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    Collects and supplies carefully selected British Coins from any era through www.jncoins.co.uk.

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  1. Peck, You are more articulate than me and have just presented the rub of it. However views do change, George VI and Elizabeth II pre-decimal were not popular in their time but are certainly increasingly viewed as collectable now. Your point about proofs is particularly apt. Surely a proof should be exciting, something to get the blood boiling, an unusual event. Not just the mint churning out thousands of coins because marketing has thought of a new angle. Take the 1927 proof set or if broken down individual coins, I still enjoy looking at them, checking how close to FDC they are, just knowing that relatively low numbers in production make them more interesting. The point about cost is a fair one. Think if that is a factor I might look at something else but perhaps that's just me. M
  2. A new proof should be immaculate. The original poster is not being pedantic. Of course with time the market is more forgiving. A question for me is why would anyone buy modern proofs? I do accept that, that is pandering to my own prejudices. So no criticism intended, but they just seem so boring and many. I'm sure someone can make a case. M
  3. You know Rob I can remember when the Daily Telegraph was like that, sadly no more. It has now become like the Daily Mail that I stopped buying in my mid twenties nearly forty years ago. I buy the FT for it's investment news and comment. Agree some of the columnists are of the liberal, metropolitan elite who are clearly bias. But that is virtually true of all main stream newspapers. Two of the best articles on Brexit I have read with no bias as far as I could see were in the FT. Just stating the facts as the writer saw it one way or another. Long may it continue. My online subscription is over £300 a year. I always ring them up on renewal and argue for a discount. It's coming to that time of year again. M
  4. Couldn't agree more. I can remember a time when a newspaper reported the news and you had to turn to an opinion page for something else. Now most journalists think they are important. M
  5. So Rob and Vicki, How many have you seen? Back of the envelope figure will do. Of those how many in high grade, say EF or above? Over what time period? MARK
  6. Interesting. Must say I was leaning toward very rare but hadn't considered your single die statement. What is certain these rarely come to market. Thanks for your thoughts they have cemented mine. Mark
  7. Hi Rob, Hope all is well, thanks for that. It is just a hard coin to get a handle on. I'm assuming its rarer than the 1843 but not the 1841. But have to confess that's just a gut feeling. Mark
  8. Hi, Struggling to get to the bottom of this after exhaustive research. Just how rare is the 1845 5 over 3. Spink catalogue says extremely rare, new spink has ? I know that in low grades the 5/3 could be hard to verify, but it is clearly discernible in high grade. Of course that just makes it harder. Any thoughts? Rob, anyone? Regards Mark
  9. As many will know we have been running a series of articles on the JNCoins website looking at the reign of George V. Chris (Peckris), who's knowledge of GV coinage is on a supperior level from probably most of us, has been writing the series for us. These articles in amended format have been running in Coin Monthly. Now Chris has revisited the fourth article, see the link below. http://www.jncoins.co.uk/JNC/en/content/25-gv This involves some fascinating speculation that you may feel you want to post comments upon, on this thread. I'm sure this will encourage Chris out of hibernation, something to be welcomed in itself. Kind regards Mark
  10. sound

    CGS UK & Ebay

    Its interesting that LCA attach a premium in estimates for CGS slabbed coins against similar non slabbed coins. You could say that they are just talking up their own book, well they cant be criticised for that. However perhaps they have identified a segment of the market that is willing to pay more for certainty. I'm finding that I'm frequently asked what grade a particular coin would be if graded by CGS. I politely explaind that we grade using the traditional method and that the two are not directly comparable. Having said that its here to stay. No doubt about it, more and more coins are being slabbed. As to the superiority of PCGS, well I don't buy that, particularly where British coins are concerned. If slabbing is your thing CGS don't seem to be inferior to anyone else. Having said that it is of course a matter of opinion as indeed is all grading. The old adage still applies 'let the buyer beware' hence the need to at least have a working knowledge of grading before buying any coin. Mark
  11. Richard, Interesting, I'm sure Chris will pick it up. By the way stunning penny site. First time I have seen it. Mark
  12. Hi, Peck's 4th article in the series is now up for those who have been following. Here's the link​: http://www.jncoins.co.uk/JNC/en/content/24-coinage-of-george-v-part-4 If you want to read the whole series, just go to the home page and click articles. As a matter of interest an amended series is being run in Coin News based on the articles on the JNCoins web site. Mark ​
  13. Rob, I think you make an interesting point as to toning with 1911's. Often wondered why this should be. Makes sense. M
  14. Sword, As to your original question. I just think its a matter of taste. I have noticed that some 1911 silver proofs with blue green lustre are stunning and attract a premium. If a coin develops toning with lustre and eye appeal why should it be cheaper than a coin with original brilliance? Of course with copper and bronze its different, the market gives a premium rating to original brilliance. M
  15. Mr T, Outstanding post if I may say so. That's just what needed doing. This thread could prove a point of reference that will be most useful. Perhaps what's needed are pictures by type. Can anyone get that started. Mark