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Everything posted by copper123

  1. copper123

    plebis token

    Americans love coins like these
  2. copper123

    Scarce 2006 ten pence

    It probably is but the national papers will never publicise this so it will always be a rare coin that nobody knows about
  3. copper123

    joseph moore

    POLICE are hunting a prolific Birmingham burglar who went on the run after winning bail because his girlfriend had just had their baby. Joseph Moore, 23, was allowed home each day during a two-week trial at Warwick Crown Court on compassionate grounds. But the burglar, from Stechford, failed to turn up for sentencing and was jailed for nine years in his absence. Police are now trying to track down Moore, who went missing on the day the jury returned with a guilty verdict. He and co-defendant James Maxwell, 27, were jailed for nine years after being found guilty of conspiracy to steal and burglary offences. The pair committed a string of burglaries across the region. The court heard they were so prolific that they were stealing from three homes every single day at the end of last year. The pair were caught when an off-duty police officer spotted them in Charingworth Road, Solihull, driving an Audi estate bearing different front and rear number plates. Ironically, police started investigating the pair after a break-in at a lock-up linked to both men in December. The industrial unit had traces of a cannabis factory, a stolen Audi S4 Quattro, jewellery, passports and numerous false number plates.
  4. The Large and small dates are well collected but anything outside that is a bit specialist
  5. Probably a fine investment home for your cash over the last 30 years as well , few coins have increased as much as say tudor mammered asp the choice high grade examples...
  6. copper123

    What is it?

    Ahh thanks for that it explains why its only slightly smaller than the halfgroat I bought the weight would have been another big giveaway. Overall very pleased with it though , thanks for the id info very useful.
  7. copper123

    What is it?

    will put pic on very soon
  8. copper123

    What is it?

    Did you find that at birmingham ? If so I am glad I picked the Elizabeth I three farthing coin in that £5 tray it was by far the best thing in there I found it at about 11 am
  9. copper123

    Picture of Jupiter

    There is a once in a lifetime configuration of planets this evening and along with it aload of clouds insuring we never see it
  10. copper123

    Picture of Jupiter

    better than uranus
  11. Thieves stole a £2.8m solid gold toilet from Blenheim Palace in an "audacious raid" which took just five minutes, a court has heard. The toilet was plumbed in and fully functioning as part of an art exhibition at the Oxfordshire stately home in September 2019. Michael Jones, 39, from Divinity Road, Oxford denies a charge of burglary. Frederick Sines, 36, also known as Frederick Doe, from Windsor, and 41-year-old Bora Guccuk, from west London, have pleaded not guilty to conspiring to transfer criminal property. Their trial at Oxford Crown Court was told the toilet was most likely broken up and was never recovered. police said they had nothing to go on
  12. Tut tut you missed out the newly named welsh sea
  13. copper123

    PCCS Grading

    This would occur on george V silver wouldn't it, it's an absolute nightmare for grading, I suppose with only a couple of points between them the graders have not really done a bad job really few coin series have as many problems as the one shown
  14. they call you a boy if you are are a fifty year old in many southern states
  15. copper123


    Wow some lovely coins there seldom seen like that and the 1897 set is a lot rarer than many think esp in top grade - some lovely lauers in there
  16. copper123

    James I beyond North & ‘Spink’?

    Amazing details for a hammered coin paddy
  17. copper123


    will look forward to seeing these
  18. copper123

    Coppers / misc

    I am afraid the cost in time and verdicare would probably be more than the coin is worth , leave it how it is ......
  19. copper123

    3 Pence Hoard 1885 - 1919

    yes that was the navy only and was used in the 1790's when there was a distinct shortage of silver in circulation trouble was the navy ended up mainly staffed by tramps and drunkards
  20. copper123

    3 Pence Hoard 1885 - 1919

    Just as a matter of interest an ord soldiers pay was around a shilling a day which meant a days pay was four of these little coins . Few soldiers took their full pay with most signing it over to their mother to save up for them when they came home
  21. copper123

    3 Pence Hoard 1885 - 1919

    Many old soldiers were upset by the way medals were given out for the first world war and it was quite common for the ord pvt class soldiers to put them down a grid or throw them in the rubbish as many had seen their comrades killed heads blown off, guts all over the floor etc and many more suffered from PTSD which was often punished by putting them in front of a fireing squad thus leading to more PTSD from other ord soldiers, we behave a little better now thank god. Many wanted little to do with the armed forces again and just threw themselves into family life , many never mentioned the war and just clammed up when it was mentioned. The officer class was treated a lot better
  22. copper123

    40 Pence 1625 -49

    We had similar doubts about who fathered our charlie's sons didn't we ?
  23. copper123


    Yes pity about the weak strike on the reverse
  24. copper123


    Thou shall not covert thy neighbours model coins .LOL