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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Gollum

    opions please

    Judging from the date of the coin, I would be more inclined to take a look at the style of writing and the kind of lettering from that date on other things and then take it from there.
  2. Gollum

    Copy of Peck available

    Unfortunately not, Mr Garry would of loved it but his wife is tearing their marriage apart for her family in France.... Again. Looks like it may soon be a park bench in the snow if it goes on.
  3. Hus, you need to sort out your forums security fast. It just let me download your access logs !.

  4. Pfft it's allright for you techies with the new brownie !
  5. Daves. I think I did yours over the other week. I cant be bothered to do mine, I can't be bothereed with it presently.
  6. Your site looks fine in Chrome here! David Erm yeah, right, here comes a new web site. is that correct ?.
  7. Gollum

    die crack

    1889 shilling
  8. Gollum

    Numismatic Websites being targeted & hacked?

    Without wishing the worse on a person I never knew, he hasn't passed away has he, is anyone able to contact him on landline etc ?.
  9. Gollum

    Not a sale but a swap

    Funny that, most of the other coins on there are too. we must have had some real shortages of cash in this country over the decades, still have as it seems
  10. Gollum

    Not a sale but a swap

    Ok so I thought about it and it seems that it may be workeable. If any daft beggars in here are collecting those infernal decimal 50p varieties ( olympic or other ones) I would like to propose a swap for them, or you can buy those I do have duplicates of for their face value and 1st class postage/recorded delivery. None of those I have are uncirculated or proofs, merely those I got from the bank or my wifes shopping travels. I know, their not worth a lot but hey some of us are driven to collect even if it isn't pre decimal. Let me know what you think, insults on the back of a George III twopence please.
  11. Gollum

    die crack

    The whole idea is of course subject to one condition, that they do not refuse to sell single malts to the English.
  12. Gollum

    die crack

    Thank you for elucidating.
  13. don't think he means chocolate ones Accumulator
  14. Gollum


    Ok so lets just call it a checked skirt.
  15. Gollum

    Flubadub ...

    There's no rhyme or reason to any of it. I'm pretty sure that their quotes computer software is little more than a fixed number plus a random number. Nah, their all conected to a crystal ball and the ethereal world
  16. What about all the ones they struck for Edward who abdcicated, werent they pre dated or such as they had to melt them down ?.
  17. Gollum

    Flubadub ...

    Oh well, I had a vauxhall astra. It got stolen from my driveway, when found and written off, the insurance compnay offered me £80 for it as it had no M.O.T on it at the time, I took it, come renewal, guess how much my premium went up..... yep £80. Thank you A-Plan.
  18. Dear Ebay police, this letter is to tell you that accumulator, ColinG and Azda are all the same person and are shill bidding on a penny coin owned by Rob. Right, now their taken care of - £5. Dear Gollum, Unfortunately, whilst it states in our official rules that people bidding under different usernames is forbidden, we dont actually give a flying duck as at the end of the day, the higher the price, the more we make on our scandalous charges - especially on PayPal! As such, I'm afraid that the bid stands at £45.01 with Azda. However, this sounds "A* UbEr-RAR, Specil Edtion All Coletors MUST HAVE - Way beter than AUNC+++++!" so I'll bid £45.015 Yours, eBay Police Bugger it. ( slopes of head down )
  19. Gollum

    Flubadub ...

    Yeah their even better when they don't have wifey dings in the wings etc aren't they
  20. No, but definitely fewer than the 685,000 figure that is stated in ESC and Davies. It is by far the rarest date of the Victorian shillings. Anyone like to make an educated guess how many are left? 2 or 3 dozen perhaps with the number in high grade in low single digits? Unfortunately the phrase "educated guess" begs more questions than it answers. There are just too many imponderables : - First, the stated mintage figure which as we all know is misleading and probably includes very many dated 1849 (approximately the same mintage but not rare at all) - second, the number that might have been swallowed up after 1920 or 1947 when the banks withdrew silver - third, the distorting effect of commoner dates being now less common in relation to 1850 as a result of collectors absorbing 99.9% of all remaining 1850s since the 1950s, but at the same time absorbing a much lower % of common dates, e.g. from 1966-71, 1980, etc - fourth, the lack of any Freeman-like survey AFAIK to base any educated guesswork on It's probably true to say "we'll never know". Do you know whether they also minted in advance eg minted 1851 coins in 1850? I'm guessing they probably would in the situation where the last die of a particular year broke/wore out near the end of the year. I did read somewhere that they did that to use up an old die or such,I think it was in coin world.
  21. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The very same.. And he replied to my question about is this the same coin I wil receive Dear scorpion912, yes, the coin shown in the image is the one being sold. caesars_ghost
  22. Gollum

    Wanted Coin sets

    If you have any of those infernal proof sets in the RM cases that you do not want I am looking for one of each year. So pm me a price and year if you want shot of them and I will see what I can do .
  23. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Which has again ended But relisted http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390384224170
  24. What's an NLR then, Garry? No Longer Registered, or NARU take your pick Declan
  25. Gollum


    Ok so I got a new domain now I may want to look at hosting for it, so who is the cheapest about, answers on the back of a silver threepenny bit please