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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    How does it work?

    Mmmmm..... I notice that you have one star for reputation azda?
  2. Oooo thanks Seuk, hadn't seen that one! So do you think the double dots is a real variety then? So could be of interest to someone who wants a genuine coin ( and can afford it! )
  3. Ive bought a few engraved coins of this seller, he seems to be very helpful in answering any questions and I don't think any of my bids with him have been shilled
  4. Kelly Clarkson is a singer who came to fame by winning the American X Factor.... Stuart us girls are less universal in our apreciation of the opposite sex!
  5. My link They must have been in circulation at some point?!
  6. You're all pervs...... Just in case there are any girls out there better
  7. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Thanks Ski, I'll take a look - now I know about Lockdales
  8. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    So Peter do you still get given a coin?
  9. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    Thanks for that info Bagtrap - how did you come up with that user name? I did wonder what the letters stood for. How long have the Masons been going, does anyone know? Peck I'm sure that's not the secret handshake!
  10. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    Hi guys. Here’s a recent acquisition of mine. It’s a Masonic “penny†although it’s not a penny but an 1854 half dollar and very toned!. Anyone know anything about the masons? Or maybe you have some first hand experience?! I’ve read that the coins are supposed to represent the original wages of a stone mason.
  11. Hi Chris - I've just bought a shilling off you!
  12. ???!!!!!! I know the first one is stairs......
  13. Well I can well imagine what the "bits" refer to...but the thruppeny....?
  14. Sorry you have totally lost me there Ski? Just a thought though, if there were an "official" number of ridges on older coins, could this not be an indicator of authenticity?
  15. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    Its fascinating how many different tangents you are able to follow through coin collecting...I never thought of emergency coins as another area. I am so enjoying collecting engraved cois as they come on the back of such a variety of different currencies, issues, materials shapes and sizes. Thanks for that intersting info David.
  16. Debbie

    Recent aquisitions

    That's interesting David. What denomination is it though? Going back to your 10C I have seen a lot of these with PEARS SOAP imprinted across them.I think it is something similar to the Lloyds Weekly Newspapers coins as a publicity stunt?
  17. This might be of interest too another diary
  18. Its a shame that the seller has such a stupid seller name!
  19. Thanks for the replies guys. Mmmm I might have a go with the Birmingham one then. If its at the museum my family might be persuaded to have a day out.
  20. Hi guys. I recently bought this unusual penny. Its encased in a silver and glass casing and has been engraved with what might be some foreign script ( identical on both sides). I don’t think that the coin itself is particularly remarkable (?) It has some lustre but I wouldn’t say it was more than VF and I have checked that the “I†doesn’t point to a bead! But it must have meant something important to someone; the glass casing is high quality with bevelled edging and what appears to be real silver. Any ideas?!
  21. Debbie

    Should i sell my collection

    You are not into Warhammer by any chance are you?! My son is heavily into this - talk about needing space, he's even expanded into the garden shed....coins are definately less messy!!
  22. Being a "fair virgin" myself, I wondered if many/any? ladies attend these things? Do you notice if there are engraved coins / love tokens on sale? In general how much are the entry fees?
  23. Leading on from this coin and as an interesting aside I posted a picture of it on a language forum in the hope that someone would recognise and translate the engraving I got a fair bit of feedback – not exactly what I had hoped for though! At least I have provided them all with some interesting discussion! My link
  24. Err yes that as well... I think that the sexual trend in the younger generation ( so I am told !) is for there not to be much or any hair around the bits!!
  25. Now then Peck you are showing your age....