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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. scottishmoney

    My baby is born!

    Congratulations, and enjoy the coin collection whilst it lasts, babies and children have a way of putting a dent in your hobby spending.
  2. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    I am much less concerned with my carbon footprint than Princess Charles is. Thankfully I don't have to jet set to get away from Camilla for the weekend.
  3. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    Unless you are insured health care anywhere is creating "medical tourism" where you fly to India or Thailand or or Mexico to have elective surgeries. I know someone that flew to Russia to have RK surgery on her eyes, it was far less expensive there, and besides they were the developers of the whole procedure anyway. Malpractice insurance expenses have practically rendered health care to be a luxury afforded by few. Whilst many in Canada travel to the USA for elective surgeries, many in the USA travel to Canada for prescription drugs, they are far cheaper in Canada than in the USA, even with insurance coverage for prescription meds.
  4. 17th century bawbees from Scotland are relatively easy to find in miserable condition, and if Charles II. Anything else, which is just William & Mary, then William II(of Scotland) are even scarcer than the silver coins. They just never struck large numbers of them, then they circulated as halfpennies in Scotland until the 1760's.
  5. scottishmoney

    Hanged for goldplating sixpences

    We are going into darkside OT with the discussion on the servicemen. I believe that one thing is certain, it appears as though nobody was executed for gold plating a tanner. The article cited above states that the servicemen were apparently convicted of crimes against civilians, but notice that it states "Under US Military Jurisdiction" which I read as that the US military carried out the said deed and not the English authorities. At any rate, it does some justice to the then saying that Brits uttered "Overpaid, Oversexed, and Over here". I am sure that Americans felt the same way during the Revolutionary War, and War of 1812.
  6. scottishmoney

    Hanged for goldplating sixpences

    RLC; Please see this: Executions in Britain until 1964 Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. The source you site must be in another location, ie the USA or something. Actually if I recall correctly quite a few servicemen were killed for desertion on up through WWII. A nasty little secret...
  7. scottishmoney

    Hanged for goldplating sixpences

    Yeah, I had to bookmark that site, it is right fascinating in a macabre fashion, like reading about the Yank servicemen executed during WWII for murder of other soldiers, women in town etc.
  8. scottishmoney

    Hanged for goldplating sixpences

    Apparently not so according to this source, which appears to be thorough with the study therein: Females Executed in Britain 1868-1955 Notice that all of these are capital offenses ie murder.
  9. scottishmoney

    Hanged for goldplating sixpences

    I googled it(thanks George Bush ) and came up with lots of early references, ie 17th century etc. But nothing 19th.
  10. Yeah, duh, now that I look at the 12 o'clock of the coin
  11. I clearly see the B, for Bristollie, the name of the city at that time, but not the crown you are referring to.
  12. Allan Davisson sold a lot nicer one about 18 months ago, it went for a bit more too, but it also had the original box that the Crown came in. I wish he would put his stuff online, they have talked about doing it for over 10 years, and talked about Vcoins for a couple of years, but keep doing the old old fashioned catalogs that you have to pay for. Then by the time the catalog weedles it's way through the post the coin I want is always just sold.
  13. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    I expect that one to go as far as the last one she proposed back in ca. 1993 when she was President by proxy.
  14. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    Lots of people go to Thailand or Phillipines, where the Doctors usually graduated from the same schools that most of the Doctors in the USA graduated from... Delhi, India etc. It is a case of insurance pricing out Physicians from practicing in Western countries unless they charge usurious prices, or they get sued etc.
  15. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    Your cat is cared about more by you than you are by your government insurance programme. Benevolence stops whence one attains power. People in the USA gripe about healthcare here, it is expensive, and not everybody is insured. But if you are you have pretty good care by comparison to say Canada where they have a similar system of medical care as in Britain. Need open heart surgery, get on the list and wait 6 months. While people in the USA go to Canada to have their medicine prescriptions filled, it is the opposite with Doctor or hospital visits, the Canadians go to the USA for care.
  16. scottishmoney

    Dentist before flight

    Wonder that dentists are scarce because of insurance hassles? Here we have dentists all over the place, you have a choice of them. What you are talking about here reminds me of the dentists we had in Ukraine. There it was anything goes.
  17. There are some avatars here that are interesting, I understand CP's in fact it is rather humourous, but what about yours? Mine is from a 1927 Czech banknote, 10 Koruna which was designed by the Moravian artist Alfons Mucha, a well known artist of the late 19th and very early 20th centuries.
  18. scottishmoney

    Cultural Heritage

    The problem with the USA ruling is that just about anything even so remotely linked to Cyprus falls under the ban. So by that measure Roman coins dug up in Italy, but Cyprus says they also circulated there, fall under the ban.
  19. When I have done that I have gotten in deep deep poo. I have given up on trying to sneak stuff by her, she just figures it out somehow, it is as though she is psychic or something. So now if I were to buy something pricey, I have to justify it by selling something equivalent.
  20. As well as glue and paste. One of the interesting situations I had to find a glue to use on something was when I bought a 200 year old book and the leather was peeling off the board. Basically you make a paste from flour and water and use that as a glue, it is not harmful, and is of course water soluble so if someone wants to conserve something in the future it is not a problem. The book is "Tables of Interest" published by the Royal Bank of Scotland in 1806, and has exchange rates for contemporary currencies as well as weights for gold and silver coins. And she was a beauty memorised in your avatar for all the ages. Ta bad.
  21. If they do a better job on it, they hollow out one coin, and then shave down the edges slightly on the inserted coin. My son has a quarter that is called a magicians coin, it has one quarter hollowed out, the other quarter shaved down on the sides, and inserted. So he has a two headed quarter with two different dates!
  22. scottishmoney

    1845 UNC Penny

    I always have a nice home waiting for big beautiful bronze like the above.
  23. scottishmoney

    The Cost of Living in 1888

    Often times when people discuss Queen Victoria, there is mention of the fact that she only reportedly bathed 3 times in her life. For most people then that would have been fairly common. Did anyone see that "1900 House" sometime back on the tele?
  24. scottishmoney

    The Cost of Living in 1888

    "Life on a Guinea a Week" Most people lived a bit less affluently I am afraid, this citing is evidently for middle class family, which then was quite uncommon out of London.