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Everything posted by Gary1000

  1. Gary1000


    I have 6. The proof like with the edge lettering either way up. The proof from the proof set with the edge lettering either way up. The VIP proof and an edge error.
  2. Gary1000

    Not another Churchill coin!

    To be followed by a Churchill £10 note. Another draw full of tat you can't shift.
  3. Gary1000

    Goldbergs Auctions problems

    I sometimes hava a similar problem with various sites and It turned out to be a Firefox thing. To fix it I press the 3 lines button in the right top corner, selected options, advanced, Network, settings and selected No proxy. For some reason Fixfox a few months ago automatically started using system proxy settings.
  4. I've got 1900 to 1967 but no way of make a good scan
  5. Agreed it looks like a plug but why would you pierce it just there as it would hang up side down and crooked at that.
  6. The latest fixed price catalogue has just dropped on my desk, looks like something to everyone in there.
  7. Gary1000

    London coins

    I think you must have got her on one of her better day. Looks like a matt proof to me as well.
  8. Gary1000

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And of course sending anything uninsured is at the sellers risk not the buyers.
  9. Gary1000


    I do wonder if at the end of an auction someone goesin with a better offer or tips the seller off that it's a rare variety so it never gets posted.
  10. Gary1000


    I've had this a couple of times and it usually happens when I've got something far too cheap. The seller will wait until you ask then immediatly give a refund.
  11. Gary1000

    A peaceful new year to all

    And from me too.
  12. Gary1000

    Sketches for charity

    Can you get a Springer to sit still for long enough on a scanner
  13. Gary1000

    Ebay Global shite programme

    Up until a year ago I would every evening do a 24 hour new listings search of British coins. Once the numbers got up to the level where they exceeded the maximum search number (10,000) I could no longer search the whole previous 24 hours, so I gave up.
  14. I'm of the opinion that the ridge often gets filled which is lest than helpfull in determining the type.
  15. Gary1000

    more FAKES

    I'm not sure about if they are fakes but he has definitly used completed auction photo's. That 1903 HC sold a few weeks back for £1500ish
  16. Gary1000

    one penny 1921 and 1967

    I would think one give away is that an off-metal strike is unlikely to have seen any circulation as it would have been hooked out as a curiousity almost immediatly.
  17. Are they not different companies? Baldwins are part of the Stanley Gibbons Empire, which includes SG, Noble, Baldwins, Dreweatts, Bloomsbury, etc. Spink are just Spink. Albeit international. What I don't understand is that with all their money they seem to have trusted their IT to an amateur ... Edit: And just for amusement I tried a simple search just now. After a minute of waiting it told me to log in. So I attempted ... Nothing. I disabled Active X filtering ... Still nothing. I put in my details, clicked "Login" and .. FA Been like that.. what, two years now? I did email a few times complaining but can't be arsed now. Pointless them having a website as far as I can see. . My mistake, I knew it began with S.
  18. . Are they not leaving it too their Baldwins arm to look after that sort of thing
  19. Gary1000

    1933 Penny

    But his 1933 penny barely looks like a penny let alone a good copy. That pattern is something else.
  20. Gary1000

    Your dream coin?

    Yes I think I'll order myself one from China as a gap filler.
  21. Gary1000

    Your dream coin?

    My dream coin would be the rocking horse crown in gold. It's the one in my 20th centry run of crowns that is just not going to happen.
  22. Gary1000

    1920 Penny

    As there is only one known and it's British Museum your chances of finding one are pretty slim.
  23. Gary1000

    1920 Penny

    It needs to look like this one.
  24. Gary1000

    2015 Commemoratives

    They must still have bags full of the last one, didn't they learn a lesson.