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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. scottishmoney

    Mother of Pearl Coin?

    It is likely from Thailand and is more of a counter for gaming and not a coin. Your example is a bit unusual for the round shape and has some detail to the carving on it.
  2. It is a commemorative medallion, produced in France and sold by subscription at the time. Being gilt it sold for more than the bronze metal, but less than the silver or gold medals. The French produced a lot of medals, even commemorating stuff that we in the 21st century might think odd now.
  3. It is gold plated, rather "gilt" in the correct terminology and appears to date from the early 19th century - contemporary to what it commemorates which appears to be the restoration of the monarchy in France in 1830 - Louis Phillippe, the Bourbon Orleans king whom ruled from 1830 until 1848.
  4. scottishmoney

    Unknown Asian /Indian coin

    It appears to be a late 19th or very early 20th century Thai coin - then known as Siam.
  5. scottishmoney

    Palestine 100 Mills 1934

    I see nothing with this piece that would suggest it is, but there are many forgeries of this sort of coinage that come out of the Middle East, and I would recommend finding an authority on this coinage and verifying it's authenticity.
  6. Pay my fare to Ukraine and I might just take you up on that! Tomorrow I am in Frankfurt DE, then back to Ukraine. But the hoard is somewheres else entirely.
  7. If someone were to saunter and sift through my 50kg of predec, they would find coins going back to William III. I pitched a whole bunch of early hapennies in there years ago.
  8. scottishmoney

    William 1111

    Red Riley, your tastes in art are just about as prurient as mine, and that my friend is downright alarming.
  9. If I were in Britain and not in Ukraine, I would buy them in a heartbeat. I have approximately 50kg of predecimal coinage floating about.
  10. scottishmoney

    Contemporary fake?

    If I may venture to state, I believe the contemporary forgeries of the early 19th century coins are rather more interesting than the real coins, they are rather telling of the times and the measures that people went to to "make" money. Curiously whilst they must have been a plague along the lines of the current quid coins, they are not as omnipresent in collecting, or in quantity for that matter nowadays.
  11. scottishmoney

    Postage responsibility

    Indeed the USPS does the very same thing with international registereds, pushes them into the box with no signature etc. I just got one from Germany like that - apparently the USPS treats all foreign registereds like regular mail now - they are not even tracked beyond the point of entry, say New York. But then paypoo requires you to have stuff sent registered, so you pay something like $9 for something that should cost no more than $2 to send, because otherwise if you report the item missing the seller is out the dosh. It is a rip off every way around and something that makes me really think about whether I want to buy stuff from overseas. Fortunately most British sellers use a courier like Fedex or something and buy addtl insurance for expensive stuff.
  12. Gees, you guys need to buy your 1970 sets in the USA, where I have bought them for about $1 even in recent years.
  13. I have about 90 quid face in pre-decimal, mostly pennies and halfpennies, but on up to crowns. I am still not catching onto that newfangled decimal stuff.
  14. The shilling and florin were not demonetised until the early 1990's when they were demonetised alongside the larger 5P and 10P coins.
  15. Ah come on, they do have some entertainment value, how else would we have heard the suggestion that the Chinese could fake a feminine orgasm, and do it on a coin no less?
  16. No, in fleaBay fashion, it is payPoo. payPoo is one of the many many reasons I loathe fleaBay now.
  17. Paying right away for stuff then their taking two weeks to ship when I paid via payPoo immediately. Poorly wrapped items, no communication etc.
  18. I have had more problems with sellers in the USA than anyone overseas. In fact I have had no problems with overseas sellers. I buy mostly from Ukraine or Russia now, usually not coins though - usually music, art etc. My more interesting purchases have been from countries like Indonesia, Hong Kong, China etc, but everything arrived just fine and I was a pleased camper with the goods and shipping. I do buy banknotes from a seller in Thailand about 3-4 times a year, he prices stuff fairly and ships securely and I have gotten very nice stuff otherwise difficult to find.
  19. I have made mistakes like sending out the wrong thing before, I paid the buyer to send it back, and gave them a bit extra for their trouble. 'Tis just the right thing to do, perhaps your bloke is desirous of a negatory.
  20. There are more than a few of those 1970 sets floating around, even here - I know I have a few that I have picked up, sometimes only for a $1 each.
  21. I thought that was what numismatics was all about
  22. I would have to think the piece would command a bit more as a more likely deliberately contrived error in contrast to something that was created by accident.
  23. I hae quite a few tanners in me hoard, but nary a one for Brian May.
  24. I can fathom wanting the 1970 proof set after the fact, but in 1974 etc would you really be chaffed if you missed out on the 1972?
  25. I remember when the tanners, the new 2.5 p, were called in, because all of a sudden there was a bit of a rush to hoard them for weddings etc. The old saying and a sixpence in her shoe. In the USA they were selling for $1 each, quite a bit over face value.