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Sterling Member
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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    Question for Chris

    I wouldn't mind one of each of those Dave please. I'll just let my in-laws know that they have my Christmas present sorted PM me with details of how to pay and I'll let you know my addy. Thanks.D.
  2. Debbie


    This is possibly why our cat has so far lived to the ripe old age of 19 yrs - we often forget to feed it!
  3. Now then Dave what have you got against the Chinese?!! :D
  4. Debbie

    Happy birthday, John!

    Happy Birthday John.Hope its a good one. Nice to see someone else notices the birthdays too
  5. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes a bit of narrow market! On his other coins it says "cleaned before posting..."
  6. Debbie


    That first one looks as if it may have been guilded at some point and probably of sentimental value to someone sometime in its history. Sadly it is not of monetary value though.
  7. Ahhh yes but surely all you gentlemen coin collectors are loaded....
  8. Just noticed - hope you are enjoying yourself!
  9. Debbie

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    No but the other suggested buy it now is! !
  10. Debbie

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    I've just added that to my watch list Clive! Thanks.
  11. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Mongo I've PMed you. Ski thanks for that - nice lettering - I've seen mother, father, sweetheart,auntie, son, daughter, grandmother - I've even found a ? and a !
  12. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Here's an interesting way to display a coin.... here
  13. I suppose coins are no different from any antique object really. We'd all prefer the genuine article in pristine condition. There will always be a place and a market for restored pieces rather than modern replicas. Just wish all people were honest about it!
  14. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Thanks for your nice comments chaps. Peck I didn’t bid as I bought this one from a dealer Charles Snowden. It actually came in a broach but is easily removed. Stuart, it’s not my clever photography as the photos are theirs and I can’t really detect that “blueness†on the actual coin in hand. Dave I’m off now to Google dreadnought – thanks!
  15. Debbie

    engraved coins

    Haven’t bought an engraved coin for a while…....well for months at least. Here’s one which Mongo tipped me off on (what has happened to him?)
  16. I have heard that tomato ketchup works well....
  17. Debbie

    1000th member?

    I notice that the membership number is up to 998...who will be the 1000th I wonder. It has me wondering what percentage of members actually contribute to the forum, I'm pretty sure its not anywhere near 1000?!!! And who is the longest serving member (apart from Chris of course)
  18. Debbie

    1000th member?

    :D Chris did say he WASN'T giving a prize you know!
  19. Debbie

    1000th member?

    At 999....
  20. Debbie

    Another large detecting find

    Leesa are you a bot or are you related to Josie - or even Peter?
  21. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Peck if you look at his feedback and view all comments there are some which allow you to view the items purchased off him.
  22. Debbie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And what an earth is "zinc luster"? ?
  23. If you have Publisher you can use the transparency icon in the tool bar to get rid of the "square white background" It looks like this
  24. As lots of people buy coins like these because they think it’s a form of investment which one day will be more than they paid for, shouldn't there be the same some sort of standard warning/disclaimer as you get on an endowment policy ie You may not get back what you paid in sort of thing?
  25. Debbie

    china coin

    What size is that Scott? Paper sounds interesting - are they emmbossed?