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About Gollum

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  • Birthday 10/17/1959

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    Newbury UK

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  1. I'm not up on all this stuff, but can't you use the sale of goods act in the uk ads well, I thought I read somewhere that you have up to 6 years with that to claim.
  2. I agree it looks like a fake which has been accepted into the market and retailed by an honest dealer.Oh dear. This is a bit of a nightmare isn't it ... Downies stated 2 or 3 times that if I obtain a certificate that it is a copy, from IBSCC, within 12 months even, they will refund the seller who should refund me etc etc So, has anyone tried/heard of IBSCC (see email from Downies above)? To be honest I'm no longer sure that if they passed it as genuine I would be satisfied! International Bureau of the Suppression of Counterfeit Coins http://www.coinscatalog.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223
  3. I don't know much about fakes, but one thing that concerns me is the number of genuine coins that will sooner or later over the years come to be classififed as possible fakes and then in order to ensure sellers do not soil their reputations become definite fakes, is it going to become a case of only those currently held in collections of the elite collectors as I call them will become the only genuine coins about at the cost of all others.
  4. Gollum

    clean up

    Sheesh, I thought for a moment there you were gonna say "Windex".... I gotta stop watching them greek films !
  5. Gollum

    clean up

    Sweet Mary mother of Jesus! For the first time since I graduated, I glad of my Chemistry degree! Everything from acid baths to re-plating! And on the subject of verigris - two lines... "Rub with a fine cloth which has been treated with copper soap. Copper soap can be obtained from drugstores." ============================== Having now googled 'copper soap', all I'm coming up with is a fungicide... I wonder if that is what they mean?! Think I might just save myself £10.80 ;-) Does it say anything at all about a neutral preserver for coins? I just can get my head around the acidic olive oil thing at the moment, there must be an even less acidic 'grease' we can 'smear' on our coins? I've got my eye on a couple of books, I mean to get mine for £10.80 INCLUDING postage! I wonder , what about copper ease for brake pads ?
  6. Gollum

    How do you grade your british coins

    I wonder if some sellers also clip old coins to get the extra silver.......
  7. Gollum

    Best looking portraits on coins?

    who is it, Friar Tuck !.
  8. Gollum

    Columbia tokens

    Having had a look at this thread and Colin's site as well as a few others, I have a question. Forget you are coin collectors, and then explain to me how or why this "coin" is declared as a coin and why it is then denominated as a farthing, I have seen no sign of it having the "farthing" on it in any of the pics I have seen.
  9. we went metric long ago Peter, do you mean cm's ?
  10. Still coming down here !. maybe I should bag it and sell it to the local junkies.
  11. maybe an inch or so in newbury berks, rather disappointed actually.
  12. Gollum

    1884 sixpence

    Oi !, I collect tanners and thruppences and shillings. Then anything else.
  13. Erm and are you trying to tell us something ?
  14. Considering the old way of putting coins on the eyes of the dead, I wonder how many "rare" coins are currently in graveyards waiting to be dug up. Anyone got a spade ?.
  15. Gollum


    There is usually a bit of an adrenaline rush but I think that is more to do with not trashing the coin with your hammer, pliers or chisel (whichever tool you prefer) Kango gun