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Everything posted by copper123

  1. seen them in the canary isles - mind you everything grows there...
  2. copper123


    By the way heres the difference between a coin with its silver coating and one with none
  3. copper123


    Take a look at this is it in Rogers? Clearly in the wrong metal might be a one off but I doubt it as I own two!
  4. copper123


    Well depends how much , tin is fairly unstable but given its cost probably the most likely . Would explain why most silver coins are now in a poor state . Pretty sure they have an iron core...
  5. copper123


    Does anyone know what the metal is coating the "Silver" coins that Lauer produced my best bet is aluminium but I dont know if anyone has looked into it - I am pretty sure its not a thin coat of silver . Rogers book would probably tell me but I don't have a copy....
  6. copper123


    Think I would prefer the coins , LOL.
  7. copper123


    I have around 35 different pieces all different some of the reverses feature various animals and or other subjects - I strongly suspect they were for various board games like "monopoly" but we never will be sure unless someone comes across a full box , highly unlikely as they weere relatively expensive in early victorian times. The other posibility is they were used as card counters
  8. copper123


    Reverse of an early counter prob by Lauer
  9. copper123

    Coin prices continue to rise

    why bother with it at all ,I don't and feel i am missing nothing. Discussing with bots is not something I need in my life , its bad enough with "Unexpected item in bagging area"
  10. copper123

    Coin prices continue to rise

    Coins or to be correct the top 1% of the coin market are still popular without any sign of a price bubble occuring , hammered tudor is a fave for many , the mainstream of the market and rare varieties have faired less well with varieties barely moving and the more mainstream £20-£100 coins the mainstay of most collections just edgeing up slowly , except of course for gold which now seems ever popular. Bronze from the early Victoria years esp pennies is ever popular All dealers at coin fairs endlessly complain about few decent coins being offered for sale with many complaining they cannot make a decent profit with the coins they are offered. While the chance to buy many coins at a reasonable price has gone , the challenge remains to spot the sleepers in todays market , any ideas anyone?
  11. Just my personal opinion, but why can't gary linecar express his own personal opinion anywhere he wants to just because he is paid by a uk based news organisation why can he not have his own opinion? Baffles me.
  12. copper123

    Gary Lineker (moved)

    In my view this happens everwhere , most people like to be with their "own kind" there are a small spanish, italian and ukrainian communities here in manchester as well as jewish , catholic and irish catholic communities ,while there are no streets where 70% or 80% of people are from certain backgrounds , 20% or 30% is much more common , many will not leave these settlement areas because they enjoy living with neigbours of their own kind . You really cannot legislate for this and if someone likes living with their own kind they will do it
  13. copper123

    Using acetone to clean coins

    It might not be legal to post it , being a volitile solvent and all that ....
  14. copper123

    Using acetone to clean coins

    I always got it off ebay - there again postage prices are getting really daft , and they are going up again in april , boo ,hiss my last bottle has 2018 on it thats the manufactureing date
  15. copper123

    Gary Lineker (moved)

    You have to feel sorry for the ones that went to france belgium and the neatherlands
  16. copper123


    the guy on the coin is --- Ludwig Philipp - König von Frankreich 1773-1850, 1933. (Ludwig Philipp - King of France 1773-1850, 1933.) He died in 1850 so almost certainly the coin was produced b4 then
  17. copper123


    Other side - I have always held the view that these early 1840-1860 pieces were Lauers work pproduced at around the same time that the to hanover tokens were made on mass there are many many different varieties , i strongly suspect they were used on board games in early victorian times and just outlasted the board games which just wore out after a time . It was so nice to find a signed example that proves lauer were involved in their production at last.
  18. copper123


    Pick up from birmingham note the Lauer
  19. copper123

    Gary Lineker (moved)

    I think if you believe the TV licence is cheap you are obviously well off , my yearly direct debit came out last month and it was a sizeable chunk out of my monthly wage, it hurt...
  20. copper123

    Gary Lineker (moved)

    Thanks to whoever moved this thread - it was in the wrong place . While gary does earn a large salary please remember he probably could get quite near it as a celeb doing adverts etc for far less work , I think he actually enjoys what he does and it shows - he's so lucky really .