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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Well if you'er talking "the only one" well that's most of my collection However this has got to take some beating ( to me personally ) its a love token found on ebay and traceable back through my husband's family tree. His mother's name Ayling and the place Alverstoke adjacent Portsmouth to where the family originated.
  2. Debbie

    worth diddly squat...

    ...but must have been very valuable to someone at one time! Probably the only coin that my son son has taken an interest in and has taken it to school as part of his WW11 project.
  3. Debbie

    worth diddly squat...

    Slightly better than a fairground stall then perhaps Bagrap? Never mind,worth the speculation if nothing else. Richard I hope those bullets are used ones!
  4. I don't need to google it - I am quite aware of what you are referring to Peck! Men Boys
  5. Hasn't really worked that well given there were no actual bidders......
  6. Debbie

    CGS - A customer-facing business?

    I've yet to find an engraved coin that has been slabbed .....phew!
  7. Debbie

    Room 101

    You can even wrap a number of posts in double quote tags, so they all appear together ~ as above. Useful if you are replying to a few posts all relating to the same point, within a larger post reply. You mean, put an extra [quoote] at the beginning and an extra [/quoote] at the end? (Misspellings necessary just here, of course ) Ooooh yes now I see it Peck - thanks!
  8. Debbie

    Room 101

    Which button is the multiquote button then? I have always used the insert quotation icon and cut and pasted the bits that others have said that I wanted to appear between the two brackets.
  9. Some love tokens can be made up from individual stamped letters but its unlikely to be a love token if its been counter stamped as one whole design. Love tokens are usually one off pieces and counter stamps are designed to be used to mark a number of coins. Counter stamps (as I am learning) is a whole new area of research!
  10. I went for the first time last June - it was my first coin fair too. Had a great time, easy to get find (always a bonus for me) friendly bunch of people, exhibitors and other browsers alike. Keep meaning to go again. I did think at the time it would've been useful if all fellow forum members wore a badge displaying their avatar then we could introduce one another.
  11. Debbie

    Love token?

    That's a little different Paul - thanks for posting , will be watching with interest.
  12. You know that's really strange as I had this feeling that you weren't a girl - otherwise I would've said hello earlier! (not that I have anything against men you understand )
  13. That's one of the beauties of collecting coins, unlike some hobbies I can think of such as golf or footie and horse riding! However not so good if every coin that you collect is unique!
  14. Debbie

    Silver boys

    That's useful thanks Peter - especially for collectors of random foreign host coins!
  15. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not really a laugh but wow...here Didn't see that coming!
  16. I bet those are the coins that had sentimental value though....
  17. Debbie

    Happy Birthday

    Yep it's here My link Ha,ha - now if that had been a link for a the Ferrari test driving track ....
  18. Debbie

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday Scott!
  19. Debbie

    Happy Birthday

    Ooh thanks chaps! Have been suitably spoilt with shopping and cake. Have finally been able to order that book on love tokens that I have been hankering after. No coins but a riding lesson at the Spanish riding school in Madrid. Er will need a course of lessons here in preparation me thinks.
  20. Debbie

    Hammered and Milled Coins

    I always thought meant "don't blame me" ! I'm inclined to think means asleep!
  21. Debbie

    Hammered and Milled Coins

    Why thank you Clive... unfortunately no milled shillings or "altered" coins there for me this time. what is this emotion?
  22. Here's one of the best to compare with - 1930 is THE key date apparently for these. here Its one of my favorite portraits.But I haven't managed to find an engraved example of one yet.
  23. Debbie


    Oh it must be almost time for your trek /commute home now then ....sorry!
  24. Debbie


    Still snowing here in Leicestershire. Haven't had to leave the house though -one of the perks of working from home!