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Sterling Member
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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Richard I didn't get any notification of your last email either.I've sent you a message back so see if it appears on your email.
  2. Debbie

    what else do you collect?

    Very creative Richard, thst's the sort of thing I'd have on my wall. That "M" on the first one doesn't half remind me of our Council logo though!
  3. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Sorry - yes the other side is....if you can make it out.
  4. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The littlr pecker is back!! here Only £300 this time (up from £109) incredible And I notice the other side isn't shown again..
  5. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Hi Bagerap, I think you mean 1870! It looks like that coin might be cupro-nickle like the german 19thC coins. Nice to see a token made from a different coin though. What size is it?
  6. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Yes I have come across quite a few coins with the Lords Prayer engraved on. They seem to come in all sizes and denominations. I have heard The theory that some were made for soldiers to take with them during the War. As to what value, as with lots of engraved coins, its really sentimenal value or just what someone is willing to pay. The other side of the coin wouldn't really be of much interest to straight forward collectors as its quite poor. Just as a side line you might find this link interesting which explains that with todays technology the Lord Prayer can now be engraved onto the size of a pin head! here But welcome to the forum!
  7. Debbie

    Some simple rules.

    And here's me thinking you had a thing for ladies over 90!!
  8. Debbie

    New grading system?

    Looking at some of the offerings on the Ebay laughs leads me to think we need to come up with a whole a new grading system. How about UNC – Unconvincing EF - Everyday fair VF - Verging on frightful F - Frightful G - Ghastly
  9. Debbie


    Well then we must all conspire to keep at least a couple of those coins from you so that you don't "Complete your life's work" and disappear!
  10. Noooo don't go Ski.....(despite your taste in men!)
  11. Debbie

    Test Your Knowledge

    Yes me too! Must be learning something!
  12. Hi Husslo Yes well done, your site looks clean and easy to read and navigate. I'm finding the gold price charts and calculations a tiny bit complicated - couldn't you just put what the current melt value for a soverign is? And perhaps a simple chart tracking the price of gold over the year? There is one question I would like to ask – Do gold coins tone? Perhaps you could have a frequently asked questions bit!
  13. Debbie

    New grading system?

    Very good additional sugestions gentlemen! Mind you just think if all coins were actually BU or UNC - how boring would that make collecting!!
  14. I think what Nick meant to say (or perhaps should’ve said) was “We are also often told that some dealers will only pay 50% of what a coin might be worth - therefore that is their profit margin.†As with any business there are varying degrees and levels of service. Surely most dealers rely on their reputation. I would’ve thought that those dealers who were out to “rip off†their buyers wouldn’t be in business very long.
  15. You know we should have an award for the "most wandered off topic" thread. There are some pretty good contenders!
  16. Debbie

    Too Pretty?

    I'm sure I've got one of those Charles 1 shillings Richard's always going on about somewhere....
  17. Debbie

    Too Pretty?

    I was sort of thinking along these lines....
  18. Debbie

    Too Pretty?

    Yes I like the blue too! Please try the writing direct onto the background without any lable though...
  19. Debbie

    Too Pretty?

    Sorry Coinery but I like the green better.... I think its also because the background at the top is lighter so the shape of the label isn't so contrasting....
  20. Debbie

    How does it work?

    I notice, with some amusement, that I am now in the Numismatic Research group – how’s that then? Is it an automatic thing based on the number of posts or does someone monitor what we are posting and deem it interesting enough to be included in that group?! Oh and while I’m here how does the Reputation star ratings work –and what do they mean?
  21. Only 5 years? I thought U2 were an 80's band!
  22. Debbie

    How does it work?

    Sorry I don't know Nick! The link was posted a while ago by Steve on the 1000th members thread.
  23. Debbie

    Anybody want it?

    Surely you'd still make £50 on Ebay with that wouldn't you?
  24. Debbie

    How does it work?

    Well here is the link to the members list members You will notice only some of the members have reputations!!
  25. Debbie

    Too Pretty?

    Mmmm I'm not sure that the label looks right in that shape or colour to be honest - perhaps a yellow would work better, and it needs to be nearer to the top of the image away from the coins a little more. I also think perhaps the larger imaage could work better on the eye if its the actual coin and the rose slightly smaller? After all even if its the same size as the coin it will still be more magnified. Sorry you did ask!