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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Gollum


    I would like to learn but all them people on a coin forum I visit think I iz an idgit. So I thought I might go to ELC in town and get sum edjumakachen 1st, now what I mean like. I am still bored.
  2. Gollum


    I would Ski, but I thought I may get bored.
  3. Gollum


    It just gets worse, I am more bored than earlier, and that is worse than bored, now i am super bored, in fact I am super duper bored, on top of that the wife forgot my Rizlas ( I smoke home mades ) and there are no shops open and no transport anyway, so I am attempting to use craft paper and it is vile !. How bored can a man get, well, let me tell you, bored is not really bored untill you get as bored as I am, now that isn't normal bored, it's really bored you know the kind of bored that goes with watching such things as x factor, or BB, now that kind of bored is bored, but even saying that I am more bored than that even. I am still bored. Nobody loves me here, or at home either.
  4. Happy Birthday Sion

  5. Gollum

    Crown coins

    Only if your a member of Reading coin club Still not heard from Frank either.
  6. Gollum

    Wanted ads

    Having watched some of the chatter here I can get a sarcastic note for less than a tenner thanks Debbie. I can imagine it now, an envelope with a tanner in it and a sarcastic note saying "what did you expect"
  7. Blimey !, £105 http://www.tts-group.co.uk/shops/tts/Products/PD1726995/Digital-Blue-QX5-Microscope/ It just grew up
  8. So apart from the royal mint for UK coins, is there anywhere like it to buy foreign coins ?. I like the look of this coin for the dragon. http://www.gainesvillecoins.com/products/159122/2012-1-oz-silver-year-of-the-dragon-round.aspx In fact is there anywhere like that here ?.
  9. Gollum

    Crown coins

    But watch out for the Jersey/Guernsey/Isle on man etc etc which are not widely accepted as legal tender.... Actually I was going to bring those up later, I can not understand why they can strike some really pretty coins and yet we seem to have "dull" ones. Are we just boring as a nation in this respect. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder with some of these!! What have they done to Kate!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Coins-Collectable-Prince-WILLIAM-and-KATE-Middleton-/160617668726?pt=UK_Royalty&hash=item25658f2076 Nowt, that's her pre makeup face . Well ok, so they made her look a little like wurzel gummidge.
  10. Trouble of this it is impossible to tell minor die errors from dealers lists or Ebay. At fairs ditto with the hustle and bustle and suspect lighting. I take a good quality x7 glass.I also have those tiny x45 & x60 pocket scopes which have LED lights.(I bought 20 from HK)sold a few on Ebay to cover my cost & have plenty left...I may sell a few more but they are so handy...almost disposable. Peter are they really any good and how much for one of those scopes if you sell them ?. I want one but not if its expensive to me.
  11. Gollum

    Crown coins

    I've got more than 10 available too. That doesn't mean to say the one you get will be mark free though. The one in the picture isn't, and the other side isn't shown. The picture may or may not be the coin you receive. Dave Watson is a member of this forum, and has told me he will ensure I get one that has either minimal or no marks on it and in a wallet.
  12. Gollum

    Crown coins

    But watch out for the Jersey/Guernsey/Isle on man etc etc which are not widely accepted as legal tender.... Actually I was going to bring those up later, I can not understand why they can strike some really pretty coins and yet we seem to have "dull" ones. Are we just boring as a nation in this respect.
  13. Gollum

    The new UK gold kilo coin

    In his magnificent design for the gold kilo coin for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Sir Anthony has remained true to his sculptural ideals, creating an imposing design that took all the skill of the Royal Mint’s hugely experienced craftsman to embody. Anyone want a job, says a lot for their craftsmen, they obviously have blind monkeys working for them
  14. Gollum

    The new UK gold kilo coin

    Uglier than a churchill crown ?.
  15. Gollum

    Crown coins

  16. Gollum

    Crown coins

    Swine As a diversion from this matter, is it true that ALL old english notes are still exchangeable with the mint for its modern counterpart ?. I ask as someone I know offered me some old green pound ones and a old £10 one for 30p each. Could be a bargain.
  17. Gollum

    UK coin sellers for foreign coins

    ???!! If you can afford one of those, it sounds like you should stop buying scrap copper to clean and start taking an interest in this sort of thing instead! Guinea Groat Half crown That was a one of for her birthday shortly after we met and married, mainly because some Billy BS she went out with promised her one and over the years it never materialised, so I made sure it did. I moan about her but she's looked after me for 12 years now, and believe me, that takes a lot.
  18. Gollum

    Crown coins

    Oi !, I just purchased one of them, you saying my coins are ugly .
  19. Gollum

    Crown coins

    Just for Debbie, that's 5 Bob .
  20. Gollum

    UK coin sellers for foreign coins

    You know the diamonds look quite interesting.... I'm sure Mrs Gollum wouldn't object! No, she probably wouldn't but I would, she breaks or loses anything I get her !. Which reminds me Debbie, she broke her brand new solid gold wristwatch last year within a week and I still have not had it repaired.
  21. Gollum

    UK coin sellers for foreign coins

    Thank you Tom, I agree on the real coin front, but sometimes pretty pictures can brighten up a collection. I like the reverse of the new 2012 britannia £2 coin, can't say much for Her Maj who now seems to be looking like something from planet of the apes in her effigy !.
  22. Gollum

    Useful links (members posts)

    I am saying nothing about this site. Except perhaps typing in the words coins, tokens, coinage, seem to has a marvelous effect . www.filecrop.com
  23. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yeah, it also says £1.25 each. But don't the royal mint have these at face price ?. Oh no, £45 the set ( silver of course ), ebay looks cheap now.... Forget that too, that £45 is for 2 coins only !!. Don't they do the "normal joe bloggs unc non silver" sets ?.
  24. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yeah, it also says £1.25 each. But don't the royal mint have these at face price ?. Oh no, £45 the set ( silver of course ), ebay looks cheap now....
  25. Gollum

    Cleaning my coins

    Will Caustic soda do much admage to a coin ?