some real live hammers - that's if you are allowed to handle them?
  24. Although I have seen lots of hammered coins in books and on the forum, I have never actually had one in hand. I can see that on ebay there are some hammered coins that seem to go very cheaply - between £5 - £10. Assuming that these are not fakes ( I know, I know...!) Is it actually possible to pick up a fairly common, but decent coin for this? I'm just curious.
  25. Debbie

    engraved coins

    I've lost count of the times that that one has been re-listed. I'm sure it's been on Ebay even before I became interested in engraved coins! BTW Stuart I would get your engraving kit out, looks like someone is prepared to pay the £300 for that other coin!