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Everything posted by SEnumis

  1. Most sovs have spent their lives sitting about somewhere, rather than being circulated so are usually in good condition (I don't mean the coin grade Good - which means terrible). Pennies tend to pass around quickly so get very worn down. Unless the sovs have been in jewellery or are worn so much to make them light, they will be worth a minimum of Bullion value.
  2. I wish the same was with pennys, i have a spac inbetween 1932 and 1934 that needs filling There might be one under the foundation stone of a church in Vauxhall if you've got a chisel - Really and truly just joking!
  3. SEnumis

    Olympic tickets

    Apparently (according to the commentators) most things featured would be widely known internationally - pop music, Shakespeare, Blake, the Industrial Revolution, James Bond, Mr Bean, Paul McCartney, Chariots of Fire, etc. Not so sure about the Arctic Monkeys, but their cover of The Beatles' "Come Together" while those "doves" slowly flapped their luminous wings in the dark, I thought was a particular highlight. I'd have thought cash should be far quicker than credit cards! Yes Cash would be quicker but security would be such an issue - each gate could be held up, cashiers could have sticky fingers, logistics of moving it around the park to the bank and security in transit. Electronic transfer direct from one bank to another is such a lot simpler. Even if we're not going to get potential interesting items in our change...
  4. What Mongo said. Your collection should have a theme, but don't be afraid to break it if you really, really like a particular coin (for whatever reason). If you like Geo V Shillings then buy the best examples you can afford. There are 26 years to collect!
  5. SEnumis

    Olympic tickets

    Have to admit to being a bit curmudgeonly about the olympics when they were annonced. But the opening ceremony was fantastic. Not quite sure why some of the things were given the prominence they were in an international gathering but not to worry about that. I'm actualy quite excited. Ticket allocation could have been done much better - what's wrong with turning up at the gate and queuing to pay - by credit card only to prevent cash handling nightmares?
  6. I wonder if Charles will have his portrait head on? It would be interesting if he did although have no evidence to suppose he would. Now that would be a much older tradition...
  7. I'm fond of Victoria's Jubilee head as it looks very regal - Queen and Empress over half the globe. But for a timeless portrait of a monarch you can't beat Raphael Maklouf's portrait of Elizabeth II. Elegant and dignified.
  8. Looking at both the Golden Jubilee crown and the Diamond Jubilee crowns I've come to the conclusion I don't like Ian Rank Broadley's work for the Royal Mint. Firstly there's the rather unflattering portrait of Her Majesty for circulation coinage. Then I compared the Golden jubilee Obv. equestrian portrait with the silver Jubilee Obv. equestrian portrait and I thought that the golden jubilee portrait was lifeless. The diamond jubilee coin Obv. is the same. I'm starting to wonder if it's just me that thinks like this. So over to you for debate. Funnily enough though I think his other work, such as St Matthew and the Armed Forces Memorial is rather good. Perhaps he is more comfortable with large scale sculpture.
  9. What's the harm in setting a quizzical eye ann politely asking if that price is the best they can do? The answer might come back as yes, in which case you've lost nothing, or they might say 'I can give you a couple of quid off' or 'I can give you x free if you like.' Don't try too hard though as the dealer might have something you would like at any price but might be less willing to sell if you only ever buy at a discount. Good customers get discounts but they also get recomendations... We all need to get a reasonable price, dealer and customer.
  10. SEnumis

    Wanted Royal mint case

    Hello Just bought a silver proof coronation anniversary £5 with its numbered COA. Only trouble is it comes in a plastic pouch (suede effect). Not the nicest way to display it really. So just asking if anybody has a spare Royal Mint box for this coin. From Ebay looks like the case was red. Happy to pay reasonable fee (or suggested donation to your favourite charity) and postage if I can't collect from you. PM me if you can help. Cheers!
  11. SEnumis

    2012 coins

    A few 2011 10ps and copper plated steel. Not found a shield 50p yet at all.
  12. Lol I know where your coming from. I started on Edward vII florins then got a few of his shillings then a couple of vickys shillings then a couple of Edwards sixpences. Now I've just bought a Charles 1 sixpence Eclecticism rules! Nobody says you have to be consistent...
  13. SEnumis

    A grading attempt...

    There. I corrected it for you. Can he catch a fly with his chopsticks or do they get caught in his fly Spidey will catch the fly. I would go for EF too.
  14. It's an agreeable design but I prefer the Percy Metcalfe Rocking Horse.
  15. The same has happened to my 1973 proof set (only 9 hands 50p). I don't know why it should be. There was an oil crisis at that time and I wonder if the smelting process for the bronze was skimped somehow (does anyone know if the Royal Mint's furnaces were oil fired?). I think it is a fault of the metal rather than the air because the cupro nickel coins don't have the same problem.
  16. I think I started collecting when given a jubilee crown at school (1977) and had some nice things. I seem to recall an 1887 shilling in EF was probably the star and an 1890s penny was a good find too. My grandmother gave me and my cousin dozens of silver 3d in varying condition that she had kept for a very long time - it is probably my imagination that there was a 1945 in there. I stopped collecting, just lost interest really, but always wanted a rocking horse crown (1935). Looking around on Ebay one day a few months ago I saw a rocking horse crown at a price that wasn't prohibitive and that was that - I was off again. Next time I visit my Mum and Dad I must look for my old coin albums.
  17. SEnumis

    How I know I officially have the bug!

    Just wait until you go to the bank for a bag of 50ps or £2 to sort through in the hope of that elusive commemorative. Serious stuff requiring check in to the Priory - I've booked my bed!
  18. Am in a bit of a similar dilemma myself but firmly committed to keeping investment and collecting as far away from each other as possible. In fact I don't regard my collection as an investment. My view would be to go for something BU or better that you can look at for many years and derive joy from it, whether it costs you 50p or £500. And I'm sorry but that isn't a good investment strategy. Hope this helps.
  19. SEnumis

    One for the boys

    Calm down guys - the lighthouse is a bottle to go with the glass in Britney's (?) hand. Could we really call her Britannia?
  20. SEnumis


    Jif perhaps? (Or whatever it's called now...). Either way wouldn't touch it.
  21. The scanned image was excellent for detail.
  22. They don't step down. It is like being Pope or an annoying tit like Simon Cowell, a job for life! They only abdicate if they are shagging an American divorcee and I think Liz is a wee bit long in the tooth for that one. I think HM the Queen has been very loyal to her vows as Queen and stoically done her duty. True she has done it in great comfort but would a president have done it in less comfort? I don't think she'll abdicate as she would not be doing what she said she would. I have enjoyed the jubilee and been reassured by the display of loyalty from the public. Long may she reign, at least long enough to beat Victoria RI.
  23. SEnumis

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    To be fair, he's got some wonderfully rare coinage. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/A-CHARLES-AND-DIANA-COMMEMORATIVE-WEDDING-COIN-1981-VERY-RARE-/160815806135?pt=UK_Coins_BritishComm_RL&hash=item25715e76b7#ht_500wt_1413 Well, in one sense it's unique Goodness I have two of those extremely rare coins, oh and a proof version too.
  24. I couldn't resist buying a pound shop plate with commemorating the Diamond Jubilee of "HRH Queen Elizabeth II". I didn't know she had been demoted...