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Everything posted by Sword

  1. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Most of his buyers are probably not aware of the 2019 reissue of Kew Garden 50p. To be fair to him, he has given the date as 2019 in the description (under item specifics). Not mentioning the date in the title or that this is a " 50 years of the 50p " reissue is not ultra scrupulous. Can't understand how he can claim 100% feedback on over 4000 transactions whe his feedback rating is only 37.
  2. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I wonder if a fingerprint is more of a case of (extreme) uneven toning rather than a surface mark. A BU silver coin with one fingerprint has reduced eye appeal. However, a silver coin picking up say 50 finger prints on both sides prior to being saved from circulation could develop into really nice toning after 50 years.
  3. Sword

    Stephen Hawkings 50p

    Interestingly, Westminster is offering a BU version in non official packaging for £6.98. Hence, the Royal Mint must be offering non-packaged coins to them and not to the public at a much lower price. https://www.westminstercollection.com/p-488K/2019-UK-Stephen-Hawking-CERTIFIED-BU-50p.aspx?sn=v
  4. Sword


    Stunning architecture in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.
  5. In real life, many of us don't like arguments and a discussion on Brexit with someone "on the dark other side" probably won't be more than an exchange of a few mild sentences. Then you would agree to disagree. Only with friends of the same side would you talk about it longer. Strangely, things are different on a forum. Can I suggest we move this tread to Members Only? Let's not put off new members.
  6. That's of course just a trivial issue and can be hidden under some great red bus.
  7. Mike, I should have worded my post differently. But by saying the it was an attempt by the "hard left" to paint all the Brexiteers... , the thought which came to mind was that not everyone in the "hard left" have been doing that. If I am a member of the hard left (which I assume include Corbyn and his pals), I would be offended to read that. (I myself am definitely not hard left!!). To be honest, I haven't noticed, which probably sounds a bit naive. I guess I just don't want to chat with people with such extreme views.
  8. True democracy is when people are allowed to make informed choices. Imagine asking people to choose between a pile of sealed envelopes Politician A is holding and another pile of sealed envelopes Politician B is holding. ( OK, it was not exactly like that but there is some truth in this analogy). Are people not allowed to change their minds after a few of the envelopes have been opened? Is that undemocratic? Was it real democracy in the first place? Does the population today really prefer no deal Brexit or soft Brexit or Staying in? No one knows. Leave can mean different things to different people. Some voted for Brexit believing that they will get advantages of both worlds and believed we will be definitely better off. Might be enough of them have already changed their minds. A second referendum is not less undemocratic than the first as people are now better informed. The situation now is sufficiently different than the projections made in 2016.
  9. I honestly thought I had done a debxite and can leave this tread in peace. But I have to say this. If you think Chris is somehow guilty of some generalisation and stereotyping, aren't you also a little guilty of the same by your post above? I was really annoyed when the first referendum was called. I knew almost straight away the issues were so numerous and so complicated and I wouldn't be able to make an informed decision. The arguments and informaion you get in the media for Leave (from Bojo and others) and Remain (Project Fear) were obviously biased in the extreme, very incomplete and of questionable reliability. But no one had the time to do years of research and even then that would not be enough. I voted Remain for a simple reason. Leave will give us a decade of pain as a certainty. Nobody knows if we would be better of in say 30 years time. So why take the big punishment without certain gain? Even if Leave can be theoretically better in the long run, will we have the right type of politicans to realise its potential? People like BoJo and the "back stabbing" Mr Gove? I think not. You can of course argue that I am a simpleton and the average person is capable of making a more informed choice. But I will say this: there are no true expert when it comes to Brexit. For example, how many MPs or cabinet ministers foresaw that the Irish boarder would be such a big headache? Brexit is something unprecedented and people will have to find things out as the negotiations progress. Then again, I think I am probably not a simpleton and have been very fortunate to have received a privileged education (on a full grant and hence at the expense of the state). Hence I think it was wrong to hold that referendum as so many were not able to make fully informed choices. Some voted with their hearts, some with their guts and some on misconceptions or bad propaganda. This long trainsition period is bringing out the worse in everyone. People become suspicious and distrustful of others (prehaps even their friends) for not sharing their views. The division in the country might not heal in this generation. I think Cameron called the referendum to unite the Conservatives but it has only ended up dividing the nation deeply. Now I will make my debxite or debate exit. (At least for as long as I can resist)
  10. They are extremely attractive coins! Might buy one or two in the future.
  11. The thought that Leave would win AND a Remain politician would still be prime minister hardly crossed anyone's mind before the referendum. Quite naturally, most people expected a Leave prime minister if Leave wins. Remain were saying that's what Leave would do if they win. They meant that as a threat rather than their own policy if they lose the referendum but somehow win leadership. Remain never thought about what their policy would be in that situation. I know you will disagree and can of course understand your point of view. May should not have taken the job and it should have gone to a Brexiteer. But then Boris was huge bookmakers' favourite until he got betrayed.
  12. Johnson had a good chance until he was stabbed in the back by his friend Gove.
  13. The referendum options were a) remain in eu or b) leave the eu It doesn't say anything about the customs union. With hindsight, if option b) was leave eu AND the customs union, then it would be one less thing to argue about. It would be more straightforward if a Leave politician won the leadership contest and is prime minister. Then you can hold him to the promises made by the Leave campaign. May was remain and didn't make the brexit promises before the referendum. Some of the promises like the infamous battle bus slogan are not deliverable anyway. She spoke about her aspirations when she has got the job but has now failed. (But I do wonder what some Brexiteers would actually consider a good deal). She has now even said that the Uk can do well in the long run with no deal. But no deal has been refused by Parliament. There is now a real danger of a half baked Brexit that no one wants. Only the population can overrule parliament. Get a second referendum. No deal vs staying vs whatever. Use the alternative vote system if there are more than 2 brexit options. Talking about Brexit on a forum is like a bunch of Catholic priests debating with some Buddhist monks if the Sermon on the Mount has really taken place. Let's face it, it is unlikely that one side can convince the other.
  14. The petition for revoking article 50 got over 6 million signatures. May could have used it as the reason to propose a second referendum. She didn't and posted the response that "This government will not revoke article 50" days before the debates on 1st April. She did the same for the 2nd referendum petition and said "This government will not hold a second referendum"
  15. To be fair, May didn't deliberately tried to get a bad deal. She just couldn't get a good one. She wants to leave alright and tried to get her deal through 3 times, rejected a second referendum (because Remain might win), rejected revoking article 50 etc. The referendum only asked if people wanted to Leave and not how we will leave. So leaving but staying in the customs union still honours that result. The government is not blind to anything else promised by the Leave group. Beware that you might not get the Brexit you want.
  16. I think it is really sporting that remainers here have not mentioned that the Leave Campaign was fined for over spending and no one really know how much or little effect this over spending had on the results.
  17. Probably just arrogance and the possibility of defeat has hasn't seriously crossed his mind. Let's get this over and done with since I am going to win. May didn't thought she would never lose her majority either. There is one thing many politicians of all parties have in common: a large ego.
  18. Sword

    Latest 50p from the Royal Mint

    Brexit voting day in Parliament?
  19. My question was of course rhetorical. But I will ask another question. If the customs union was passed last night and the government decide to adopt it. Do you think the UK would still be better off than remaining? There would be no famous "trade deals with other countries" and we lose our say in the EU. Hardly what the Leave group promised. Most people did not envisaged we would be in our current situation when we voted nearly 3 years ago. It's it really undemocratic to ask the people if they really prefer the final leaving arrangments than staying? It is not stopping Brexit. It is to prevent us accepting a situation that the majority of the people do not want. I will go out and enjoy the nice weather. Must resist talking Brexit.
  20. It has been a long tradition that artists put their faces on their works. One of my favourites is Michaelangelo putting his face on the skin St Bartholonew is holding on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  21. Brexit is almost as effective in getting people angry on this forum as TPGs. I will say this before trying to stay away from this tread. I do strongly disagree with Brexiteers calling Remain MPs "traitors". Some are even claiming that MPs like Dominic Grieve are arrogant in thinking they are more intelligent and better informed than the people they represent. An MP is not some sort of brainless mouthpiece for his constituents. He has a duty to act and vote in the best interest of his constituents and the population at large. And yes, I do very much hope that our MPs are intelligent and well informed. Mr Grieve is a QC, was an attorney general, was the shadow Justice and Home Secretaries. Yes, I would say he is very well informed and undoubtedly very intelligent. He is pushing for a second referendum because he genuinely believe rightly or wrongly it is the best option for the country. I respect him a great deal more than someone voting along party lines as an easier way out. And if we don't like what our MPs are doing, we SACK them in the next general election. That is our system of our democracy. But I do object to calling principled politicians traitors. I ask people in favour of Brexit this question: If Remain won that referendum narrowly and there are MPs pushing for Brexit, would you call those MPs traitors? Probably not.
  22. It will take a long time and might involve a number of general elections. But eventually, we will have a government that has the trust of the public again. The UK and many other countries have bounce back from worst situations in the past! And here are some flying pigs: (And for those of us without young children, Peppa is very popular with kids) What does it look like? Is it rare? (I really don't know as I don't collect pennies )
  23. There are 73 UK MEPs and I can only find three who have previously served as Westminster MPs. They are: Nirj Deva, Jim Nicholson and Siôn Simon. Farage himself has never been an MP. The myth that many MPs do not want UK to leave the EU because they are hoping to become MEPs is simply not true. It is very sad that so many people (quite understandably) are suspicious of the motives of both Leave and Remain MPs. Like everyone else, I hope the Brexit issue can be resolved soon and that government can work towards regaining the faith of the people again.
  24. I was a teenager when Neil Kinnock lost the '92 general election to John Major. I hardly remember anything about his politics now but I recall he made a powerful and emotional farewell speech. The sentence "I will regret to my dying day my failure to lead you to victory, the victory you deserved.' left a very strong impression on me in particular. It was a dignified apology to his supporters. I just can't see Mrs May capable of saying that when she is forced to leaves office. Even if the calculations are accurate, it is saying that Kinnock Couple made £10 millions from the EU over 15 years. This figure includes £2.9 million for staff and offices and their £4.4 millions pensions. OK, it is questionable if people should be paid so much in the public sector. But like I say, senior "retired" politicians can make more than a million a year by making speeches etc. And they don't have to go to "work" everyday like Kinnock during his 10 years as EU commissioner / Vice President. The Kinnock couple could probably have made that money (or more) if they didn't work for the EU. There might be many reasons why MPs want the UK to stay in Europe. But hoping to get an EU job after retirement is just not one of them in my view.