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Everything posted by Gollum

  1. Gollum

    jewellers scales

    Hi Peter, I actually got some today in the post. a set of Fuzion rogue 650 ones. So its all go now. How have you been keeping , ok I hope ?
  2. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    Very, VERY, nice! Azda, what is your photography set-up? I'm in the middle of researching a good set-up for myself, just for coin photography. Do you know enough about the hobby to offer any suggestions? Coinery, you may want to look at the ebay link Gollum has above, thats more of a professional setup for taking coin picture, camera seems mounted. I personally do nothing special, just the natural light (outside) I have a blacony on the house with a large ledge which is where i go (sometimes freezing my nuts off if the weather is cold and i have a few coins to do. I think basically its allabout the feel of your camera and knowing when the picture is right. Larger coins you can get quite close to, smaller coins need a little more distance or else they can look blurry after cropping Well if I am honest, I have all the things needed to do it properly apart from a macro lense for my canon digital, I was thinking of buying a cheap usb camera just for fun, and I have a light box in my darkroom that I can put coins on for pics if I can be bothereed to go into the loft, so if Coinery wants to grab that then I wont be moaning at him.
  3. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    I like that one. Shame it wouldn't come unglued from the screen it would been in my box rapido. , incidently azda, will any of the cheap usb microscopes on ebay be ok for coins like that blue digital thing you were talking about. The one i bought was called Traveller, it's nothing special, but it does the job for looking at anything you can't see in hand like the C over inverted C 2d i recently posted on the forum. I paid €30 new, a friend of mine got the same one on ebay late last year for 18 quid i think it was overkill then http://www.ebay.co.u...605910369268540 This is what i've got http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USB-Microscope-1-3-Megapixel-Camera-Traveller-/180797585224?pt=UK_BOI_Medical_Lab_Equipment_Lab_Equipment_ET&hash=item2a18603748 that was on my watch list
  4. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    I like that one. Shame it wouldn't come unglued from the screen it would been in my box rapido. , incidently azda, will any of the cheap usb microscopes on ebay be ok for coins like that blue digital thing you were talking about. The one i bought was called Traveller, it's nothing special, but it does the job for looking at anything you can't see in hand like the C over inverted C 2d i recently posted on the forum. I paid €30 new, a friend of mine got the same one on ebay late last year for 18 quid i think it was overkill then http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Carl-Zeiss-Tessovar-Micro-Photography-Unit-C35M-Camera-Collection-Only-/280807968214?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D5%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D5739605910369268540
  5. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No, but it's definately BU, just ask Peckris I am defo interested in it even if it is french carp , mainly because of the date ( fire of london and all that ) and it's condition. almost certainly a French Jeton - Louis XIV There are hundreds of different types, a field of study on their own. Some are rare, but most average circulated ones go for €15-25 on Ebay.fr French coins and jetons are fun!!! Hard to identify from the awful photo, I would leave this one alone, looks brassoed to me If you really want one dated 1666 try this link or here Thanks, ugly arent they , but I thnk I found what it is, is it the same as this do you think. http://cgi.ebay.fr/TB-JETON-CUIVRE-1666-BATIMENTS-LOUIS-XIV-/200662211948?pt=Fr_GW_Monnaie_&hash=item2eb8665d6c Actually I am cruising that site looking for something nice now, but its those horrible euros and the conversions from sterling I dont like it.
  6. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    I like that one. Shame it wouldn't come unglued from the screen it would been in my box rapido. , incidently azda, will any of the cheap usb microscopes on ebay be ok for coins like that blue digital thing you were talking about.
  7. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No, but it's definately BU, just ask Peckris I am defo interested in it even if it is french carp , mainly because of the date ( fire of london and all that ) and it's condition.
  8. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not a laugh but can anyone identify it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Old-Copper-Brass-coin-dated-1666-Little-known-/280804306132?pt=UK_Coins_European_RL&hash=item41613dacd4
  9. Gollum

    VAT on Purchased coins from abroad

    I think that is disgusting, if you have no other way of importing them other than by Royal Mail service then you are surely being forced to pay an admin fee you did not agree to, that is as far as I can see a contract you did not enter into willingly. Surely that can be tested in a court. What if you paid it directly to the inland revenue or customs or whoevr it is, are they still entitled to charge you ?.
  10. This isn't elitist, rather common sense. Buying blind is the easiest way to make purchases you later regret. For all its benefits, eBay is also the repository for most of the people on this planet who are incapable of grading, or at times even identifying what it is they are selling. Good pictures are a must if you are going to make a purchase on eBay and as an aside, the prices realised are frequently too high for the item bought. Many times you can buy at a proper auction much cheaper than on eBay with quite a lot of the former items being sold on the latter site almost immediately after the auction because there are sufficient numbers of people willing to pay over the odds out there to make it feasible. Well I won't disagree with you Rob, you have been at it far longer than I ever will be, but having read a number of magazines and articles, buying blind may not be so bad or with blurred pictures etc if the fact that a number of rare or incorrectly attributed coins have been purchased for peanuts on ebay by sellers not knowing what they had, so someone is getting lucky if not me, likewise if you have a run of the mill ordinary coin worth no more than 20p and you put it on ebay, you and we al know you stuff the title with rareor hard to get and someone like me will part with silly wads of cash to get it from you. Maybe elitist was an incorrect description, maybe I should of said intelligent or a knowing collector knows that going to a decent shop whose expertise in coins is probably the best way to buy what you want, how you want, or the reverse, at a price you accept as reasonable. Most of what I have is what you may call run of the mill, and therefore I use ebay for prices, also because as you say, I can shove it straight back on if unhappy with it. I have now lost the plot and train of thought, so will be quiet before I dig the hole any bigger, not bad for a untrained monkey !
  11. Gollum

    VAT on Purchased coins from abroad

    Well, me being Scottish (apparently we're tight) thought, to get around always paying tax in Gemrnay on every purchase outside the EU i'd get a friend of mine in the UK to buy a coin for me from the USA: Today he tells me the coin has arrived and parcelforce have gave him a wee letter saying i'm owing another 38 f*****g quid for tax, i would have been cheaper buying it myself and letting the Germans tax me 7% instead of the near 30% that i've had to pay. I really thought Germay was bad for taxation, but that just pales into insignifigance as to what i've just had to add to the UK Governments coffers. 7% German tax or near 30% UK tax, hmmmmm thats a toughie Thank you Azda, that has put paid to me buying any silver proofs from canada or australia, I liked the look of those year of the dragon coins or from USA.
  12. "Lastly - what's the best price guide book" . personally if I want the realistic value of a coin I look on the completed auctions on ebay. As a seller you want the max you think it is worth, as a customer the opposite, ebay whilst a ***t hole seems to speak for the various groups or grades of buyers. Unless of course your elitist and want to buy from a shop where you can see it in hand and judge it first. I am merely a peon.
  13. Gollum

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    michael winner dude!
  14. Gollum


    Thank you oh wise one. Much appreciated.
  15. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    here is one of them, best i can do.
  16. Gollum

    It's Verdigris or is it

    Do you have any photos Garry? Are you getting frisky with me !, I like it , erm no I don't. I could do later but I can't gaurantee the quality.
  17. Thank you Rob, I did look at one on ebay last night when I saw this, but it didn't seem to match so was wondering.
  18. I have no clue as to what coin this is so can someone post a full picture please.
  19. Gollum

    English Silver Coins

    All editions are an improvement on the previous ones and 1992 is the last printed, but anything in the 1971 would still be valid. Alan Rayner died a few years ago, so there will be no 6th edition. Like all reference material, it has omissions and many rarity values are demonstrably incorrect, but it is still a valuable addition to the library, listing as it does a reasonably comprehensive summary of the milled silver coins. It doesn't go into as much detail as Davies, but covers a longer period. Thank you Rob. I just got this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310369811829?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 £7 isnt a lot for educational paperwork. Must go look up Davies. Doh ! duh ! was I blonde the last time you saw me.
  20. Ok so its not pre decimal. But does anyone seem to have noticed how the new 2011 £2 coins all seem to have marks on the inner part that are there as if the machine that pushes the centre in has left an image like two large () ?. I thought it was just grease or dirt so tried to remove it with a cotton bud, it remained though. Nasty mint people. Still it could be me.
  21. Wonder how much I will get ripped for. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260937397578
  22. and can look forward to your wife ME spending it Watch out Garry - she's reading this over your shoulder she's behind me asleep so i'm safe for now
  23. Gollum


    Stop prevaricating oh green one and scan away, I would like to read them also Mañana look up ! no thanks pigeons do things in your eyes, but yeah tomorrow is another day. To the Latins, it's always "tomorrow", especially if the missus needs a job doing my wife has italian blood so I am buggered, she likes a fight and i like peace.
  24. Gollum


    Stop prevaricating oh green one and scan away, I would like to read them also Mañana look up ! no thanks pigeons do things in your eyes, but yeah tomorrow is another day.
  25. and can look forward to your wife ME spending it