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Everything posted by Sword

  1. I once left an absentee bid on a lot and ended up as underbidder. (My bid was well over the low estimate). The very same lot was offered for sale in the next auction again (obviously it wasn't actually sold first time round) and I was again under bidder after leaving another absentee bid. Believe it or not, it appeared again in the auction after that. There is no doubt in my mind that the auction house has allowed the vendor to set a reserve higher than the low estimate and was bidding on the vendor's behalf against me.
  2. Very nice with clean fields. A coin without significant bag marks is always impressive .
  3. It is anyone's guess whether they will have live bidding though.
  4. Sword

    Literature for beginners

    You have probably got enough to get started. I like the British Silver Coins since 1816 by Peter J Davies which is much more detailed regarding varieties than Spink. It was published in 1982 and gives the die pairings known at the time.
  5. Might be there is just some misunderstanding. I assumed that the original sentence wasn't written by anyone on the forum. It is a caption to a cartoon pasted in from somewhere. This is an informal forum and people don't always have the time to proof-read their posts. I don't go round pointing out typos / spellings mistakes made by others on the forum and I am certain I have made many over the years.
  6. Now in excess of £18 million raised!
  7. I guess we have a different tolerance towards English usage. To be honest, I am not particularly convinced that commas must be used in the sentence I wrote. The original sentence is somehow different in my view as it contains errors ("your" instead of "you're", "isolateing" instead of "isolating" and the absence of capital letters for "we" and "tom") that are not socially acceptable. I believe that the usage of the Oxford comma is stylistic in nature. It is not technically wrong to omit it even if the sentence is clearer by using it. If a sentence is unclear, then rephrasing it might be a better option than inserting an Oxford comma.
  8. We have discussed the Oxford comma already. I believe it is optional.
  9. Are we supposed to laugh at the cartoon or the linguistic mistakes in the sentence or both? 😀 Truly amazing achievement Captain Moore! 12.3 million raised already. It's the best news story for such a long time.
  10. Sword

    Charles I Half crown ID

    Thanks very much gents! Really pleased to learn that the coin has some provenance. Cliff, I will send you my e-mail address by PM. Sword.
  11. Sword

    Charles I Half crown ID

    Thanks. I am very pleased with it particularly as it is round and all struck up. I didn't realise it could the the Bull 212b / 28 plate coin. Would it be possible to post the images in Bull for a comparison? Would love to be able to establish some provenance.
  12. Sword

    Charles I Half crown ID

    I hope it's OK if I post mine for a comparison of mint mark. I love the S2773 and it is the very first hammer coin I brought. Rob very kindly told me at the time that he thought there is a trace of portcullis underneath the bell. Any more thoughts?
  13. Sword

    Charles I Halfcrown Type 2a

    That's a really nice round flan and all details fully struck up. Nice!
  14. As expected, the Maundy coins were posted to the recipients by Royal Mail. The coins were blessed at the Chapel Royal before posting and the recipients would also be welcome at next year's service. They each received the following letter from the Queen.
  15. The King holding scissors instead of sword variety.
  16. I think there could be some truth in these T-shirts:
  17. A related and simpler problem. You are in a boat with a lead weight. (See diagram. Imagine you are standing next to the weight). The Initial level of water was noted. You throw the lead weight overboard so that it sink to the bottom. What would happen to the water level?
  18. Would it stay exactly the same though since everyone is worried about raising sea levels due to the melting of ice caps?
  19. An old puzzle. You have one or more ice cubes in a glass of water. You use a pen to mark the initial water level. Then you let the ice melt completely. Would the new water level be higher or lower then before? (The red wordings read "original water level")
  20. I am just hopeless with word puzzles. Long live logic and calculation challenges!
  21. I think both spellings can be used but queuing has got more popular in recent decades. "Queueing can also be used as the continuous form" according to online Collins dictionary. Frequency in which the two spelling occur in books over the year.
  22. One of the must have 2020 coin must be the Brexit 50p. Am I alone in thinking that the proposed design is just exceedingly poor. "Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations" is just some sort of incredibly lame and meaningless sentence. Surely, the Royal Mint could have produced a "British" design that is tasteful, encouraging and can be admired by both Brexiteers and former Remainers, Remainers etc. They really should leave out the date as well - that's not necessary in my view. My top choice would be a detailed engraving of the Parliament and the Thames. Something looking like: A crown size piece is needed to do it justice. One of my regrets is that we never made a cityscape coin. This would be the ideal time to make one. I did also thought about the merits of bringing back a classical design like the Gothic crown reverse. However, it is important to look forward and not back and so I think we should do something new. Any ideas on a design? (Let's not get heated discussions on the pros and cons of Brexit since it is definitely going to happen later in the month. And no more shooting in the foot design since we had seen them already. 😃 )