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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. This is just what i needed thanks guys - my one question is when first starting on this journey do you have to pay for hosting ets while still building your site? There are no costs involved at all, unless you want to 'go premium' (not looked into that but haven't found the need). They host it for you at no cost to you, 3 Gb of disk space (I am using 1 % so far) I had already watched the video Bagerap posted, it's very good but a little out of date, and begins with outlining the costs of setting up your own web domain and paying for it to be hosted, you don't need to do this.
  2. Paulus


    We have a few regular posters that do not post at the moment as you know, but I kind of sense a dwindling of interest in the micro-attribution side of things (apart from the ever-strong Viccy pennies). I know this is key to early hammered, do enthusiasts of the subject feel it is becoming more 'niche'? Certainly there was far more discussion on this site a couple of years ago, maybe collectors are moving more to collecting general 'types'?
  3. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is a "lovely coin" though
  4. I've no idea either, but I took 25% from one of my 3 funds in December without combining anything and was pleasantly surprised how quick, easy and seemingly fee-free it was. From next April you can sell any annuities for a taxable lump sum too.
  5. Paulus

    Pain in the a**e Indian gentleman(?)

    Have you tried marking it as 'junk' in your email system?
  6. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yep, a tenner would have been a fair price! As Rob says, different imperfections bother different people, personally I cannot abide rim knocks, or anything that seriously detracts from the beauty of the coin!.
  7. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    So you have two happy people - if only it was like that all the time. Some people don't worry about marks, others don't care if a coin has been cleaned, some are paranoid that their coin might have been handled in the past, some are...... you name it, someone will be exercised at the thought. None of us can stand up and categorically state that buying a coin was wrong if the two directly interested parties are happy with the deal. Very true Rob, just surprises me at times!
  8. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It often amazes me what some people will pay for a very common coin. Probably the easiest date in the series, this has gone for £33 with a stonking great rim nick at 3 o'clock on the reverse: link
  9. Paulus

    one penny and half penny

    You could do a 'collection in person only' auction or BIN (Buy It Now) on eBay, it's free to list. Might suit a new collector who is happy to sort through hundreds of coins?
  10. Exactly what I did when I turned 55 last November Peter! At least I now have a more diverse portfolio that I am in control of an can enjoy! My most recent acquisitions that you have admired are as a result of releasing a small percentage of my previously locked pension funds Keeping investment strategy separate from collecting strategy is still key, but I feel right now they often coincide at the high end
  11. For those penny collectors new(ish) to this site, there is a resource I am sure you will be interested in. Accumulator (Steve) hasn't been on for a few months (I hope he is OK, I will message him), his website presentation of his penny collection is superb (see link below), I would love to do something similar for my (non-penny) collection! link
  12. Paulus

    1887 crown

    Hi Charlie As Dave says, plenty of overall wear and no better than VF for me either. You should be able to get a considerably better one for £50, if you can afford a little more these are plentiful in GEF-UNC.
  13. Paulus

    Henry VIII Groat

    Potentially my H8 groat keeper, opinions welcome!
  14. LOL, yes, surely you are thinking of golf Copper, it's "PULL" !!
  15. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You are right, of course, he does, and messages sent when feeling angry are often not a good idea! Just wanted him to have a sleepless night I guess (although that's not guaranteed if someone is used to wrong-doing!) Any other views? I would guess Azda would like him hung, drawn and quartered, while others might advise I put it down to experience! After all, I am not out of pocket. But the 'rap on the knuckles' from eBay is reportedly so gentle as to not deter would-be repeat offenders
  16. Paulus

    Slaney 2

    Entirely fascinating I agree, nothing I can add of any value, except to say that siege pieces seem to me to be an obvious target for a forger, be he/she contemporary, Victorian, modern or Asian! Coinery sold me a very dodgy Newark a long while back (ok, he did say it wasn't genuine! )
  17. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I'm still angry as I don't appreciate being taken for a mug, and I wouldn't like this to happen to anyone else! I am tempted to fire this off to the seller's email address that I have through Paypal, anyone think of any reason to caution me not to?? As you may have seen, I have left you a big fat negative on eBay feedback. It's not nice being a victim of fraud, has it ever happened to you? I thought I would inform you of the consequences of your idiocy. Firstly, I have been fully refunded, including postage both ways, funds that eBay will get back from you, if they haven't already, and assuming you were able to withdraw my Paypal payment when it was madeSuffolk Police and the Fraud Squad have your details, including your Paypal, eBay, email, name and addressAll the details of your crime, and all your contact and eBay details, have been added to various blacklists, including collecting forums, Facebook Groups, and on-line 'rogue trader' galleries Good work!
  18. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just teasing Peter!
  19. Paulus

    Ebay advice.

    I agree with Rob's and Azda's points. If you routinely describe all your listings as UNC and/or rare when they are not, potential buyers will conclude that you over-grade/exaggerate. Bear in mind that the buyer has to pay the postage, so a £1 coin becomes £2.25 or more, which in many cases is more than the coin may be worth. I'm guessing that your regular buyer often receives a postage discount from you for multiple purchases? As a seller, in my opinion, it is simply not worth the time and trouble selling an eBay item for £1. The net return on a £1 (+ £1.25 p&p) coin is just 66p, after commission, and assuming p&p is at cost. You also state "I CANNOT BE REPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGED CAUSED WHILE IN TRANSIT". As a seller it is your responsibility to ensure that the buyer receives the item as described in the listing, and undamaged. It is far more reassuring to hear that you will post the item 'signed for' and well protected by the packaging.
  20. Paulus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Good advice! Phew indeed! joseph kennedy Flat 1 281 London Road South Lowestoft Probably one of Peter's relatives I imagine.
  21. I think it's just a first impression thing, not suggesting anything other than a very gentle and warm welcome to anyone who is new, some of whom will find it daunting to join a site like this, with its Forum Gods an' all! After that, there is normally some softening of the 'do I really belong here?' factor. So I am talking about welcoming someone gently to our Forum, not about the specifics of grading
  22. I am sad about this, what can we do to come across as more open and less daunting to newbies?