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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. I have had other people's mail deposited in my mailbox many times, my PO number is one off of a dentists office address, so I get their mail all the time. I usually just put it back in the post box in the hopes they will deliver it as addressed, but they don't, it comes right back to me. So I finally took a short stack of these up to the clerk at the window and pointed them out, they are not my address etc. When the post office gets handwritten unbarcoded letters they go through a manual sort, they are then barcoded with whatever information the person entering it puts in. So if it is wrong, it gets the wrong delivery bar code and ends up in my post box. So now I have to block off the ridiculous bar code to insure it will not try to cozy up with my mail in my post box.
  2. Ah the snoopy doopy Postie clerk that has to know everything?
  3. But customs forms are a dicey area, because you have to be accurate to a point, like stating stamped metal disk, or numismatic item etc. and not yelling COINS!(Like saying come and steal me please) Several years ago, an occasional visitor here in this forum sent me some cash from Scotland with "Hazardous Biological Samples on the back of the envelope. That will not work today, post 9/11.
  4. scottishmoney

    Shocking Image From A Banknote on My Webpage

    I hope Tony is not into breastfeeding Maybe you mean Cheri? Or maybe Tony has a hangup?
  5. Click the banner below to see the shocker.
  6. scottishmoney

    Charles II Crown 1676

    I can check today, I have to mail a registered to Romania so I will ask.
  7. I bought this years ago when they were inexpensive: I had to take it out of the bank today to look at it and image it, I don't believe I have ever imaged it before. Also I noticed that I have quite a few English hammered that I forgot I owned, I really haven't worked on that stuff in years.
  8. scottishmoney

    Charles II Crown 1676

    I will have to dig them out again and measure them. I think they are a pain, they take up too much room in the bank, and gotta go.
  9. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    And I know what you meant too:) I know what Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin was singing when he was talking about getting the lemon squeezed
  10. scottishmoney

    Charles II Crown 1676

    I am rather afraid that postage your way would be killer though
  11. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    It actually is a potty training seat, but it might be your suggestion on demand.
  12. scottishmoney

    Charles II Crown 1676

    Gees, did 924 chew the scanner cable? Canna tell unless you send to mine personal inspectory. Sending a PM with a link doesn't fly. It actually have to be in hand Wife would probably send me to the meat packers if I unloaded $190 for it I am afraid. I am in purgatory again lately with spending. In fact I have three silver bars up for dibs at the moment.
  13. scottishmoney

    Shocking Image From A Banknote on My Webpage

    Aye, 'tis, good catch. The Tryzub is here and tither all over my site.
  14. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    She really should stick to selling these:
  15. scottishmoney

    I've got a Charles I Shilling

    Pricing this with a hole. It is a nicer piece without it, and still nice with it. The hole is small and not on the portrait either. Surprising many of these Charles I coins were so pierced, it is conjectured that they may have been so pierced to wear on a chain or necklace by Royalists supporters, especially during the era of the Roundheads etc. when you could not be obviously a Royal supporter.
  16. scottishmoney

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And do pray tell, what do Ninnies Grading Cr@p know anything of grading numismatic items more than thee?
  17. scottishmoney


    For some crazy reason most of mine seem to have emanated from Norfolk and not merry Yorkshire.
  18. scottishmoney

    'to specialise or not'

    To specialise or not, that is the question, whether 'tis nobler in the spirit to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous expense of fortune, Bodles and Bawbees, Turners and Hat Pieces, or a token to please thine affection?
  19. scottishmoney

    Charles II Crown 1676

    Gees, did 924 chew the scanner cable? Canna tell unless you send to mine personal inspectory.
  20. scottishmoney

    Back from the Brink of Disaster

    Here it is a month later after this sorry episode, and the PC soldiers on. What particularly chaffed me about the whole nonsense is that the Geek works for someone I have known for a long time and I rather hate to gripe about it. I had a lightning strike on my old PC back in '01, it sauntered on on a slow labourious journey of gradual demise until '05 and then gave up the ghost finally.
  21. My CD burner gave out a few months ago, so I was living on borrowed time until I replaced it. Of course I didn't back anything up in awhile, so the HD crashed hard on Saturday. PC shoppe said could not be fixed, was terminal etc. So I went and picked it up to harvest the RAM and the other drives out for use in other PC's. But I hooked it up one last time, and it came back to life. Now everything is backed up on a Memory Stick, and I will never trust this beast again. I lost programmes, but no files. Word to the wise, back up back up back up. And don't always trust the Geek at teh computer shoppe.
  22. Indeed it is a Charles I bodle or turner. The II in Roman numerals denotes the value. Other than that with the image being dark(at least on my monitor) I cannot yet break it down by subtype etc.
  23. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    Isn't that the remarkable thing about the internet, it has brought all the loonies off of the street corners shouting at people and put them online to shout at people at much greater distances than merely across the street!
  24. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    Calling the police because of email. Oh boy, I think you are dealing with an institutional candidate.
  25. scottishmoney

    A £600 Churchill Crown

    Can't we have fun torturing them before we block them?