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Mr T

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Everything posted by Mr T

  1. Yes they finally got this back on line. Still incomplete though so I'd keep my eyes on it.
  2. Mr T

    1954 penny

    Do you remember which one of his papers?
  3. Apparently some of the strike your own 2025 George Orwell two pound coins have been struck with planchets with the wrong edge inscription. The edge is inscribed with IN SERVITIO OMNIUM instead of THERE WAS TRUTH AND THERE WAS UNTRUTH. Seems like it was the result of one morning's worth on strike your own coins at the Royal Mint. Possibly 60 to 100 struck?
  4. Mr T

    Excel spreedsheets

    Not sure about others but I just started with a blank spreadsheet and add a row for each coin I acquire. Not perfect (especially when trying to see where gaps are) but keeping track of what constitutes a complete set for some series is a challenge in itself.
  5. Excellent, will do secret santa. I'll look into that Rob though hopefully being in Australia won't an issue. Thanks all.
  6. Might be worth getting a copy of Davies to identify some of the varieties.
  7. A little late to this (I had it noted to come back to) but well spotted - I am still amazed that after all this time, more varieties keep coming out of the wood-work. When obverse 2* was discovered a few years ago I was surprised and thought that surely had to be it.
  8. Is there a .pdf of the Bernard Workman Collection auction available by any chance? I found https://auctions.sovr.co.uk/index.php?option=com_timed_auction&auction_id=26 but wanted something more offline.
  9. Need to log in to see I guess: https://coins.ha.com/itm/great-britain/great-britain-elizabeth-ii-proof-1-2-crown-1962-pr63-cameo-ngc-/a/3122-34640.s
  10. I don't follow proofs much but yeah I didn't think the Royal Mint struck many proofs in that era - maybe they were too busy getting ready for the move to Llantrisant.
  11. Not sure about the 2002 1/10oz - I feel like all these modern mules tend to get surprisingly little coverage - maybe because they're made for collector coins rather than circulating?
  12. Mr T

    South African 3p coins

    I thought the early ones were 80% silver but possibly the later ones were devalued to 50%. They should all be silver I believe.
  13. Mr T

    pattern 1961 50c piece

    Passed in at a recent Spink auction: https://live.spink.com/lots/view/4-FIVKOF/ngc-ms63-elizabeth-ii-halsbury-committee-of-inquiry-on-decimal-currency-una-and-the-lion-pattern-for-a-fifty-cent-piece-1961
  14. Mr T

    Victoria 1832, George III 1716, Anna 1703,

    Getting somewhat off topic but too right - I was telling a family member recently that there are some coins that money can't get you - only patience can.
  15. Mr T

    pattern 1961 50c piece

    Yes it's interesting - I can see why predecimal collectors wouldn't be interested, and even decimal collectors might not warm to it as there never ended up being a 50c piece.
  16. Ah, not sure why the links don't want to link - and editing tells me that I can't edit the links. edit: don't mind me - got them working one by one instead of all at once.
  17. Bit of a late addendum to this but I saw one for sale recently having completely forgotten about this discussion: https://www.drakesterling.com/great-britain-2014-proof-sovereign-unfinished-obverse-die-pcgs-pr69dcam-49827332 That's a PR69 ($1,950 AUD) but a a PR70 on eBay is listed for $9,824 AUD: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/395996106783?srsltid=AfmBOor8ObE0gPXpWPt6sVdeNc_GdrfHCxiG8iSAFyNExnT7lVl8hVI0 Apparently is happened again in 2015 and 2016 too which seems quite unusual: https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/38823-2014-mule-sovereign-anyone-know-how-many-of-these-error-coins-were-minted/
  18. Mr T

    Maundy 3 pence 1762 + 1836 4 pence

    Not a Maundy fourpence unfortunately - just a regular fourpence. I believe the Maundy fourpence had a different design at this point.
  19. Mr T

    Sovereign William IV 1837

    I'm no expert but the colour seems quite dull. What does it weigh?
  20. Looks like https://www.ngccoin.com/price-guide/world/italian-states-venice-scudo-km-143-1624-25-1629-cuid-1161875-duid-1495817 Not bad - seems to be worth close to twice the melt value even in quite worn condition.
  21. Mr T

    Wallace and gromit 50p

    Ah, there was a new Wallace and Gromit movie e out not long ago yes. I think with few exceptions modern commemoratives eventually settle back to issue price, so if you do want to realise the profit, I'd be doing it soon.
  22. Yes I don't remember this one either - filled die I'm guessing?
  23. Cyrpus had coins with roughly the same sizes as British silver coins (9 piastres was one shilling) and I read recently that Essequibo and Demerara were the same (one guilder was one shilling). Does anyone know of any other examples like this? I think most of the rest of commonwealth used the pound or some sort of dollar (where the half dollar usually seemed to be equivalent to a florin).
  24. Ah yes, I'd forgotten about those. Generally I stick to coins that have the King or Queen on them though. Not sure how they decided on whether to have that or not way back when.