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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. scottishmoney

    1854 Victorian Penny

    Indeed the top loop of the 5 in the date is filled. BTW coin is for my personal collection.
  2. Today my wife got a 10p in change, dated 1992. Nothing exciting says you, but it was received in change masquerading as a Quarter Dollar here in the USA. Now this represents a 5¢ loss at the current exchange rate, and doesn't rank well with me like the 20p that came in as a 5¢ coin last year. Might could just have to adopt Sterling as our money, then maybe we might have something to show for our money for a change instead of seeing it all lose value.
  3. scottishmoney

    Indianapolis 500

    Although I have to admit, I kind of like Milka Duno a lot too, she is a Venezuelan cutie. A couple of years ago when Danica first ran in the Indy 500 there were actually male racers that complained that Danica had an unfair advantage because of her lighter weight! I think the real problem was that an attractive girl could actually give them a run for the money in their own game. I am glad that Danica is staying in IRL and not going over to NASCAR, but I hope that women get into NASCAR also.
  4. scottishmoney

    Indianapolis 500

    I really was routing for Danica Patrick, she is a go-girl
  5. scottishmoney

    A 10p In Change

    Wikipedia is only as good as it's contributors, and I am sure there is a good article on QEII since she draws a lot of interest and people are going to take exception to inaccuracies etc. I have found problems though when reading of the Dutch royal family, just little things.
  6. scottishmoney

    1711 Queen Anne Holed 6p

    Crikes ! I am so happy that I am not the only fool that has occasioned that feeling:) I have bid on stuff then found something better and ended up with the lousier one.
  7. scottishmoney

    A 10p In Change

    Just a caution on watching the History Channel, a lot of the information on there is presented as factual when in fact it is more conjectural - especially when it comes to figures like Boudicca, whom all accounts of are noted by Romans and not her side of the conflict. On just about any given programme they offer, I can find errors in facts, etc. Remember these programmes are created for mass media by compilers, and not historians so facts are often distorted or just outright incorrect.
  8. scottishmoney

    Cars and Automotive

    It is the lighting on the door, but on the quarter panel it does appear to be a real depression. I remember the young couple that bought it bringing in and counting out the $4000 in hundred dollar bills and marveling over how much money it was, I was just a young lad. I wisht she had kept the car, she put maybe 5.000 miles on it during the 4 years she owned it, and those last years were all garaged. I can just imagine what fun could be had with a car like that, particularly now when I really really want it.
  9. scottishmoney

    Cars and Automotive

    Today I was going through huge box of my Grandparents old 35mm slides, those dumb things you need a projector to see - I found this photograph and imaged it with my scanner: A 1974 MGB convertible, ah the memories. My mother had bought a 1973 Alfa Romeo Spider, and my grandmother to out do her, purchased this the following year. I liked this MGB a hell of a lot more than the damnable Alfa, which should have been really a Fix It Again Tony. The only problem I remember my Gram having with this car(besides not being able to drive it) was the electrical, which all was replaced. She sold the car ca. 1978, and I remember her getting $4000 in cash for it. Oh how I wisht she had just saved it for me.
  10. scottishmoney

    Coin Minting Video

    Interesting, but alas I agree with CP, there is shame in not being able to do the whole thing with talent instead of computery.
  11. scottishmoney

    A 10p In Change

    Actually I am going to have to scan this thing at high res to see what the varieties are, I cannot see them well enough front or back to discern the differences.
  12. scottishmoney

    A 10p In Change

    I have to see if HRH has her necklace, her earrings an' her Tiara?
  13. scottishmoney

    1711 Queen Anne Holed 6p

    Just a cautionary advice, this seller has feedback which is not quite stellar.
  14. scottishmoney

    Hello All

    Welcome back Chap, we'll save you a spot at the Pub:)
  15. scottishmoney

    Anouther NEWP

    With that image and a request for a larger one with a higher pixel count, I surmise that it is what we call a splasher, or a trial that was struck in lead. I mention the better image, because as CP notes these can be cast forgeries, but this looks good so far as a genuinely struck piece.
  16. scottishmoney

    Hello All

    Welcome aboard, ah good thang collecting the tanners, I hae o'er 1000 of them loitering around in various stages of entry from 1562 until 1967. I think it might be one of my fave denominations, I hae more pennies and ha'pennies, but I like the tanners.
  17. I do believe in a Royalty, an elected Royalty along the lines of this: Daniela for Queen All Hail to the Queen!
  18. Yeah, they sure do not do much for Scotland besides park their posteriors at Balmoral for vacations at a retreat out of site of most.
  19. Bah! Stuff and nonsense. Try this: http://www.republic.org.uk/
  20. scottishmoney

    New Predecimal.com goes live

    Be married, have a house, cars, kids, pets etc. Then you have all the excuse you need for losing things. The fun part about losing things is that when you find them much later it is kind of a surprise. I have coins turn up that I bought long ago and stashed on the fly, to find them much later and think, cool neat coin.
  21. I rather believe that since HRH has declared that it is a lifetime job, and given her lineage, Princess Charles will be a caretaker Queen much like Edward VII was a caretaker for the 9 years he was King. It is too bad about Kate though, she would have made a lovely Queen for Prince William.
  22. Being of my extraction, Scottish and Irish, I could find it right easy to dislike the British monarchy for what it stands for, but I can only have deep admiration for Her Majesty as a representative of her nation and people. In fact I believe she probably has the least desirable position of any which one could wish to aspire to, being that in the public eye at all time with exposure of all her traits etc. I personally believe she has been a remarkable monarch, and in fact ranks as one of the 5 greatest British monarchs ever, which happens to in my opinion be populated by at least three Queens. She made a remarkably favourable impression upon myself during her visit to the West Coast of the USA in 1982, so much so that Her Majesty changed my hot tempered opin of Britain Long Live the Queen! And Very Long May She Reign!
  23. scottishmoney

    Cars and Automotive

    Several people tried that with the MGB's here in the USA, they replaced the motor with a V8, and whilst it did not catch fire, it was just too much for the car and it would eventually fall apart from the overload.
  24. scottishmoney

    Cars and Automotive

    Actually if I have to have a Rolls Royce, I want the Merlin - in the P-51 Mustang The Rolls Royce of Aviation.
  25. scottishmoney

    Cars and Automotive

    Oh so very rare here indeed, I must have the one and only one in my whole region: A '73 Jensen Interceptor. When I was a wee nipper, my Gram went and purchased a 1974 MGB convertible, it was almost as though she went through her second childhood when she turned 50. She drove the car lightly, and kept it until 1978 only putting 5.000 miles on it. I still lament heartily that she sold that car before my clutches could grasp it. The only weakness with the Morris was the famously lousy electrical cabling, which was thoroughly replaced due to chafing and shorts.