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Everything posted by Gary1000

  1. Gary1000

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    No just the two slotted sides, the case is for storing LP's I'm sure the olds on here remember them, which I got from ebay.
  2. I was born in 54, wish I could remember where I put the mint roll of them.
  3. Gary1000

    Adjustment lines or not?

    The lines are straight and parallel, just been scraped along a surface, bar top/counter perhaps
  4. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    I just heard that the bit coin has over take the pound as being more stable.
  5. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    It's a pity political parties couldn't take a leaf out of the football clubs and get someone from abroad when they can't find a local worthy to lead. So we have a prime minister that noboby has voted for. Could only happen in europe.
  6. Gary1000

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At least the seller admits that it's contempory forgery which is more than most would.
  7. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Nicely polished though.
  8. Gary1000


    Happy Birthday
  9. Gary1000

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There's something familier about that picture. I think it has been lifted from somewhere.
  10. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    The UK market may have recovered in £ but is still well down in $.
  11. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Well their public face has got to be one of playing hardball, what goes on behind the schemes is another matter.
  12. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    When does the campaingn to blow the channel tunnel start.
  13. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    So you don't think he could be Trumps love child.
  14. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    I just hope Boris doesn't get any traction, my opinion of him since he joined the exit campaign has gone down quicker than the FTSE this morning. And as for Gove, he's broken everything he has touched.
  15. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Oh well looks like the first 2000 jobs are on the move to Dublin or Frankfurt.
  16. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    I see the knives are out for Corbin now. It's all coming home to roost.
  17. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Farage has already admitted on TV this morning that number was a mistake.
  18. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    The euro was at 1.25 when I looked earlier. My 84 year old mum is very pro exit, she can remember the war and is convinced that the Germans are taking over.
  19. Gary1000

    Euro 2016

    So no 48Hr extensions then
  20. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    All very true but I'm still struggling not to tar the UK politians with the same brush.
  21. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Surly these so called eurocrats are the EU version of our civil servants, we can get rid of them can we.
  22. Gary1000

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Faceless bureaucrats siting in Belgium or faceless bureaucrats siting in London, mmm let me think about this for a minute
  23. Gary1000

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    So he's a chancer, put'em on ebay to see if he gets a bite.