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  1. mike

    Pennies - Edward VII

    Hello Guy. Are your half crowns listed on CGS website as "The Coinery" and "TC Coins" available as well (obviously with the exception of your E VII ones) ? Thanks, Mike
  2. Pete, can you email it to me as well, please Thanks, Mike
  3. mike

    Choice 1937 Halfcrown (currency)

    Thank you for your comments, if you see better one please let me know, I'll be very grateful. PS what in particular you do not like about the pictured coin - in my eyes this is truly choice coin - evenly toned over full mint lustre, almost no bag or contact marks, no edge problems etc. I have attached two further photographs to show how 99,9% of dealers UNC George VI half crowns look like ...
  4. I am looking for a choice example of 1937 currency Halfcrown - minimum or no contact marks, bag marks, lustrous, no hairlines, no wear, etc. As example I have attached pictures of the Halfcrown in the grade I am looking for. I am happy to pay over the book price for truly choice piece. Thanks for any tips or offers.
  5. I agree with Vicky. YH Victorian Halfcrowns are at heart of my collecting focus and I am also not very excited about these overdates. I’d rather prefer choice truly UNC specimen of normal date. We are probably not the only ones, as example in GEF (CGS 70, which would be for many dealers A/UNC or even UNC) sold at LCA 148, March 15 (lot 2622) for £600,- +BP and another example described as A/UNC sold in A147 in December 2014 for £850,- +BP - which is probably not very different from what you would expect normal 1845 2/6d to achieve in these grades. I find much more challenging to find truly UNC example of normal 1845 Halfcrown (if anybody is aware of one for sale, please let me know!)
  6. mike

    Finest Known

    LOL. I am always absolutely stunned! How on earth can anybody think that TPG's „finest known“ means that this is the best example in the world???? I do not get it. No one even knows how many exaples of particular coin even survived. Obviously this means finest known from examples they graded. Computer automatically attributes „finest known“ or „joint finest“ to the highest graded example(s). I think it is up to the intelect of each coin collector to decide how he/she uses this information. If the relatively common coin is finest known from 15 examples then it means absolutly nothing and only stupid person would pay premium for such a coin. On the other hand, if there hundreds already graded, it can give you idea how scarce the coin is in particular grade and it can affect it's value accordingly. For example – decimal twenty pence undated mule: current population 704 (single finest known grade 88, 4 joint second finest grade 85, 13 graded 82, but for example 275 graded 65) – consequently examples in grade 65 noramlly sell in auctions for about £44,- , in grade 82 between £150,- and £230,-, 85 sold for £304,- and the finest known in grade 88 sold in June 2012 for £490,-. There was time when there were 2 or 3 exapmles in population report and the finest know was graded 65. I think it's typical that collectors who don't send coins for grading are shouting the most that there is not enough coins in population report :-).
  7. That's fine, Azda. I just do not know why you started pointing at me as Spink prices advocate and "pampering someones ego" just because I have asked for up to date Spink prices on few coins. Am I the only one in the world who wants to know what the price of certain coins in latest Spink are??? Phil's reply was perfectly all right and fine with me. I am collecting for more than 25 years, following most of the sales and auctions - especially as halfcrowns are concerned, and I want OPINION on Spink prices I would have asked differently.
  8. 1)Because he needs to make a profit. 2) In my experience, if the coin is choice UNC, the dealers will offer buying price quite close to Spink as they know they will be able to sell it for even more. It all comes down to grade. AMR coins sold in December 1936 nice choice UNC Crown for £1150,- (more than Spink price at that time). I personally would not call the buyer "idiot", it is probably difficult to find this coin in choice grade, without "almost unc, nearly unc" , "spots that barely distract" etc. There can be a big difference between UNC and UNC. None of the Halfcrowns you've mentioned from LC sales are BU, IMO.
  9. This is NOT BU coin (but still sold for much more than CCGB 2015 price). Anyway, once again, my question was "If anyone had a moment would they be able to get me the latest Spink prices for the following coins please?" - that's all, everything else in this thread are your assumptions. I do NOT have this coin, so if you think that I want to pay someone 1100,- because of Spink, your completely wrong. It is excellent news that I can buy one for £350,-. Thank you.
  10. My question was „If anyone had a moment would they be able to get me the latest Spink prices for the following coins please?“ and I got no nosense answer from Phil. Simple. And yes, CCGB 2015 is wrong, if you asking. Absolutely ridiculous. BU 1875 Halfcrown for £350,-??? Please send me one. KB coins have NUNC for 600,-, on ebay is one (NGC 64)offered for £1050,-, that's all i can find. Saltford coins have 1877 Halfcrown described as UNC for £800,-, I should get in touch with these dealers and offer them £350,- as per CCGB 2015 :-). Just out of interest, is there any dealer on this forum, whou would sell BU 1875 Halcrown for £350,- ??? If yes, please add me on your want list.
  11. Thank you very much, Phil. Much appreciated! Mike