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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. Enough with all the fooforah about the attribution, I like the piece. Very well executed, especially the monarchs portrait.
  2. scottishmoney

    henry 1st moneyers

    Oh, English coinage is so much easier to research where some record exists, or contemporary accounts, than Scottish. whole issues of Scottish coins are more conjecture than known.
  3. scottishmoney

    Collectors Coins GB 2008

    Hopefully they will get internet there soon
  4. And to think upon it, I just sent one out Tuesday for another collector for their type set of British coins. Didn't even sell it, let alone ask even a mere £10 for it. Nay even a quid!
  5. scottishmoney

    henry 1st moneyers

    One real problem with many available Henry I coins is that they are often rather crudely struck, though notably better than the further deteriorated pieces of Stephen. So legends etc. are often blundered, coins struck off of centre, and weakly. I have a Henry I cut farthing that came in a larger hoard of cuts, that is remarkably well struck with all legend, well what is on the small piece, clear. Too bad it got cut up.
  6. At that moment I wrote that I couldn't think of Flemish, all I could remember was that their language is a derivative of Dutch. And Letzeburgish is a language kind of like Hungarian in that part of Europe, by itself.
  7. It was partly to assuage the Scots, and partly a recognition that in 1937 when they were introduced, it was symbolic of their Queen(later known as the Queen Mum) whom was born of Scottish nobility, though in England. When decimalisation came about in 1968-1971, the 5p coin came to be designed with the Scottish thistle. I am sure it would have caused much confusion had they extended this to other denominations, ie look at Belgium and it's coins issued in Walloon and French. A 1945 Scottish Shilling.
  8. scottishmoney

    New British Coins...

    Her mother lived to 101 1/2, her Grandmother, Queen Mary made it into her late 80's in the 1950's which then was an advanced age. I want her to live long for the benefit of the monarchy, so Charles will be a caretaker monarch, ie short reign, then William can ascend the throne with Queen Kate.
  9. scottishmoney

    New British Coins...

    I hope they get these designs out before her offspring ascends the throne, ca. 2028 or so. BTW Long Live QEII - ~ Vivat Regina! I want her to outlive her Mum, an' she just might
  10. scottishmoney

    Membership Rules Relaxed

    Well at least I can join the forum - maybe, I do have a mail.ru email though
  11. Scottish Coinage Took long enough, now I can finesse it.
  12. Because this covers such a wide variety of stuff, I believe you will have to use numerous references. I have seen a Krause catalog of better known world tokens, but they are going to be more like telephone tokens etc. and not local.
  13. scottishmoney

    After A Five Year Wait

    I find that funny, that part of the site is in it's nascent stages of creation, and in fact I have yet to image many more notes for it, nor have I promoted it yet, but it was visited thus. Curiously I have approached the banknotes from a perspective of easy viewing on my part - since the vast majority of the collection resides in a vault that it is a particular pain to visit.
  14. scottishmoney

    After A Five Year Wait

    Yes, I have to link yours and the regular Predecimal.com site when I rebuild my links page, will probably do tonight or in the morrow. Revisiting the page has fired my interest in pursuing a nice Mary Ryal from 1565-1567 aka the Crookestone Dollar. I also want to complete inasmuch as is possible my monarchs collection, particularly David I and Robert I.
  15. scottishmoney


    Is it rude? I had that happen when I was re-doing my password for a university site, it kept rejecting as too close to my old pw, so then I entered in something not-so-nice and it took it
  16. scottishmoney

    Some forums updates

    That's something else I need to sort out then...although it would save huge amounts of bandwidth. A lot of non-coin forums make you register to see images. It induces people to register that are otherwise sitting on the fence, and we know the spammers are not here for pictures anyway. Plus I like the idea of cutting down on bandwidth, because my site recently generates a lot of it.
  17. scottishmoney

    Some forums updates

    That is how we keep them from viewing our online coin porn
  18. scottishmoney

    Are you being serious?

    Well at least they will sell well in Shop at Home networks, these are going to be genuuuwine garanteed valable coins. And some two bit dicktator in Liberia gets a cut of the profits. Great.
  19. scottishmoney

    Some forums updates

    q That is a given. I am logged in, but the code doesn't appear either. The URL link works, but the image tags don't.
  20. scottishmoney

    When Flesh is Better Than Fantasy

    Updated 25 Oct with image tags. But the link tags seem to: This is the sale picture: And what it really looked like:
  21. scottishmoney

    Some forums updates

    Right now image tags are not working in posts.
  22. I have 6 of them somewhere, I need to get them out and bake them in my daughters easy bake oven and sell them for that.
  23. scottishmoney

    Some forums updates

    I noticed this a few minutes ago, but I was able to get into Admin. Wonder if one of the spammers does this in frustration?
  24. scottishmoney

    My baby is born!

    Children are expensive, but like this morning, my three year old daughter literally standing on top of me to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider", worth more than gold. Not to mention that she is her own self-contained comedian, and does all day stand up comedy.