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Everything posted by scottishmoney

  1. Knowing him he might well wanna be Henry IX - he thinks VIII got a bad rap.
  2. scottishmoney

    Very Suspect Grading By Pcgs

    Admittedly it is a grade the consignor wanted, not the grade the coin actually is. Remember - it is not the coin, it is the consignor.
  3. scottishmoney

    Pcgs Can't Count!

    I have said it before and say it again... Another person's or company's opinion of a coin is truly useless if you have enough knowledge that you can grade, authenticate and enjoy a coin. TPG coins are for the uninitiated IMHO.
  4. scottishmoney

    (Not Such A) Perfect Day.

    "take a walk on the wild side"
  5. scottishmoney

    British Token?

    Reminds me of one time I was checking on what my son was looking at on the computer. Turns out he was looking at youtube.com - he must have had a difficult time finding what he wanted to look at because he couldn't spell "breast" right and spelt it as "brest". I wasn't mad because of what he wanted to look at but he has never lived down not being able to spell a part of the feminine anatomy correctly. Now he is getting ready for college and I still bring up that incident from 7-8 years ago.
  6. Heritage is an American company so I would rather guess they target that audience. BTW if you know what you are doing you can find some great treasures there for a pittance. Saw a James VI noble from 1588 go for $5K recently. If say Baldwins or Spink had auctioned that piece would have been at least double the price. By that measure if you know what you are doing and are sluethy in approach you can find some goodies, ie look on British sites for American coins, look on American sites for British coins.
  7. He relisted it as a James I coin, already up to 5.50. Dang I would have bought it at 99p for chits and giggles. When or if Prince Charles becomes the monarch he will be a III - which reminds me of the Carolus III coins from Spain that were overstamped with George III's portrait during Napoleonic times - "The head of a fool on the head of an ass"
  8. scottishmoney

    Mary Groat for Grading

    I'd soil my breeches if I found a coin that old in the ground. The oldest thing I have ever found was a small spearpoint on a hill in Luxembourg that was thence identified at a museum there as approximately 900-1000 years old and I was jumping for joy.
  9. scottishmoney

    square coins

    I currently own 1 Daler 1716, 2 Daler 1728, and the 4 Daler 1731. They are particularly collectable if they are sea salvage, most of them came from a shipwreck off of South Africa that was found ca. 1987 - most of the rest were subsequently melted after they were demonetised in the 1780s. My three are all non-sea salvage and quite the pain to find, and thus are dear on the wallet. They are large, but so is the vault at my bank where they are stored in another country.
  10. Aeroplane blond (she has a black box) In the vernacular of the English I learnt whence I was young a box was a euphemism for another term referred to higher up in this thread
  11. scottishmoney

    square coins

    Until such time as I occasion to buy one of those Yap money stones, this is my currently largest piece in my sundry collections: Not sure that forum allows it to be viewed at it's real image size which is approximately what it really is sized at. It is a Swedish plate 4 daler from 1731.
  12. I have used acetone on silver coins, not sure why they had nail polish on them - but they were essentially just melt value coins. I have used on cheaper pennies too, but never anything expensive.
  13. Curiously RCM(Royal Canadian Mint) sent their cents out in $60 bags in the 1960s because I have a 1963 dated bag that held cents that I use to transport coins in betwixt banks. I have several older bags that I still use occasionally for various projects, the oldest is a North of Scotland bag that was used for halfcrowns.
  14. scottishmoney

    When is a Coin OLD?

    When you scarcely see them in circulation anymore. But in the past year I have managed to find over a dozen 100+ year old coins from roll searches of bank wrapped rolls of coins. Most recent was a 1911 a few days ago.
  15. scottishmoney

    Darn Internet

    Real men are still boys at heart, but have the money to buy the better toys. Myself, more Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Metallica, AC/DC.
  16. Actually I have seen some LJG fantasies, gosh knows if Richard Lobel hasn't made some already, surely he will.
  17. Much like the 1965 Churchill Crowns, the 1970 sets will curse us for many years before they ever appreciate. I have acquisitioned several of them, not all willingly. Some of the bronze coins have toned and not attractively either.
  18. At one time I endeavoured to collect one coin from each monarch from WI on up to EII, but some monarchs are practically impossible. Then you have stuff like claimants, Queen Matilda, Lady Jane Grey etc. These days I might actually collect HVIII coins and watch him age, inflate, marry, divorce etc. Some monarchs like HVIII and Queen Mary of Scotland just played their whole existence out one way or another on their coins. Face it, some monarchs are just more fascinating than the most.
  19. And mercifully short for the monarchists.
  20. scottishmoney

    Your Fave British Monarch?

    Tally is quite the easier to find in places where it is not known or appreciated. I have brought some to the wild east, and it became quite the sensation fine spirits are more akin to gold. Makes good "incentive" to make people do their jobs.
  21. Who is yours? Mine would be QEI, an endlessly fascinating personage who manipulated men, the church, and kingdoms. A more distant second would be Queen Mary of Scotland, QEI's cousin. She was fascinating because her life played out much like a made for TV drama with her affairs, marriages etc.
  22. scottishmoney

    Your Fave British Monarch?

    Tis quite okay, if and when the current next in line ascends said throne, if it is more than 10 years I predict republicanism will be quite the rage. Which is particularly why I think they should just lock him away like GIII and declare a regency. Have to admit, sardonically all the whiles, it would be most humourous to see the portrait of the next in line whence he becomes Queen in hopefully more than a few years. Might could blend it with the profile of his mistress/wife.
  23. The Machin portrait was being used for coins in Belize into the mid to late 1990's. I only know because I found one in a coin machine reject slot and was surprised that they were still using that portrait. Guess they figure they might have to use new hubs and create all new dies which involve expense.