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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Gollum

    Cleaning my coins

    I just had a thought, yes, I know, unique for me as the wife says, but are those electrolysis kits any good for cleaning coins or just a gimmick.
  2. Gollum

    Cleaning my coins

    Sorry Colin, I knew it had no silver content in it, I actually meant no silver look to it, it is all pink/brown and not very pretty , I guess it is a scrapper apart from reference in respect of the strike for others of the era,much annoyed !, people should look after their coins a lot better. All my 1800 pennies are in olive oil as per advice as well. Hopefully I can stop the verdigris spread. I may try posting some pics or scans later of my other coins, then one of you can tell me how awfull they are. Message to the rest of the world - their a finite resource, look after them...
  3. Gollum

    Cleaning my coins

    I am rather concerned about my 1950 shilling, it has no silver on it at all, it looks all copper and it is not fair, why would it be missing any traces of silver.
  4. Gollum

    Royal Mint dies

    Hi Tom, no nothing prticular, but it would seem rather naive to think that NO dies are or ever have been appropriated over the centuries by someone, as Peckris said, those copies are awfully good to have been made from none original dies. With laser scanning technology etc I wonder how long before someone can make new dies of old coins and strike with the right metals to such a standard as to fool even the best. Does not bear thinking about...... bbiab got to strike some "missing" coineage before tea time .
  5. sorry Peter, that was not meant to be at you, I thought moneyer was asking if I was you !.

  6. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Both of those and the silver thruppence. But then again I like ALL coins and it is so hard not to be a magpie isn't it .
  7. Gollum

    Cleaning my coins

    Thanks guys, so a electric drill and wire brush are defo out of the question then, better try the all new sand in a cement mixer job. :lol:
  8. Gollum

    Better yet, ipad or android tablet

    I just asked them to make a coin collecting programme. I use their other ones for the music and films I have, it's ok once you work it out. http://www.collectorz.com/
  9. I recently read on one of the military reunion forums that he was about to be outted as gay by one of the tabloids. How true I don't know, but it may of had a part in it.
  10. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    I am getting excited tonight, I asked if anyone had any coins on the local freecycle site and someone said he was a detectorist and had lots I coud have for free, so....I hope I am going to have some fun tonight and my first lot of old or unknown coins to sort through.
  11. Gollum

    how to change forum ID

    Don't do it. Everybody will hold you in contempt and treat you for the slimy, hand wringing and avaricious person you are. I for one shall lock up my 1959 dated coins - so there. From what everyone says on here, your not going to be changing any habits then.....
  12. Can I change my ID to Gollum, i feel akin to that poor creature.
  13. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    The new 50p gets me frustrated, everytime I look at them they seem to be slapping a new reverse on it, i have been looking for the dolphin one (for the wife as she likes dolphins), I think it's only from Gibraltar but then i'm a novice. I still can't make my mind up what specific British Coins to collect as they ALL look so nice ( imagine Gollum and his ring here ) , but I have a particular liking for the old tanner and thruppence, as well as the bronze thruppence. Decisions, decisions.
  14. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    I think this is nice. http://www.royalmint.com/web/counterfeitguide/onepounddesignsposter.pdf
  15. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    I have another dumb question obviously asked a million times, Why do they call the side of a coing bearing the head of the current ruler the obverse, I am curious as many people I know use the term "face value" when talking of a coin or note, so why did it not get called the face and reverse ?. Amazon are annoying me now, I want my CCG2011 and it is takng soooo long....erm 2 days now. Mr Perkins, if your reading this, can we have it for the Kindle please or pdf format ?.
  16. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Hi Tom. I'm worried about my wife finding out how many £'s I have spent too !, well actually, more to the point, I am worried about when she opens her purse and finds I have ransacked it and stolen all her coins like a viking pilager on a beer fest .... Was good fun though, I left her an "I.O.U £3.28p" note . Well it was in a good cause, I wanted the coins to fill in gaps, so I will just have to tell her I will give her duplicates when I have any, but that of course could be never as I don't have any as yet and still have lots of spaces to fill in. Think we could be on gruel for xmas
  17. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Thank you Peckris, I will store that for later, I just find it strange, not one coin in that period. Like I said, I never have any luck, I am the original Jonah.
  18. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Peter, I wish I knew anyone that would throw old bucket loads of coins at me for a £1.... I used to see them on every second hand shop counter I went into, now they have big signs saying 30 coins for £30 or such like. I never have any luck like that. If you have such bucket loads let me now Peckris. The coins where in brown paper packets and tissue paper in those boxes, I feel such a fool for it now, but back then I didn't give them a second look because I had rather a naughty childhood bumping fruit machines for the pennies and half pennies in bognor that landed me with many smacked backsides ( and bannned from the arcades, but they shone and called to me and I was hooked )until I wanted nothing to do with coins. I did manage to keep a worshipfull company of foresters medal type thing from them too as it looked different to me, I also noticed it had a hallmark on it so that made me even more interested at that time, I still have it. I already have a half crown from 1959, I was just asking about it because of that SN number, I have bought only 3 coins at over the odds on the bay ( my Id is scorpin912 ) but only because of their date and not value, don't ask me why but I am trying to get a nice(ish) set of coins from that year mainly because it is my year of birth. I have another question for you all, if you do not mind. I have just emptied out a large bottle ( I mean LARGE )of coppers onto the table tonight and sorted them through. I find that I have none from around 1980 -84, was there a problem at the mints around that time, I find it weird that I would not have at least 1 or 2 coins from that period. Or is this something that is obvious to all apart from me.
  19. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Thank you Rob. Much appreciated. I just started reading my book and now i see why I can't find a penny from 1959, I must look completely dumb to you lot. Anyone want to sell me their counterfeits at genuine prices, DOH! I like you guys, even if I am patently stupid.
  20. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Oh I forgot I also picked up one of those 1971 sets in the big plastic boxes for £2.00 is that good ?. Not that I mind what their worth but I hate to be ripped of for something thats worth 50p
  21. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Can anyone tell me if tis book is of any use, Seaby 19th Ed Coins of England and the united kingdom or is it now superseded by something else. It was only 10p in my local hock shop, so I got it, as well as a 1959 half crown as that is my year of birth, still haven't found a florin or penny from then though. Also is there a web site or source that will tell me what coins were minted in which year. I never knew that a crown was not minted in 1959 and I now feel like complaining to Her Majesty for that oversight.
  22. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Thank you David...Made the difference in my umming an ahhing, and now purchased via amazon
  23. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Thank you Nick. I thought it was someting serious as I had seen it about on there a number of times, I don't buy of off ebay but use it as a guide to what i have so far. Rob. I thought I was weird, nice to know I am not. I do have one criticism, and that is of the CCGB book, I would like to see perhaps one page scan and the number of pages in the book on the forum, for someone new like me it would show us what is in it in relation to content and how big it is. I have been caught before on books that are, skinny , have no real content that I am looking for and dire pictures etc. Nice to know I can be abused or harrased for buying duds in here though . Might keep me on my toes should I get too serious about it.
  24. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Sorry that item number doesnt work, so I am going to have to do this, which I hate !. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1959-Elizabeth-11-Halfcrown-Scarce-EF-SN5355-77-/230679611025?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item35b5938691