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Everything posted by bagerap

  1. bagerap

    Does anyone recognise this coin.

    I think you may have a Vasilopita coin. Its a Greek/Balkan tradition similar to putting a silver coin in a Christrmas pud. http://vasilopita.com/story.html
  2. bagerap

    Coin collection aluminium box with trays lidl

    But if you actually want to use them to carry coins, you've got to put 28 mm of foam on top of the trays to prevent everything falling out.
  3. bagerap

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Thanks Jerry, tentatively ID'd as Constantine II.
  4. bagerap

    How much is my Oenny Worth

    That's very nice Debbie, and reasonable. If I weren't so overstocked I would have had that.
  5. bagerap

    Best web site

    For world coins, particularly China, Japan: http://www.coincommunity.com/ World coins, particularly Indian and Islamic: http://www.worldofcoins.eu/
  6. bagerap

    How much is my Oenny Worth

    Pieces like this don't circulate. Either a collector or a bank pulls them out fairly quickly. There is also too much overall wear for a "pocket piece". I wouldn't be comfortable putting it in my shop.
  7. bagerap

    How much is my Oenny Worth

    There is a small discrepancy here. The engraving is not contemporaneous. Kitchener died in June 1916 and this coin has seen some heavy circulation before being engraved. There are three groups of likely collectors for items such as this: Boer War, WWI and engraved coins. I think they would all be a little wary of this one. Debbie's valuation is, I think, about 25% above the market.
  8. bagerap

    ID help please

    The one with the large hole is not a coin but a Rechenpfennig, originally used on counting frames like a European abacus until the Arabs kindly gave us the mathematical concept of zero. Later on they were used as card counters and were often based on real coins but yours is too far gone to recognise. It looks to be by Christof Lauer of Nuremberg so, early to mid C19th.
  9. bagerap

    Useful links (members posts)

    From what I remember, if you buy the hardback of this book, it comes with a DVD also.
  10. bagerap

    Coin Cases

    You know what we want. Pictures!!! Having said that, it does sound as though it could be Shagreen. What amazes most people is how soft and tactile sharkskin can be.
  11. bagerap

    Recent aquisitions

    Island of Sumatra. Interesting piece, Scott. Not a coin but a token.The country names, dates and denominations are all fictitious. Singapore traders had them made in Birmingham for the same reason that English traders did; a shortage of small copper coinage.. I know of 15-18 varieties. There may be more. Your example is, sadly, one of the most commonly faked. I'd need to see it in hand, but I don't fancy its chances.
  12. Cathrine, I don't have the experience of most of the other members. However, I am a dealer in medals and very many of those from this period remain in pristine condition. If this coin were a medal, I'd return it as not as described. I am more than familiar with this portrait and there is an irregularity around the top of the neck I do not like which, coupled with the termination of the left hand ribbon make this a no from me.
  13. bagerap

    Helping hand

  14. bagerap

    Lustre anomalies

    Thank you for your opinions, I wouldn't imagine that exposure to light could do such a thing. It surely can. I once made the mistake of leaving two proof shillings in capsules near a south facing window for two weeks. One overlapped the other by a small margin, and when I came back from holiday there was a clearly defined area of tarnish.
  15. bagerap

    Lustre anomalies

    I have a halfcrown with similar marking. It was found partially covered by a florin on a roof beam. Probably undisturbed for decades.
  16. bagerap

    Lustre anomalies

    The halfpenny appears to have been partially covered by another coin for a long while. The darker part of the coin was exposed to light and the lustrous part was hidden.
  17. I surely hope so, as I sold quite a bit a few years ago. At least, that's what I think it was. I need to look for the full image file
  18. RM wouldn't do that. But they probably would run off a few thousand and then put them in nice flashy wallets.
  19. bagerap

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    We can take that as a No then Peter?
  20. If those are not scratches or hairlines that I can see then this medal usually fetches around 15% over melt.
  21. Doesn't this happen when the initial bidder has set a maximum bid with ebay? Any subsequent bidder will not show but the bid will increase until initial bidder's maximum is surpassed.
  22. Going through loads of old stock and found an 1862 DL halfpenny. Except some a**hole got there before me and ruined it. Yes there's a letter B under the burn.