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Paddy last won the day on February 17

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About Paddy

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  • Birthday 09/09/1958

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    Devon, England
  • Interests
    British Pre-decimal Milled and Hammered coinage. Some decimal and foreigh coins.

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  1. Paddy

    I’m new to collecting

    Good advice from @jelida and welcome to the forum. Another source of relatively cheap coins is local auctions. You can often buy box loads for only a few pounds. There probably won't be anything valuable in there, but it willl give you experience in sorting, identifying and grading coins. I find sorting through a large pile of coins strangely rewarding, even if there is little in there of much interest.
  2. Paddy

    eBay’s new “Buyer Protection” 😳

    I gave up selling on Ebay 7 years ago and nothing here encourages me to return! Buying is also a rare occurrence as there is so much fraud and fakery to deal with.
  3. Paddy

    Coppers / misc

    The only thing against it being a shove ha'penny is that usually the reverse was ground off, not the obverse.
  4. Paddy

    Coppers / misc

    Looks to be a halfpenny ground down on one side to play shove ha'penny.
  5. Paddy

    James I beyond North & ‘Spink’?

    I can't help you with the texts beyond those you have mentioned, but just for interest here is my James I sixpence. It holds my space for that monarch as the best bust I have had, even though the edge is rather irregular. I believe S2670, 1623, MM Lis:
  6. Paddy

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    I am surprised the 1810 third Guinea has garnered so many likes - it looks too rough for me! I like this Victoria 1872 Sovereign much more. I bought it originally during my dealing days and sold it straight on to a friend. A few years later, he needed cash and offered it back to me at the original price. Gold had gone up substantially in the meantime, so I gave him more but I think it was still a good deal and I have kept it since then.
  7. Paddy

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    It would be interesting to see what you have. I don't really collect gold, although I have a few odds and ends. I know from my market days many "guineas" brought to me were actually 19th century gaming tokens in brass, loosely imitating the by then defunct guinea coins. The only pre-sovereign British gold coin I have is this third guinea from 1810:
  8. Paddy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would guess AI generated.
  9. Paddy

    Hammered coin for ID please

    Yes, I know. I tried posting there and kept getting "403 error" so I tried here instead and had no problem.
  10. Paddy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I don't think it is a repro. Picture still has some of the Sovereign rarities border! Just a fraudster trying it on.
  11. Paddy

    Coppers / misc

    Speaking of which, has anyone found a reasonably priced source of Verdicare in the UK? Just done a Google search. All hits are posted from the US or Australia at vast expense. I spotted a "Curator Verdigris fluid" but when I chatted with them it turns out it is for adding a Verdigris effect to copper! Completely opposite from what we want.
  12. Hi H, both the last two are Florins = 2 shillings each. Previous post also - One florin = two shillings, not vice versa. Life is one big learning curve! The day you stop learning is the day you die, and even that may not be true. If there is an afterlife, what wonders might we learn there?
  13. Paddy

    Excel spreedsheets

    I have sent Mike a copy of my spreadsheet direct. @mikeweatherley@gmail.com, please let me know if you don't get it.
  14. Paddy

    Hammered coin for ID please

    Thanks for that, and stand easy please. I spotted it coming up at a non-coin specialist auction, incorrectly labelled as a "Charles II hammered coin"! I was considering bidding on it if it turned out to be Henry IV or something else scarce, but I suspected Henry VI. I left it - hammer price was £40 this morning. Thanks for the info and I am relieved I left it.
  15. Paddy

    Hammered coin for ID please

    Not sure if this will help as the reverse picture is even worse: