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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No it wasn't and no I didn't!!
  2. I've just googled pitman shorthand Richard and yes it does look very similar! ( how anyone could've invented that -the mind boggles!)
  3. Thanks for your thoughts gentlmen.Richard I tried spinning it but I dont think it was designed to meet up. I think what I might do is contact the V and A museum to see if they can identify it, but meanwhile if anyone does recognise it do let me know. Cheers D.
  4. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've asked to see the other side. A nice looking face is just as important as a good tail!
  5. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Oh and have you seen this one.....!!!!!!?
  6. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    How not to make a love token....! Should have said "unsightly" rather than lightly engraved!
  7. Ye ditto azda, I do hope he is doing OK. What's a few old coins compared to your family..
  8. Rob i couldnt see nottingham listed on that website?
  9. Have you got a really large collection the peck?
  10. Thanks for the link Rob. However it seems that the nearest club from me is Birmingham which is still a good hour plus away.
  11. Mmmm I’ve often asked myself that question – especially when you lot seem to want to talk about vintage cars, pies and topless teenage girls… I had been reading the forum for a while before posting and as I have said before was impressed by the knowledge and expertise of fellow members and moreover the friendliness and willingness to answer questions. It was aZda who said he hoped that I would post again sometime, so I thought why not. I have also mentioned before that it is easy for me to keep up with the forum as I am sat at my computer / tablet most of the time with my work. I also think its great that there are contributions from members all round the world. Coin collecting has got a bit of a nerdy reputation and I don’t know any others that collect coins male or female outside this forum. I must say that with now concentrating on collecting engraved coins and love tokens that I have probably opted for the most “romantic and girly†side of coin collecting, but I’m still enjoying myself and I have to say that more so for being part of this online community.
  12. Thanks for the info chaps. I will probably watch this out of interest, however I have my eye on some rather more alluring engraved coins...
  13. Very funny..... Now just one for the girls...should any happen to be reading...
  14. Oh dear….. I you are meant to be encouraging more ladies, not frightening them away asda.
  15. Ha ha ha ha - perhaps its because you are all blokes! I’m a member of another forum – mainly to do with my work as an independent publisher – where the majority are ladies and whilst we do all post about relevant information and ideas we also talk about things such the latest episode of the Apprentice and the state of the weather etc!! This can get very distracting from work mind, just as this forum could be hence I don’t post too often. I bet that there are more people that follow and read what’s on the forum than actually post. I’m still impressed that the forum has so many experienced and well informed members, has remained focussed on its subject and has been going for so long…… Could do with a few more ladies though!
  16. Did I read somewhere that with american coins that if a portrait was in profile the monarch was dead, and if shown in face on position they were still alive? - Or that could be something to do with the ancient egyption portraits?!*?
  17. Debbie

    US dollar coins

    Hi all. Now back from US and I hope that I may have brought the sunshine with me Incidently re- the dollar coins we met up with some american friends who claim to have never seen a dollar coin before!!(gave them the ones I had)Perhaps that's why circulation dollar coins gain a higher premium - keep as an oddity, whereas the ones in the bank remain an unknown entity to lots of the locals?
  18. Hi all.I am currently in the Sates and have a quick question for those members who are local. The dollar coins can these be found in silver and gold - or have I picked up some dolar tokens from the theme parks? The gold ones dont seem to have a year of issue although they are the same size as the silver ones. Help!
  19. Debbie

    US dollar coins

    Well you will spend all your pennies on coins... Is it true that snow is forcasted back in blighty? Far too hot here for pies!
  20. Debbie

    US dollar coins

    Oh thanks for that info A. Those brass coins are truely horrible dates worn off the edges and artificial looking. I wont be bringing any of those back with me!
  21. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Shusss....I am not supposed to be looking at coins for the next few weeks as we are currently in florida " Dysneying" it! (Thanks for the link though Bagtrap!)
  22. Now that would surely increase the value of your holed coins!!
  23. Have you tried checking it against Seuk's brilliant counterfeit web page?here