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Everything posted by Mr_Stephen

  1. I'm thinking this one is a Class 1b? Can't even begin to make out the moneyer unfortunately, but keen to listen to any ideas...! This is now the oldest coin in my collection. A class 1b would be c1180-1185, meaning this was minted less than a century after the Domesday Book was written. I like this fact...
  2. Just bought this little chap for the princely sum of 99p. Now, I think it's likely he's a class 1c, which would fit with the idea of him being a Gefrei on London coin, but is there any possibility it's actually an Iefrei on London coin (class 1a-1b)? Certainly it *seems* 'degraded' enough to be a 1c, but I just wanted to be sure... Apologies for picture quality - they're from the ebay listing!
  3. Comparing it to my other croziered Durham coin (Ed 2) I note that the crozier appears betweent the final 'Durham' quarter and the first 'civitas' one. On this Ed 3 coin, this could not be the case and the crozier branch of the cross would have to appear halfway through 'civitas'. Was this the norm?
  4. A Durham Edward. Inexpertly photographed by myself. Reverse is clear, obverse less so. Whole thing is somewhat overly polished, too.
  5. The obverse is Edwardus Rex. You can just about make it out on the photo.
  6. Mr_Stephen

    John Penny

    Excellent! I think this is the first time I've correctly "guessed" one of my purchases!
  7. Hello! Back with another recent purchase - but I may have actually identified it for myself this time! I think this chap is a Shortcross Class 5b (Spink 1351), i.e. a King John. Any thoughts on that? And yes, there is a slight 'crack on flan'. He's literally in pieces.
  8. Mr_Stephen

    Edward IV or Edward V?

    Clive, cheers for the clarification!
  9. Whilst Spinking (again) I note that the only way of telling most Ed 4 halfpennies apart from the Ed 5 halfpenny is via the mintmark. The mm is, obviously, variable amongst the Ed 4s but can only be the half sun and rose for Ed 5. Now, as mine has the mm chunk removed (not my doing! Honest!) can it be definitely stated that it's not an Ed 5, or are there other ways of checking...?
  10. Whilst Spinking (again) I note that the only way of telling most Ed 4 halfpennies apart from the Ed 5 halfpenny is via the mintmark. The mm is, obviously, variable amongst the Ed 4s but can only be the half sun and rose for Ed 5. Now, as mine has the mm chunk removed (not my doing! Honest!) can it be definitely stated that it's not an Ed 5??
  11. I suppose it *could* be an Edward...but I can't decipher a single letter...
  12. Ah, on re-reading, two of the 3rd coinage contain nothing 'special' on the reverse. But in those cases the obverses don't match.
  13. Have been trying to match this coin up with one in my kindly donated Spink, but a query arises. Each Durham minted Ed 3 either has a crozier, a crown or pellet in the centre or the name Edward on the reverse. Yet mine appears to have none of these things! Any thoughts?
  14. Hi all! With the help of my trusty new Spink (thanks Clive!) I've tried to identify a hammered coin for the first time. See what you think. I'm going with a 1355A and a moneyer of Ravf. Not sure if that's London Ravf or Bury Ravf. Thoughts..?
  15. Mr_Stephen

    Henry III Halfpenny

    Rob, my Spink tells me Bury Rauf only minted up to 7a. I had been expecting a Class 6 coin to be honest as I thought the beard was pretty detailed and didn't appear as degraded as one might expect the later examples to be. Is it definitely moneyed by a Rauf then? I couldn't find any other moneyers who might fit the extant inscription.
  16. Quite a nice find, this. Or it is to me, anyway. I believe the obv is [henric]US REX III. As for the rev...well...it appears to end either ILV or TLV. Would this be 'LV' as in 'LVND'? If so, I'm having trouble working out the name of the moneyer. And if anyone had any ideas as to the class, well, that'd be pretty amazing!
  17. Mr_Stephen

    Henry III Halfpenny

    Well, that makes me the class clown! I had (once) known it was a longcross, but taking a few weeks off from anything coiny means I forgot that Henry IIIs come in two different (cross) flavours.
  18. Mr_Stephen

    Henry III Halfpenny

    Recataloguing my coins with the help of my old posts here (and my new Spink - thanks Clive!) I've come across this old one. Alth I thought said coin was a Henry, consensus that it's a class V would actually mean it's a John. Is consensus correct, or does anyone have any other suggestions?
  19. Hello! Couldn't turn down this little chap for £6 t'other day. The seller told me it was a Henry V and I have no reason to disbelieve him, but other than an annalet by the crown, a possible trefoil on the neck and a mint of York, I've not really got any way of identifying it myself due to the wearing away of the obverse text. Is anyone able to confirm it's a Henry V and, if so, what sort? Many thanks!
  20. Mr_Stephen

    Henry V?

    Thank you very much! And with regards to the Spink, am I to assume the 'parcel waiting' card heralds a wonderful arrival?
  21. Mr_Stephen

    Henry V?

    Hopefully this will look a little better!
  22. Mr_Stephen

    Henry V?

    Just noticed the somewhat dubious quality of the photo. This is the first time I've tried to take one with my new-fangled phone. Might have to stick with the old fashioned camera in future!
  23. Hello! Picked up a 'medieval halfpenny' for cheap recently and found it was a Richard II rather than the usual glut of Edwards. Which is nice! However, other than that it's 'civitas London' and of "Rich..d Rex Angl" I can't get much further with it. Can anyone help narrow down a year range that's not just '1377-1399'...? Many thanks! Stephen
  24. Quite a nice example, but unfortunately hugely overpolished by a previous owner. Frustratingly, I can't make out either the mintmarks or the date. Can anyone help on either front? Otherwise coin reads E[L]IZABETH·[D]·G·ANG·FR·[ET]·HI·REGINA // POSV DEVM AD IVTORE[M] MEV[M]
  25. Sadly not a great deal to go on re: the reverse. VGK? VCV? Not even sure where to begin on trying to identify mint or moneyer here. I do think that the name displayed is the moneyer as opposed to mint, though. I think the final letter of the semi circle is 'O' as in 'ON'. Can anyone help with this at all...?