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Everything posted by Sword

  1. Didn't think the BBC would be that desperate.
  2. It certainly makes the set more interesting and stand out from the other routine year sets 🙂 Despite not a fan of modern year sets, I have got to say that the designs do look rather nice this time.
  3. I thought "March" could be referring to the town of March. But I don't what the record refers to.
  4. eat and past tense is ate
  5. That medal is not mine. I got an OBE first type instead and it was awarded to the industrialist James Carter Gray. The auction were selling his items and there was a silver salver too. Churchill recommended him for the award and sent him a signed letter of congratulations. The letter was sold at a specialist auction and went for a four figure sum.
  6. I assume the likely option is to post them with a message from the Queen saying that she deeply regrets she is unable to distribute the coins this year. The monarch used to send such messages when the recipients of awards cannot be present at the ceremonies at Buckingham Palace.
  7. By the way, did anyone manage to get a Brexit 50p in your change? I haven't but I have handled very little change in the last few months.
  8. Thanks! I enjoyed doing that.
  9. I tried to write out all the permutations and eliminate. All the RR or GG for student 2 have been eliminated and so I would make it RG for student 2. RR RR GG GG RR RG RG GG RR RG GG RG RR GG RR GG RR GG RG RG RR GG GG RR RG RR RG GG RG RR GG RG RG RG RR GG RG RG RG RG RG RG GG RR RG GG RR RG RG GG RG RR GG RR RR GG GG RR RG RG GG RR GG RR GG RG RR RG GG RG RG RR GG GG RR RR
  10. The puzzle didn't say that each musician cannot part with their beloved instrument.
  11. Man takes rabbit across. Then goes back and take dog across. Take Rabbit on second journey back. Leave Rabbit and take cabbage across. Go back and take Rabbit across.
  12. C with D (10 minutes) D returns without his instrument (1 min) B and A (2 minutes) A returning (1 minutes) A and D without his instrument (1 mins) And you have 2 minutes to spare!
  13. He might think that the barber with the neat hair cut used the other barber since there are only two of them in town.
  14. No, that's not quite your style. If it came from Paddy, I might have done. :-)
  15. You can try to get as much of the string to be in contact with the ice as possible. Might be start off a water that's a bit cooler. Trial and error a few times? If that still doesn't work, I think after you have left the string in contact with the ice for a minute or two, you can dip more string into the water to wet it and place the wet string on the string already on the ice. This will help to dilute the salt water on the top of the ice more?
  16. (10 miles but that's not what the question was asking)
  17. London Coins crossed my mine too. I guess they might partner with Saleroom for online bidding.
  18. OK, if using additional substances is not cheating, then put some superglue on the table and then stick the egg to it 😀 Seriously, I am certain someone will come up with a proper method.
  19. Yes, that's the official answer. But not quite true of course as the poor can have many things that money can't buy. The rich crave for many things also. You can live connected to a drip without eating anything...
  20. It does work. Here is a video to prove it. I think the reason is as follows. The salt helps the ice to melt. Once some salt water is generated, it get diluted by the water already in the glass. The ice itself can be very cold, say -15 degrees and cause the water surrounding the string to refreeze.
  21. That's cheating somewhat. You didn't say you can use additional substances!