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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. While we're on the subject, can anyone enlighten me how it is that professional football and tennis players can strut their stuff (for no pay) at The Olympics, while professional boxers cannot? Seems not only unjust, but completely farcical. blame Boris, he likes to see people play with their balls.
  2. the wave lines go across the face and obscure it, in the non recalled one they do not. I dont have a pic, but im sure you will se it with this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/London-olympic-50p-coin-AQUATICS-/260924963936?pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item3cc056fc60
  3. the wave lines go across the face and obscure it, in the non recalled one they do not.
  4. Go on Scott you know you want to complete that set.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2008-ROYAL-MINT-PROOF-LAST-BRITANNIA-SIDE-50p-COIN-/330495013754?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item4cf309b37a http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2008-UK-PROOF-50p-coin-LAST-Brittania-Perfect-Cased-/170758132255?pt=Coins_BritishProofs_RL&hash=item27c1fa521f http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HER-LAST-CURTSEY-50-pence-2008-Britannia-uncommon-/250964897283?pt=UK_Coins_BritishDecimal_RL&hash=item3a6eac6e03
  5. Oh well, that means a lot fewer fake 1887 £2s and £5s on the market Unless they were on their way to MAKE some more? But maybe some fake Sovs, the Gold was fake http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16392922 Spoil the dream Azda, spoil the dream....
  6. I'm no sailor, but erm with the sails full of wind in that direction, surely that ship would be capsized in a short time . Just something I noticed is all, still love the reverse though.
  7. not I, but I do Like that reverse more than most I have seen lately
  8. Mmmm .. thank you. Unfortunately I don't see anything about British coins on the site linked, which makes me wonder if this isn't just spam. While there are some that might be interested in slabbed US coins and bullion here, most aren't. But in case you actually are a real person and representative of this company jaden, I'll say 'welcome' and feel free to join in the coin chat. Oh, and the website linked? It needs a quick search function that you can just type in a term, or name of a coin you're interested in, in my opinion. Tom He's posted here as well... looks like a spam to me! To be honest, if the statement he made as to being a british coins specialist where true, I would expect to see a large selection being shown or even listed. Still can't see any. so I guess I have to agree.
  9. Gollum

    Rainbow toned us morgan dollar

    What's with the Brasso, can't you afford duraglit ?. Much better shine Peter. There are many 1973 proofs that would benefit greatly from your Brasso Peter Heathen, philistine. Have you no respect for coins !. Someone probably said the same things about all those rare coins you are seeking now, one day my cheap tat is going to be the next 1933 penny. Look at it this way, if people keep buying the silver and old content coins for scrap soon the few left that are common are going to be rare, and possibly sooner than you think. likewise those who scrap all the old worn pennies to keep the numbers down. Keep your Brasso away from mine....
  10. Gollum

    Rainbow toned us morgan dollar

    What's with the Brasso, can't you afford duraglit ?. Much better shine Peter.
  11. Gollum

    Rainbow toned us morgan dollar

    Is that an original "scarface" morgan ?.
  12. Gollum

    Rainbow toned us morgan dollar

    they look like they have been chucked in a hot oven or hit with a blow torch to me.
  13. If you do not understnad the pre decimal coin, then this may interest you. http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/units/money.htm I like the reference to the Scots money before the act of union. Any input Declan ?.
  14. Mmmm .. thank you. Unfortunately I don't see anything about British coins on the site linked, which makes me wonder if this isn't just spam. While there are some that might be interested in slabbed US coins and bullion here, most aren't. But in case you actually are a real person and representative of this company jaden, I'll say 'welcome' and feel free to join in the coin chat. Oh, and the website linked? It needs a quick search function that you can just type in a term, or name of a coin you're interested in, in my opinion. Tom I looked for any British coins or info regarding them on the site, same thing, Nadda.
  15. I have a brother in the states ( I feel sorry for him ! ) and have considered collecting American coins, mainly because he can get all those silver coins for nothing or less than I would pay, but do we have to pay taxes on them ?, what would be the outcome if a packet was opened by customs here, would we be in the mire or clobbered for tax ?.
  16. Gollum


    That would let ANY Tom, Dick and Harry use it without permission. Its ok a forum member asking and sending privately, but you could have a problem with unscruplious ebay sellers picking up rare coin pictures and using them to sell something the don't own, so personally i don't think thats such a good idea. That happens already doesn't it. and I did say with "what conditions they impose on such". I personaly don't care who uses any pictures I post when I do, so they can use them freely as long as it is not for commercial useage regarding the sale of any other coin or implying it is their coin. If they wish to use it in a reference book or the likes they are writing feel free.
  17. Link does not work !. Ah, sorry here is the item number for one instead: 170724759421 I don't know what the others will say because I am new to this but I wouldn't put my coins in those or anything like them, I don't trust such things made of plastic after hearing horror stories about them, I use paper wallets.
  18. Well done Congratulations to your wife and pass our best wishes to her on recovering soon. Now can I interest you in a set of sticky finger protectors for your coins and such .
  19. Gollum

    New Years Party

    Of course !, how can we not party when we are celebrating Johns New arrival.
  20. What!, you didn't get an invite, so sad.... I saw your g/f when I was sober.
  21. That is not the proof set case it's just the look a like often found with the currency coin set plus the crown added. To be the true Royal Mint case it would have the crest inside the lid and text on the cover. These are sometimes described as proof sets to catch the unwary. Thanks for the warning Gary. Unwary idiot educated
  22. Ok so I see proof sets and specimen sets on ebay, I like the look of some and think I would like to buy some, BUT, when I look at spink or such books their prices are a bit unreal, well to me they are anyway, would anyone be able to give a general price for those UK pre decimal sets that are more realistic ?. I like this one, it has nice shiny coins in it but what price would you give. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1953-Elizabeth-II-Coronation-Specimen-Set-Presentation-Case-/270883106258?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3f11e42dd2 I take it that a specimen set is no more than those coins being released for normal circulation placed in a display box ?. Whereas Proof sets are double struck etc.
  23. Looks genuine enough to me, Garry. Nothing special though - large accumulations of average material are the lifeblood of ebay. Thank you Declan, I just love those wee little silver coins though. I did just put a bid on a 1888 shilling in his lot though just so I did not feel so let down.