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  1. Sword

    PCCS Grading

    For this coin type, it might not make much difference in price.
  2. Sword

    I’m new to collecting

    I would suggest buying some UNC George VI and George V coins from dealers / coin fairs to appreciate what top grade coins look like.
  3. Sword

    PCCS Grading

    I am not a fan of the top coin. Yours is better struck and the top coin has some contact marks especially on the forehead. (I had a look at photos on the PGCS website). However, the top coin is more lustrous than yours particularly for the reverse.
  4. Sword

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    Should be fine if they were brought from a reputable dealer. Gold brought 20 years ago would be a decent investment.
  5. Sword

    eBay’s new “Buyer Protection” 😳

    But what do you actually get as a buyer for paying this "protection"? What does Buyer Protection include? With Buyer Protection, you benefit from: 24/7 customer service: Get support around the clock if you need help. Private sellers paid after delivery: When you purchase from a private seller, payment is sent after the order has been successfully delivered. Secure transactions: All payments are encrypted end-to-end and handled by our trusted payments partners. 😂. Secure transactions are expected as the norm. Hardly something you can ask money for this century ... I won't bother commenting on the other two "benefits".
  6. Sword

    eBay’s new “Buyer Protection” 😳

    How is the fee calculated? When purchasing from UK-based private sellers, the Buyer Protection fee is calculated as: A flat fee of up to £0.75 per item, and 4% of the item price up to £300, and 2% of any portion of the item price from £300 to £4,000 There is a cap on the total fee amount you'll ever pay. Any portion of the item price over £4,000 will not incur any additional fee. When purchasing multiple quantities within a listing, the flat fee up to £0.75 is only charged once. https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/buying/paying-items/buyer-protection-fee?id=5594
  7. Sword

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    The colour doesn't look realistic for gold pieces though. I hope they look a lot more yellow (like Paddy's sovereign) in real life.
  8. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    A 1933 penny
  9. Sword

    two pound George Orwell edge mule

    Looks like you can remove the coin without damaging the packaging. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/167290014615?_skw=george+orwell+error+two+pounds&itmmeta=01JK6HTM6SF8PWAP23PB3D4C89&hash=item26f3430b97:g:5M8AAOSwASpnn3WI&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABAHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmvTe08BLcsHHmGCpGTD%2BuUgbAY4b0hCorVBKIHtlRdqKNfl9%2FgXD3anlOI5CVpSWF2ZLtxaEWs3jIISlK0dJaaR3%2FutQb%2BzHCRVHkmw8pKA1L%2BHnexk6sdCapAZS99KsD3uymK1ZGEg%2Bo4FWcB1MLwt2yAtoQt6Rz5WZ6QyuKjM3nz6rVLbj3pTDxyjxIW%2Bym5oagHxRlViyCOsIDNJ7Qu6BPdrDj6twE--RioTDKlRghIQ%2Fp18ahNhbpuZ4wk62iZEIMumH9KlhMWqKdkZVCyk7JSjcxMlq7FDU3tyc8HuWOeVT1MFgW8RkQrbkFo0fk%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8LD6tGZZQ
  10. Sword

    two pound George Orwell edge mule

    If the coin was minted a few years earlier, then how about: "Doublethink is useful during Partygate"
  11. Just out of interest, how much did it sell for?
  12. Sword

    Believed to be Maundy coins....The Collection

    It's plausible that the damage was done when crudely removing a soldered loop. I think the engraving of "JACK" actually makes the item more interesting. It is a curious object rather than a collector's coin.
  13. Sword

    3 Pence Hoard 1885 - 1919

    A really nice story. If it were me, I would keep the 53 in the tin. The coins are in nice circulated condition and have already lived in the tin for a long time. It's already quite a good number and I probably would not want to add more to the tin. Any new ones can go into a separate container. You always have the option of mixing them later if you so wish.
  14. Sword

    1889 Queen Victoria Crown + 1

    I just can't bring myself to spend a lot more on this "inverted 1" variety when it is now well known it is due to a filled die and so not a "true" variety. The correct thing to do is to delist it as a variety. But there is no inclination to do that of course.