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Unidentified Variety
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hi All This variety is recorded in Peck on page 433 entry 1778 and pictured at Plate 38, I. I also have a specimen dated 1861, which is Freeman dies 7+G with the same 'rocks' missing, which he did not note. Incidentally, has anyone ever considered that those missing 'rocks' are , in fact, a wave breaking over the flatter rocks?
  2. Hi Davidrj If you have a Paypal account, you can send me a payment of £16. My account is mjlew@orange.fr. Let me know if you don't have a Paypal account and we'll sort out something else. Best regards.Mal Lewendon
  3. Thanks for the interest in the CD. Send me - mjlew@orange.fr - a payment via Paypal of £16 and I'll send you a copy. Send me your address to the same email. best regards........Mal
  4. Won't open for me either, so I'll try again.............
  5. Hi Bernie You are correct with the flaw on the I, but it is not on all 12 + L. I am the same as you when it comes to identifying which is which. It was easy until Iain came out with 12 + J..... I sent Iain 6 pictures (1874 and 1875) without telling him what I thought they were, and he came back with the same 'guess' as I made, so I was quite pleased that I thought the same as him. For everybody - here are 11 and 12 (without the flaw).
  6. Seems lots of interest in Victorian bronze varieties at the moment. Anybody like to identify this reverse of a 1880 farthing? My regards to all... Mal Lewendon
  7. This one is a D.............Note convex abdomen and relation of sea to linear circle on the right Here's another scan of the other one.......... Regards to all...........Mal L
  8. This is a 1673 V.QVINTO Charles II halfcrown, FR over M. Note that most of the back of Charles' head has not been struck up.
  9. This is Mal - Hello everyone.............Just been reading the threads and I can confirm that 1874 halfpennies with, and without, Heaton mintmarks exist with Obverses 11 & 12 - missed by Freeman. This coin appears to have the R of BRITT pointing to a gap. Obverse 12 has the R slightly twisted clockwise, so that it nearly points to a tooth, therefore, I would say it is Obverse 11.
  10. Here's some scans that might help you decide if there is a letter there or not. I think you would have a hard time convincing a buyer that the letter is there. Note that it cannot be a B as the lighthouse is the wrong shape.
  11. Mal

    1861 Halfpennies

    Can offer you some hi-res pictures of all the reverses (bar Freeman proof reverse R)and obverses (bar Freeman proof obverse 18) via my CD of 'Victoria's Halfpennies' should you wish to get in touch for further details. Mal Lewendon
  12. Mal

    1874 Halfpenny 10+J

    Thanks for your comments. I've looked at my Obv 11 1875 halfpenny and the 1874H in this posting and I'm not convinced that the 1874 is Obv 11. The features of the '74H and '74 are so close but the 1875 is different. Perhaps you can take the pictures and draw where you see the distinctions. Are you sure your 1875 Obverse is 11..........12 is very similar and is found with reverese J as well as L.....Another Dracott listing. I can supply large hi-res pictures of all if you require.......Mal
  13. Mal

    1874 Halfpenny 10+J

    The Obverse on your halfpenny is not Obverse 10, but Obverse 11 and it is paired with an early version of Reverse J. Freeman did not identify this pairing, but it was been identified by Iain Dracott in his articles in Coin Monthly a few years ago. Note that the hair line overlaps the forehead, which it does not on Obverse 10 and the nose is hooked. Reverse J first appeared in 1874 and was later modified slightly with changes to the visor and eye on britannia. Hope this is of some help
  14. Can anybody confirm that this coin is ESC37A. I cannot find another example to compare it with. It also has the R of BR over a B Mal
  15. I have three examples of the 1861 7+D F278, one of which appears to have a re-cut 6 in the date - it also has the first 1 of the date over a lower 1. One of the others has the last 1 of the date over a lower 1. The 3rd coin has the R of REG over another R. My 1860 F268A has no evidence of any recutting of any letter or date. best regards......Mal