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Everything posted by stebuzz

  1. could anyone tell me the spink price for the above in extremely fine condition. as i have just bought one and want to gloat a little. thanks steve
  2. stebuzz

    1884 sixpence

    see EBAY ITEM 220936221981 thanks.
  3. stebuzz

    1884 sixpence

    thanks for that it was 36 quid. BIG SMILE. thought it might be more in spinks.
  4. thanks i have taken up your advice, he is going to do the job for me.
  5. hi, can anyone recommend someone in the greater manchester area who can do a professional write up for my coins and value them for the insurance company. thanks steve
  6. hello, have been collecting since about 1990 and collect victorian coins. have a nice collection of quality GVF/ EF coins.

  7. hi, new poster here. i have today been on ebay and spootted two different 1856 pennies for sale. one in england and the other in the USA. these have exactly the same marks/damage to them. i have spoken to chris perkins about this and he suggested they may be using the same picture. this is a scarce date and even in fine these go for 70 quid. BEWARE as these may be forgeries from a die. at the very least check that the coin you will receive is the one in the picture before you bid. regards steve.
  8. thanks, yes it was me doing a bit of detective work who has asked both of them the question. i have yet to hear back from the english seller. but as the auction has ended he might not answer.
  9. the 2 items are 390376189771 and 260926639985 i must state that the 2 sellers are not in anyway being accused of any wrong doing. thank you.