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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Gollum

    Hello everyone

    Hello Rob. It relates to a QE2 half crown on fleabay. item 35b5938691 if that works. I have lined up CCGB 2011 and the one about check your change on amazon, but I prefer e-books for my kindle etc ( easier to carry them all if you know what I mean ). Spinks is a bit high for me right now so will have to wait. Thank you for the Grading advice, I wondered what it meant !, I wont be doing that for many years i think, I just like the coins and whilst serious collectors like yourself find it important i dont as long as they are not counterfeit. Kind of like art for arts sake I guess. I will be around for a long time because whilst i say that above I am going to be hard at work hoarding !. Regards Garry