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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Paulus


    Sadly, yes, I would agree
  2. Paulus

    1949 Godless florin

    I wondered that too, don't remember ever seeing that before the upgrade. Coinery managed to do it too I think, perhaps a glitch somewhere?
  3. Paulus

    Spink catalogues

    Works perfectly on my Kindle tablet too
  4. Paulus

    Spink catalogues

    And Chris has just issued Coin Collectors GB 2016 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Collectors-Coins-Britain-British-Pre-Decimal-ebook/dp/B01993U9XG/ref=pd_sim_351_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=51XdpDMAlCL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR121%2C160_&refRID=0N5V4Q3E0ZQMA5A090H2
  5. Paulus

    1949 Godless florin

    You do seem to be quite insistent that it is a 1949 @Mynki!
  6. Paulus

    CataWiki New Sponsor

    Chris, the CataWiki link appears as below on my PC (using Google Chrome):
  7. Yes, that would be the logical conclusion. You Admins, I don't know!
  8. Hi TymH and welcome to this Forum. The marks appear to be the initials of the engraver/designer (B.P. - Benedetto Pistrucci), however they should not be present on a 1900 London Mint half sovereign issue, according to the literature I have. Do you have the weight of this coin?
  9. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    Yey you've done it already, top admining!
  10. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    Next question (and last one for now!) When someone likes a post, the poster gets a notification that 'someone' likes it, and the post shows with n number of likes. Is it possible that the notification can say who has liked it, and the post can list names (a-la Facebook)?
  11. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    Thanks for sorting that out Matt
  12. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    I should think so, are there further thresholds depending on the number of posts?
  13. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    I don't mean for guests, I mean for newly signed up users, who are signed in when they post
  14. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    OK, here's the first question: Permissions and thresholds for edit your own posts Newbies are often a bit frustrated that they cannot edit their posts, even a minute after posting, just to correct typos etc. I believe this improves after a certain number of posts, and maybe improves still further after even more? One such newbie has just been voicing his frustration with me (privately) What is the purpose of enforcing such restrictions? Do you know what the thresholds are? Can they be eased?
  15. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    So you're an Admin now Matt? Stand by for some questions / enhancement requests!
  16. Paulus

    No signature function ?

    That's great, thanks Chris!
  17. I think Nons is coming on in leaps and bounds, he is less than a year in, and far more advanced than I was after 2+ years
  18. Paulus

    New Arrivals

    I think the 13, 17 and 24 also looked dipped, to one extent or another ... but it could just be the photography ...
  19. @azda may be after one of these?
  20. It's Roman (or Roma if you are a careless CGS grader), and must be UIN 35660, as there is only 1 in their population report:
  21. @Peter Although you may not like the slabs