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    An unimportant part of the furnishings

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    Boston USA
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    17th Century tokens, Scottish coins of course, and any excessively large numismatic item.

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  1. scottishmoney

    40 Pence 1625 -49

    And then his son Charles II was 6'1"
  2. scottishmoney

    40 Pence 1625 -49

    Sure have to love Scottish denominations ie 40d. Largely a result of debasing the coinage and then revaluing it. England was fortunate that debasement only happened during the reign of Henry VIII - and the crown went back on the sterling standard early in the reign of Edward VI. In Scotland debasements started late in the 14th century and continued right up until the reign of Charles I when the currency was brought back to a fixed standard of 12:1 or briefly 13:1 during the late 17th century.
  3. scottishmoney

    More cool junk

    Just a note on contemporary counterfeits - they were made to circulate and not fool future collectors - as noted above the penalties were stiff if the forgers were caught. Any counterfeits found in circulation by the authorities would have been destroyed - as a result forgeries are often quite a bit scarcer than the authentic coins. During Queen Mary of Scotland's reign French troops were billeted in Edinburgh - it is believed they were the guilty parties forging low value 2d coins ie bodles with bronze instead of billon as the authentic coins. The forged coins are quite scarce but have a history and are worth more than the reasonably common authentic bodles.
  4. scottishmoney

    Silver Crowns 1676 & 1892

    They both look like the real things are supposed to - the writing on the edge is the lettered edge that was done when the coin was struck in a lettered collar. It was quite an innovation for the 17th century and was obviously used on higher denomination coins as a safeguard against clipping and counterfeiting. Unfortunately I don't have my 1676 crown imaged - but it circulated a long time - deep into the 18th century as it is also "loved"
  5. scottishmoney

    Penny's Edward III 1327-1377

    The one on the left, likely a half-groat, circulated for a very long time to get to that state. And the earliest monarch it could be would be EIII as half groats were not minted before his reign.
  6. Not oft are medieval mints still around that minted coins during the hammered era - here is an example of an Irish penny from King Edward I that was minted in Reginalds Tower in Waterford Ireland. Reginalds Tower Waterford
  7. scottishmoney

    Date unknown, Silver Hammered coin

    Groats were a very late 13th and mostly mid 14th century thing. They were released in small numbers during the reign of Edward I, but were minted in much larger numbers during the reign of Edward III
  8. scottishmoney

    Spink - image pending

    A whole other gripe with Spink is the lumping of lots together - I can understand that with lower priced items - but pricier items that should stand alone in a lot are getting lumped in with lower priced items. I've occasioned decent pricier lots that got lumped with dribble that I didn't want and it stopped me from bidding because I don't want to deal with detritus.
  9. scottishmoney

    Spink - image pending

    I'd be a bit more than chaffed if it was my consignment and they neglected to fulfill their obligation to sell at the best possible price with decent images.
  10. scottishmoney

    Spink - image pending

    What I have found with "Image Pending" is that the more likely is they will never put an image up at all.
  11. True that may well be that the RM called in as much as possible, but I still hae £90 in £SD from fairlings to crowns
  12. scottishmoney

    Trump v Clinton

    Trailer Trash for Trump! But then you have left fielders like Hillary secretly meeting with Wall St. Politics is very much akin to the oldest profession, prostitution.
  13. scottishmoney

    New 5 pound note

    I have seen Tesla live a couple of times, yes they are a great band.
  14. scottishmoney

    Trump v Clinton

    I'd go for investigating both Trump and Clinton. They are both crooks. No matter who wins, America will lose.
  15. scottishmoney

    New 5 pound note

    Def Leppard is 1980s, but I like Sabbath, DP and the Zep - even though they are well before my time.